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It is nor Radical Islam, It's radical countries and it's people culture


Nov 18, 2010
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Hope to see some honest and gutsy discussion here:
In that spirit- I have often wonder why we call it radical Islam? It's more so radical countries and its people culture that use their incorrect interpretation of the religion . We should identify with people and country ( governance that fosters such) and not religion to be honest. It's radical Pakistan and Pakistani's , radical Somali's and Somalian's, Radical Saudia and Suadi's and not radical Turkey, Bangladesh, or India or Qatar or several peaceful , successful majority Muslim populated countries .

The world's radicals are festering in a handful of countries - how then can you paint a broad brush and call it radical Islam. In Europe , In UK you have same suspect group of people form the same suspect small group of countries that demand their radical interpretations be integrated into western , largely atheist or Judea Christian democracies. It's probably driven , well I'm sure largely because of poverty or more so poor home- follow up education ( parents take no interest or are undereducated themselves) in those countries that allow it's majority to accept these false teachings- So call them out not Islam .

jay- the atheist.
Well, you have to admit certain religion is more easily radicalized. There is no such thing as a radical Buddhist while there are plenty of radical Muslims. You can also consider the evangelical as "radical", as these people were the ones who preached for the Iraq War and is calling for Iran War now.

The radicalization problem in a religion is caused by the cleric, so you need some "quality control" on clerics to fix this problem.
Well, you have to admit certain religion is more easily radicalized. There is no such thing as a radical Buddhist while there are plenty of radical Muslims.

One man's Radical is another man's Freedom Fighter, Genius.

Putting labels on people does little to solving world's serious problems.....
Hope to see some honest and gutsy discussion here:
In that spirit- I have often wonder why we call it radical Islam? It's more so radical countries and its people culture that use their incorrect interpretation of the religion . We should identify with people and country ( governance that fosters such) and not religion to be honest. It's radical Pakistan and Pakistani's , radical Somali's and Somalian's, Radical Saudia and Suadi's and not radical Turkey, Bangladesh, or India or Qatar or several peaceful , successful majority Muslim populated countries .

The world's radicals are festering in a handful of countries - how then can you paint a broad brush and call it radical Islam. In Europe , In UK you have same suspect group of people form the same suspect small group of countries that demand their radical interpretations be integrated into western , largely atheist or Judea Christian democracies. It's probably driven , well I'm sure largely because of poverty or more so poor home- follow up education ( parents take no interest or are undereducated themselves) in those countries that allow it's majority to accept these false teachings- So call them out not Islam .

jay- the atheist.

It was nice to see a non muslim trying to implicate Pak and take out Islam but dude as you mentioned the name Islam let me just enlighten you about this great religion in one line..Contrary to world slogan that its islam that teaches this violent jihad according to Islam the greatest jihad's is against one's own self and against one's greed and mischievous ambitions and aims..
One man's Radical is another man's Freedom Fighter, Genius.

Putting labels on people does little to solving world's serious problems.....

so blowing up people all over the world and 911 was freedom fighting? TTP are freedom fighters?

It was nice to see a non muslim trying to implicate Pak and take out Islam but dude as you mentioned the name Islam let me just enlighten you about this great religion in one line..Contrary to world slogan that its islam that teaches this violent jihad according to Islam the greatest jihad's is against one's own self and against one's greed and mischievous ambitions and aims..

I never knew being a non Muslim disqualifies logical thinking. Why be afraid to accept that practically every terrorist plan or actions has roots in Pakistan. Why are we willing to read everyday that 99 percent of times that so and so attackers were trained in Pakistan and yet be baffled or feign an objection when we plainly speak what is widely reported. Look even China today said their terrorist get trained in Pakistan. Why be afraid of the plain truth? In France we have the Algerians creating the problem not the religion.
I never knew being a non Muslim disqualifies logical thinking. .

Its common sense when you havnt read a religion you cant say anything true about it..

