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ISRO: A lesson for Pakistan.

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No offense, but India can't even build a jet engine, I'm having a bit of a hard time believing that India made a rocket engine before a jet engine.

they are different things.. india built a jet engine, but wht they need is a better one. but the rocket engine that we builtt msy servet the purpose , but it still may not yet be the best in class.
It is always a good idea to read the article before making assumptions and mincing words !!

No where in the article it is said that "India lags Pakistan in missile development" but it says Pakistan and China have substantial edge over India in missile deployment( and not development).

Further it goes on to mention on how Pakistan has mostly deployed Chinese supplied Missiles along with North Korean ones and some other local missiles.

However article is wrong on many accounts wrt Indian missile development . Agni 2 and Agni 3 have been inducted long back ..are regularly tested by SFC. Further Jaguar will not be used for deploying Nuclear weapons .only other aircraft likely to be used by SFC are sukhois.

Sagarika missile is totally operational and is currently being fitted to Indian SSBN.

Dhanush is not a missile per say but stabilization platform used for firing Prithvi series of missile from surface ships.
Nuclear capable missiles which have already been deployed and are not mentioned in the article are are Prithvi 2 and Prithvi 3.

In terms of missile development ..India is far ahead of Pakistan.

Really?? Your advanced missile is what?? ICBM? COmpare with out multi tube stealth cruise missile and come back ok
No but atleast they will have a reason to cheer and raise the tiranga.

Apart from that they will get better telecommunications, networking, imagery and 30 yrs from now migh t even get a chance to spend honeymoon in space. :azn:

That is some backwards logic if I do say so.
So you think it is more important for the people to have pride and be able to make a phone call then to have food?
please correct me if I am wrong in this impression.
IAF wanted a 95+kn engine.
Kaveri is a 85 kN engine(it is designed for 85 kN)

so it is used in UCAV ...

And? It was still not of requirements for IAF, right?
Really?? Your advanced missile is what?? ICBM? COmpare with out multi tube stealth cruise missile and come back ok

lolol stealth cruise missile.....:rofl::rofl:


end of babur....

If you want your missile to strike India test something simlar to HSTDV


2014 tests...engine has been tested already....:devil:
India do not use all its money for space programme...
ISRO budget is 1.1 billion...
a single welfare program that endures job to rural people cost $10 billion..
and infra budget for next 5 years is $ 1 trillion!!!!:yahoo:

Well good for you. Every country's citizens need better infrastructure.
lolol stealth cruise missile.....:rofl::rofl:


end of babur....

If you want your missile to strike India test something simlar to HSTDV


2014 tests...engine has been tested already....:devil:

No, my friend. Babur goes tree top level. Your SAM's and BMD's cannot hit it. And PA knows about what a SAM does, they will launch it from the middle of Pakistan, so it goes tree top level when it hits New Delhi so SAM's and BMD's cannot hit

And don't give me bullshit about new missiles. Your quoting from a damn blogspot, and we all know India's project real dates :rolleyes:
If begging for praise/recognition /appreciation keeps you feel superior then be my guests...

It is not our fault that this PSLV launch for French and Japanese satellite only....if they are begging to give us praise/recognition /appreciation.....
even after all this you cant understand eh?
maximum payload even an ICBM like agni 5 can take to space is 50 kg(LEO)
India have capability to send 5 tonnes to LEO...
and it will be increased to 10 tonnes this year........
we also have worlds third largest rocket booster ...
and still you think your missiles are better than India???

Do We really Care what Out Little neighbor thinks ? Move on

AAAAnnnnnnnDDDD the d*ck measuring and trolling contest begins! :enjoy:

There is No contest between Indian and Pakistan.
Only delusions
That is some backwards logic if I do say so.
So you think it is more important for the people to have pride and be able to make a phone call then to have food?
please correct me if I am wrong in this impression.

Well dude u sacrifice something to achieve something. 2 billion is not even that much of money.
Ask this question to ghairat brigade after all one of them gave the slogan of eating grass to make bomb.

Wasn't it Bhutto who made that slogan?
And seriously, he was rich @sshole who know that he would not be the one eating grass.
He destroyed the country.
But that is neither here nor there. The OP made this whole thread to boast about pride and what not. So that begs the question, why is the country with the world's largest starving population focusing it's "pride" on this and not feeding more then a billion people. Surely that would be an object of greater pride, to do what only 1 other country on earth has done, that being feeding 1 billion people.
There is No contest between Indian and Pakistan.
Only delusions

I agree. We must wait 20 years when India's infrastructure and living conditions come on par with Pakistan, and then compare... Nice idea.
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