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Israel’s fingerprints are all over India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan: Robert Fisk

Time to declare Israel the enemy and time to unleash hell on them starting from ISI start hunting down MOSSAD networks spread around the world.
Yes. I do agree on Modi, he’s a tough on minority’s living in India that we can all agree upon. But on Pakistan no way Mr Indian Punjabi man. China helps us our ally so no big deal here. Israelis are now controlling you previously it was the holy British raj did for hundred years. You are replacing Queen Victoria with Master Netanyahu so enjoy your new found enslavement for another 300 years more. Mr Indian Punjabi man martial race hehe
That’s nonsense. You’re seriously delusional about India’s sovereignty.
"....not by chance, therefore, has the Indian press just trumpeted the fact that Israeli-made Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” were used by the Indian air force in its strike against Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) “terrorists” inside Pakistan...."

At least 16 Indian “Garud” commandos – part of a 45-strong Indian military delegation – were for a time based at the Nevatim and Palmachim air bases in Israel. In his first visit to India last year – preceded by a trip to Israel by nationalist Indian prime minister NM, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu recalled the 2008 Islamist attacks on Mumbai in which almost 170 civilians were killed. “Indians and Israelis know too well the pain of terrorist attacks,” he told Modi. “We remember the horrific savagery of Mumbai. We grit our teeth, we fight back, we never give in.” This was also BJP-speak....

Full Article (19 hours ago)
yeah and for what? uproot trees and kill a Pakistani crow? lol.
At least israhell now knows that we are not afraid of an enemy 7 times our size. How big of an enemy have they every engaged and how many times?Pls don't mention ragtag Arab armies of the past.
Team up with iran against israel. Snakes need to be crushed. India is not a threat israel is a bigger threat if this is true
Israelis are good only when they attack Iranian forces and ally ...

Few days before you wanted to team up with Israel against Iran !

What happened bros ? :D

they are not enemies!


You think iran and israel are buddies?

Yes ... I personally contacted bibi and asked him to do that !

The level of stupidity and ignorance booming ...
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