Besides its not a religious forum therefore i guess this thread should be closed you can come on religious forums to discuss further but as i mentioned above Islam has nuthing to do with wateva is goin on in the world at the moment...what islam had to do with US dropping nukes on japan and india oppressing kashmiris in kashmir for decades..Its all about national interests and world glory and religions especially islam focus on life after death something most of you has no idea of...

Have you ever wondered who are the people who actually allowed a church of satan...

Church of Satan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Church of Satan: The Official Web Site

Who are these satanists fighting against..Not hindus or jews they are all against muslims and this alqaida is basically alciada...

but still this is not the forum to discuss it ...
There is no such thing as radical Islam/muslims period. If you indians mean praying 5 times a day
is radical than all muslims should be radical.
Its common sense when you havnt read a religion you cant say anything true about it..

Besides its not a religious forum therefore i guess this thread should be closed you can come on religious forums to discuss further but as i mentioned above Islam has nuthing to do with wateva is goin on in the world at the moment...what islam had to do with US dropping nukes on japan and india oppressing kashmiris in kashmir for decades..Its all about national interests and world glory and religions especially islam focus on life after death something most of you has no idea of...

Have you ever wondered who are the people who actually allowed a church of satan...

Church of Satan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Church of Satan: The Official Web Site

Who are these satanists fighting against..Not hindus or jews they are all against muslims and this alqaida is basically alciada...

but still this is not the forum to discuss it ...

you know merely taking the time to read thread would save you from posting . the contention I made is Islam does not have to do with it's countries ( handful) and people like you- who off on a tangent.
I agree with you. I mean in reality Pakistan in its elections rarely has more than 2 to 3% of a vocal minority that votes for religious parties and people are often critical of Pakistan. Whereas in India we have a significant number voting for BJP which follows Hindutva and makes India the epicentre of Hindu terrorism. The BJP also have been in govt
I agree with you. I mean in reality Pakistan in its elections rarely has more than 2 to 3% of a vocal minority that votes for religious parties and people are often critical of Pakistan. Whereas in India we have a significant number voting for BJP which follows Hindutva and makes India the epicentre of Hindu terrorism. The BJP also have been in govt

Well BJP doesn't take jihad meekly so that's why they are liked. Unfortunately, secularists have turned our country into another Europe in terms of loosening the grip.

But that is what you get here. That's the deal. Take it or leave it.

Its common sense when you havnt read a religion you cant say anything true about it..

Besides its not a religious forum therefore i guess this thread should be closed you can come on religious forums to discuss further but as i mentioned above Islam has nuthing to do with wateva is goin on in the world at the moment...what islam had to do with US dropping nukes on japan and india oppressing kashmiris in kashmir for decades..Its all about national interests and world glory and religions especially islam focus on life after death something most of you has no idea of...

Have you ever wondered who are the people who actually allowed a church of satan...

Church of Satan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Church of Satan: The Official Web Site

Who are these satanists fighting against..Not hindus or jews they are all against muslims and this alqaida is basically alciada...

but still this is not the forum to discuss it ...

WOAH! slow down, mate. Muslims attacked and exiled non-Muslims in the valley and wanted to separate a part of our country after attempting to Islamize it. Now you don't expect us to take that lying down do you? Say tomorrow Balochistan converts to Christiantiy en masse and wants to become a separate nation (it does even now despite being Muslims, but that's different scenario) and kill those who don't convert, I am sure you would react the same way.

Displacing the local community by ethnic cleansing is no excuse and will be dealt with an iron fist. In fact, our secularist weak government has been too soft on them. But in the end, both the Hindus and our Buddhists as well as Sikhs will return to Kashmir soon.
Well BJP doesn't take jihad meekly so that's why they are liked. Unfortunately, secularists have turned our country into another Europe in terms of loosening the grip.

But that is what you get here. That's the deal. Take it or leave it.

