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It was an utter chaos: An Indian blogger reflects on Operation Swift Retort


Dec 24, 2015
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Source: Defense Update India

Which PAF aircraft is the biggest threat for the Indian Air Force?

Our SU-30 pilots couldn’t talk with the ATC, Abhinandan, in his MiG-21 couldn’t hear a thing. The AEW&C aircraft tried to contact him to tell him disengage and return to his base, he couldn’t hear anything. The jammers, were just too powerful, they could have jammed our ground based radars too, and there would be no burn-through, their jammers are too powerful, they’d have to come very close to our radars so that the jamming becomes ineffective, the MiGs and Sukhoi’s were flying without any ability to communicate with each other, they had to rely on their jamming resistant radars so that they could get an idea of what was happening. It was utter chaos, this gave the Pakistani Air Force a lot of time to bomb the targets and get away.

The Indian Air Force does not have any dedicated jamming aircraft, India relies on its fighters for jamming. Our aircraft, when going for a sortie have to carry missiles, bombs and fuel, this means that their payload after putting all of the things is limited, that means, India can not put very heavy and powerful jammers on the aircraft, giving them a short range and limited capabilities. The Pakistanis, on the other hand, use civilian business jets which do not need to carry missiles or bombs or anything else, they only have to carry fuel and their EW equipment, this means that they can carry very powerful jammers giving them a very long range and a lot of capabilities. Pakistan is about 5 or so years ahead of India in Electronic Warfare and what I call ‘asymmetric methods’.

But one thing is seriously concerning, PAF was aware about problems in IAF.
We all know how communication plays an important role in defence. They had information that IAF doesn’t use secure comms. And hence, they managed to strike this critical element. And successfully excecuted their plan of Hit And Run.
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The guy is an idiot. After accepting the sheer state of chaos on their side, he still believes in the F-16 BS.

```It was the luck of IAF when Wg Cdr Abhinandan managed to splash the F-16 within its range. But we lost our aircraft over enemy territory. This was happened due to lack of communication between airspace controller and pilot. He was not aware about his location and caught in the bait. All this was a result of jamming by Falcon 20. Therefore, this EW aircraft in service with Pakistan is surely a threat for IAF```
The guy is an idiot. After accepting the sheer state of chaos on their side, he still believes in the F-16 BS.

```It was the luck of IAF when Wg Cdr Abhinandan managed to splash the F-16 within its range. But we lost our aircraft over enemy territory. This was happened due to lack of communication between airspace controller and pilot. He was not aware about his location and caught in the bait. All this was a result of jamming by Falcon 20. Therefore, this EW aircraft in service with Pakistan is surely a threat for IAF```

That line has to be repeated to salvage some pride; even if the entire world laughs at the silly notion of IAF downing a PAF jet.
That line has to be repeated to salvage some pride; even if the entire world laughs at the silly notion of IAF downing a PAF jet.

What they claim doesn't make any sense to anyone in the world except the Indians.

On one side, they are saying that the Jammers were too powerful, awacs knew that the Migs are coming, flankers were completely blind, and still, they put forward this absurd claim of shooting something for which the mig was a sitting duck.

It's just like saying that a baby sheep has killed a mighty lion by grabbing him from his neck.
Pakistan is stronger then India if you take off your deceptive glasses and see things clear and see India with a microscope. You will spot alarming weaknesses, disunity, lack of patriotism, lack of passion and unwillingness. You will find 30-40 different ethnicities with different languages and customs forced together into one tight room
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If u beleive the post written by anonymous ppl on quora...

u shud believe the whole damn sh#t haha...

this blogger has no idea abt special mission aircrafts on IAF disposal...
what a parody and desperation.. the poster pulled out something written by some random joe in quora.

The post was suppose to give some feel good moments to few here, but one line really spoiled all the happiness.
What they claim doesn't make any sense to anyone in the world except the Indians.

On one side, they are saying that the Jammers were too powerful, awacs knew that the Migs are coming, flankers were completely blind, and still, they put forward this absurd claim of shooting something for which the mig was a sitting duck.

It's just like saying that a baby sheep has killed a mighty lion by grabbing him from his neck.

Also let's not forget that they managed to shoot down a military helicopter, the fact that it was their own is of little concern.
what a parody and desperation.. the poster pulled out something written by some random joe in quora.

The post was suppose to give some feel good moments to few here, but one line really spoiled all the happiness.
And you keep on moaning, by the way show us one prove where abhinandan actually claimed that he has shot down an F16. there must be a super weapon IAF posses with all the missiles intact.

On the other hand what ever we did we provided a documentary prove an that is a difference between a rag tag airforce and a professional airforce.

I was laughing when the three idiots were moaning about the use of amraam that shows their level of professionalism and what happened to the claim of other amraams lying some where in the war zone did they manage to recover any thing...zilch.
Indian always try to proof black is white.
Such kind of mistake happens when one overestimate or underestimate itself.

To me, IAF case was overestimation and they got two down.

However, we must not under estimate opponent and prepare ourselves for any situation that can be arise from cunning enemy.
And you keep on moaning, by the way show us one prove where abhinandan actually claimed that he has shot down an F16. there must be a super weapon IAF posses with all the missiles intact.

On the other hand what ever we did we provided a documentary prove an that is a difference between a rag tag airforce and a professional airforce.

I was laughing when the three idiots were moaning about the use of amraam that shows their level of professionalism and what happened to the claim of other amraams lying some where in the war zone did they manage to recover any thing...zilch.
F 16 or Su 30 MKI shootdown claims are all big farts without any evidence by either of the airforces .. what PAF had to its credit is MIG 21 downing .. feel happy about it
IMO, after interacting with indian members on few forums, i think the issue with indians (specially the keyboard warriors) they think that they are experts and knows everything, someday they will become economic experts making india superpower, than say how they are better than chinese, than how much successful they are in US, than someday military experts.

The reality is they can't differentiate between knowledge and information.
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