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ISRO: A lesson for Pakistan.

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I agree. We must wait 20 years when India's infrastrucure and living conditions come on par with Pakistan, and then compare... Nice idea.

I pity you. I can see you are a rich Pakistani, please get out of your house and see your country.
Well dude u sacrifice something to achieve something. 2 billion is not even that much of money.

Fair enough, but let's not have false pride about things.
How can you claim to be "Great" with the world's largest starving population?
You do realize that anything India does will be contrasted with the extreme poverty right?
If UK makes a satellite, no on cares because they can do without sacrificing human lives.
If India does it....well like you said, gotta sacrifice something and human life is cheap in India.
I pity you. I can see you are a rich Pakistani, please get out of your house and see your country.

Haha, I'm definitely not rich, and I've definitely seen it all on both sides, buddy.

Mate, Now why are YOU concerned "what China" Think Of Us ? Indian Obsession Much ?

You are on a Pakistani forum and talking about another's obsession. Someone clap for this genius.

Your trolling shows, hardworking Indian are on right track.
go cry me a River

They will be on right track.. In 20 years.
Haha, I'm definitely not rich, and I've definitely seen it all on both sides, buddy.

You are on a Pakistani forum and talking about another's obsession. Someone clap for this genius.

What the Eff PDF is doing in India ? Tell Admins to ban it, we will stop visiting it.
guy talks about obsession. lol
Fair enough, but let's not have false pride about things.
How can you claim to be "Great" with the world's largest starving population?
You do realize that anything India does will be contrasted with the extreme poverty right?
If UK makes a satellite, no on cares because they can do without sacrificing human lives.
If India does it....well like you said, gotta sacrifice something and human life is cheap in India.
Dude are working for british aid department????
We don't care. Our death rates by hunger are going down like crazy, agricultural production was at 4 % last year. Poverty is going down. Per capita is more than Pakistan. By ppp we are 3rd largest economy.

You will never understand, In India decisions are taken with a lot of calculations. India is not a one man show like Pakistan. We are a democracy and know our priorities after 65 years of independence. We r not a confused nation.
The funny thing is that Pakistan on the whole actually has better infrastructure , larger middle class and much much lower poverty then India.

Of course these Bhartis only see what their media shows them and they fully belive that all of Pakistan is like Waziristan.

It's like a fat guy making fun of a thinner guy for being fat. :lol:
Really?? Your advanced missile is what?? ICBM? COmpare with out multi tube stealth cruise missile and come back ok

Here is India's Multitube missile ..which out ranges your multitube missile by 3 times.


Here is our supersonic cruise missile and subsonic cruise missile (again which outranges your cruise missile.

Nirbhay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now where is your ICBM or ABM or supersonic CM or SAM or even an ATGM?
Dude are working for british aid department????
We don't care. Our death rates by hunger are going down like crazy, agricultural production was at 4 % last year. Poverty is going down. Per capita is more than Pakistan. By ppp we are 3rd largest economy.

Calm down now.

Calm down? I don't remember getting excited in the first place.
I know that my questions and line of thought are a direct threat to your fragile ego but still man, no need to project your insecurities.
The whole point of this thread, that you made, was to gloat and show "pride"
I am merely saying that you can't really be that proud when human life is so cheap that even you say "we don't care" about your poor and starving countrymen.
I just hope that such Darwinian attitudes are not prevalent in India, but sadly it seems like the general consensus
Dude are working for british aid department????
We don't care. Our death rates by hunger are going down like crazy, agricultural production was at 4 % last year. Poverty is going down. Per capita is more than Pakistan. By ppp we are 3rd largest economy.

You will never understand, In India decisions are taken with a lot of calculations. India is not a one man show like Pakistan. We are a democracy and know our priorities after 65 years of independence. We r not a confused nation.

They understand it, but they will never admit it. Good for us, they are still in delusion and we are progressing here.
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