WOAH! slow down, mate. Muslims attacked and exiled non-Muslims in the valley and wanted to separate a part of our country after attempting to Islamize it. Now you don't expect us to take that lying down do you? Say tomorrow Balochistan converts to Christiantiy en masse and wants to become a separate nation (it does even now despite being Muslims, but that's different scenario) and kill those who don't convert, I am sure you would react the same way.

Displacing the local community by ethnic cleansing is no excuse and will be dealt with an iron fist. In fact, our secularist weak government has been too soft on them. But in the end, both the Hindus and our Buddhists as well as Sikhs will return to Kashmir soon.

Dumboo kashmir was a muslim majority state in 47 as well ...correct yr facts...in last 64 years india has been tryin to increase nonmuslim population but without any success...

but yr silence at church of satan thing clearly shows what yu guys actually are..
Dumboo kashmir was a muslim majority state in 47 as well ...correct yr facts...in last 64 years india has been tryin to increase nonmuslim population but without any success...

but yr silence at church of satan thing clearly shows what yu guys actually are..

Go back fight the fight man. Take up arms and go to the border- next flight out!. Because when 1/3 of the country is not under Pakistani's jurisdiction , how the hell will you handle Kashmir- they need your elegant speech to keep that hope going ? :D why under the rules of church of satan brave pakistani? why live under the constitution and rules of a majority Judea Christian country? you live off the scraps of the church of satan-- don't sell yourself brother. Fly back and fight the fight for Pakistan in Kashmir!
Go back fight the fight man. Take up arms and go to the border- next flight out!. Because when 1/3 of the country is not under Pakistani's jurisdiction , how the hell will you handle Kashmir- they need your elegant speech to keep that hope going ? :D why under the rules of church of satan brave pakistani? why live under the constitution and rules of a majority Judea Christian country? you live off the scraps of the church of satan-- don't sell yourself brother. Fly back and fight the fight for Pakistan in Kashmir!

Son flags doesnt always tell the right palce Im in spain at the moment and the business we do in states infact gives plenty income tax to govt and we ofcourse aint living at anybody's scraps..

Coming to topic well we have seen how much love for truth you have and how yu can always distort truth to serve yr point..

And yup dude we are fighting and as you dun know these days its not necessary to pick arms to fight..The way US govt changed its stance on saeed's bounty in 24 hrs tells the untold stories and depite all pressure tactics US is unable to make pak open their supply route ...Change in Pak approach is visible and will be more vivid in coming times lets just get rid of this zardari gettin kashmir without picking arms aint a big deal...we know how to play son and we are the one's who ruled you hindus for centuries and yr ancestors were used to bow infront of my ancestors day in and day out...thats yr past and future is not gonna be any different...incase you are wondering I m a moghul with direct lineage from shahjahan whose Tajmahal is the only thing yr poor country has...and still a big source of income to yr naked,hungry masses...
Son flags doesnt always tell the right palce Im in spain at the moment and the business we do in states infact gives plenty income tax to govt and we ofcourse aint living at anybody's scraps..

Coming to topic well we have seen how much love for truth you have and how yu can always distort truth to serve yr point..

And yup dude we are fighting and as you dun know these days its not necessary to pick arms to fight..The way US govt changed its stance on saeed's bounty in 24 hrs tells the untold stories and depite all pressure tactics US is unable to make pak open their supply route ...Change in Pak approach is visible and will be more vivid in coming times lets just get rid of this zardari gettin kashmir without picking arms aint a big deal...we know how to play son and we are the one's who ruled you hindus for centuries and yr ancestors were used to bow infront of my ancestors day in and day out...thats yr past and future is not gonna be any different...incase you are wondering I m a moghul with direct lineage from shahjahan whose Tajmahal is the only thing yr poor country has...

setting aside all the gibberish you posted. It takes some talent to do such a great job at it- because past 4 wars showed us your credibility in claiming perceived success . Setting that aside- You started by saying I don't know about flags and your real location. yet you confess to wearing the Judea christain flag in here and do business with the church of Satan? Come on- travelocity.com direct flights to the homeland to fight the fight everyday and sometimes twice on Sunday :)
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