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UK and US should join hands with Russia in war against radical Islam: Tony Blair

but when some countries threatens others they start crying to their daddy to take action against them thats not how real nation react :sarcastic:these are the action of hijra nation being 3 time bigger and powerful no need to run to ur daddy america or russia face it like a great nation on the chin buddy
every body knows who is US lapdog... allowing US for drone attack on own people. . best example for hijra..
No seriously I am not trolling.
U need to realise the gravity of situation.

Ur 2 journalists have been shot recently,these brainwashed jihadis need to be controlled

those who called themselves jihadies are fuc*ing retards ... nothing to do with islam..
in Pakistan what you are seeing is something bigger than our imagination ....
even in war ( a muslim ) should not act as animals by killing innocents , women , children , old people's and also not to destroy property .. those are as simple as it state ..but calling Islam as radical is so dis respectful for those 1.5 billion muslims around world who are not with them ...
If you are talking about hamid mir than for first time I thank to jihadies to do something good :D
those who called themselves jihadies are fuc*ing retards ... nothing to do with islam..
in Pakistan what you are seeing is something bigger than our imagination ....
even in war ( a muslim ) should not act as animals by killing innocents , women , children , old people's and also not to destroy property .. those are as simple as it state ..but calling Islam as radical is so dis respectful for those 1.5 billion muslims around world who are not with them ...
If you are talking about hamid mir than for first time I thank to jihadies to do something good :D
I won't comment for the fear of offending u
most probably the reply would be expected ... if you comment remain within resfectful and formal language it wont offend me
u will be
Its zia ul haq's curse on pakistan.
The books that u read have shaped u guys,no amount of reasoning can change that now.

Its just imprinted there
By more intervention?

Exactly,they're trying to extinguish a fire by poring gasoline on it.For every radical killed in the Caucasus by Russia,2 will take his place in anger,for every radical killed by the US in -insert random intervention across the globe- 2 will take his place.Root them out in your own countries but let them be in their countries or stop occupying their ancestral lands (see Russia).
Yes Tony Blair, a man hated throughout his own country the UK. A pathalogical liar, *** kisser and delusional megalomanic.

There is remarkably some truth in what he says.
Yes Tony Blair, a man hated throughout his own country the UK. A pathalogical liar, *** kisser and delusional megalomanic.

There is remarkably some truth in what he says.
Apparently he had an affair with Rupert Murdoch's wife if you are to believe the tabloids,
What if i were to tell you more then half of the radical Islam we see today is due to the cold war i.e Western and Russian meddling in muslim countries? Primarily due to Russia :woot::woot:
it has to stop....
don't u think so...russia or not.......
u happy with what TTP is doing in ur country.......I doubt that.....
am I happy with things going in india ..no certainly not.....
every thing a indian say on this forum should nt be taken as negative......

yea all the radical people hindu christian or muslims i think US and UK should liberate india from these radical hindus first then talk about radical islam :cheers:
hindus did nt went to destroy WTC and killed 5000+ people..
hindus didn't killed innocent in london blasts...
in spain there were no hindus involved in blasts...
in mumbai no hindu was involved....
in delhi serial blast no hindus were involved....
in mumbai 1991 serial blasts no hindu was involved....

there are 1000's of cases that I can keep up ...wanna hear mate.....:cheers:
Exactly,they're trying to extinguish a fire by poring gasoline on it.For every radical killed in the Caucasus by Russia,2 will take his place in anger,for every radical killed by the US in -insert random intervention across the globe- 2 will take his place.Root them out in your own countries but let them be in their countries or stop occupying their ancestral lands (see Russia).

That is a very stupid and unrealistic line of thinking and is peddled as truth by leftist media because it fits their ideology.

In real life, if you don't counter naked aggression with aggression, the aggressor considers you to be weak and ratchets up his aggression. History is full of this behaviour Hitler, Stalin or even Putin are example.
what we need is a decisive "what islam is the right islam" and evey other "radicalized" islamic thought to be wiped out by the moderate or "peace loving" islamists themselves. If they do not do it, others will have to do it for them and it will create even more radicalized muslims.

Hey, I know, Why don't we have the US funded and backed mullahs give fatwas again saying that the jihad they declared in the 80s for the US is now null and void? I mean look how well that worked before right.:lol:

Exactly,they're trying to extinguish a fire by poring gasoline on it.For every radical killed in the Caucasus by Russia,2 will take his place in anger,for every radical killed by the US in -insert random intervention across the globe- 2 will take his place.Root them out in your own countries but let them be in their countries or stop occupying their ancestral lands (see Russia).

Careful now, don't sound too logical and sensible. The trolls on this forum will have a hard time understanding.

I think radical Christianity is quite a serous threat aswell, I mean we had the president of the worlds strongest nation telling the world that God told him to wage war, with another devout Christian (tony blair) dutifully following his co religionist in attacking a nation that had nothing to do with any aggression. But let's forget facts, because its cool these days to bash Muslims, it helps with ignoring reality and inventing a simple explanation for a complex world situation.
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