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Israel’s fingerprints are all over India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan: Robert Fisk

Hi JIDF. It's simple: Stop what you're doing and nothing will happen to you. Since you're jews and as Quran says:

[5.64] And the Jews say: The hand of Allah is tied up! Their hands shall be shackled and they shall be cursed for what they say. Nay, both His hands are spread out, He expends as He pleases; and what has been revealed to you from your Lord will certainly make many of them increase in inordinacy and unbelief; and We have put enmity and hatred among them till the day of resurrection; whenever they kindle a fire for war Allah puts it out, and they strive to make mischief in the land; and Allah does not love the mischief-makers.

You jews will never change.

Pakistan and Turkey are the only countries willing to save Palestinians from Israel. Hezbollah should attack Israel what are they waiting for? Same goes for Iran.

What exactly are you rambling about? I am directly criticising Israel in numerous posts. I don’t understand why any Arab country can be friendly with India and invite it to OIC and ignore Pak an Islamic country? India is the biggest supporter of Israel in Asia - so why can’t Saudis cut India loose and defend Pak 100%?
Iran Syria Hezbollah forms one coalition.
Pakistan Turkey forms another.

Both of them focus on Israel, world's most foremost problem. It is quite clear that Israel wants to instigate a nuclear war between India and Pakistan and also start Russia America war too get China involved also.

Jews are the biggest problem no other race!
What exactly are you rambling about? I am directly criticising Israel in numerous posts. I don’t understand why any Arab country can be friendly with India and invite it to OIC and ignore Pak an Islamic country? India is the biggest supporter of Israel in Asia - so why can’t Saudis cut India loose and defend Pak 100%?

Had Saudi Arabia supported Palestinians against Israel, Israel would have never even existed!

Now, Pak has nothing to worry....

If Israil is with you're doomed....

If Israil is against you're fine....

Israil has left nothing undone to undo Turkey!!!! Look where she's now?????

Neo-Ottoman Empire will end Israel.
When jews live in Europe nothing but wars

since they left Europe middle east has nothing but wars

Israel is always trouble

One nuke should be for Hindu and one for Israel

both are axis of evil
When jews live in Europe nothing but wars

since they left Europe middle east has nothing but wars

Israel is always trouble

One nuke should be for Hindu and one for Israel

both are axis of evil

Israel can be dealt with in many ways other than nukes. Let Israel use their retarded Samson option first when facing extermination at the hand of:

Iran-Hezbollah-Syria coalition as Neo-Persia
Iraq as Neo-Babylon
Turkey as Neo-Ottomans
Arabs as Islamic Caliphate capital Makkah or Madinah
Russia as Russian empire revival
China as Chinese expansion

Jews are facing expulsion from America

When jews live in Europe nothing but wars

since they left Europe middle east has nothing but wars

Israel is always trouble

One nuke should be for Hindu and one for Israel

both are axis of evil

As far as India is concerned we could:

a) Invade India to make it a new muslim empire as we did before
b) Pakistan China forms a coalition attacks India
c) Indians have a history with Sri Lanka too their MahaBharat or w.e. bs is all about India Sri Lanka war.

Simply put get all enemies of India fighting them at the same time. India is easy hindus are coward people.

For months, Israel has been assiduously lining itself up alongside India’s nationalist BJP government in an unspoken – and politically dangerous – “anti-Islamist” coalition, an unofficial, unacknowledged alliance, while India itself has now become the largest weapons market for the Israeli arms trade. Not by chance, therefore, has the Indian press just trumpeted the fact that Israeli-made Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” were used by the Indian air force in its strike against Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) “terrorists” inside Pakistan.

Like many Israeli boasts of hitting similar targets, the Indian adventure into Pakistan might owe more to the imagination than military success. The “300-400 terrorists” supposedly eliminated by the Israeli-manufactured and Israeli-supplied GPS-guided bombs may turn out to be little more than rocks and trees.

Good analysis by Robert Fisk at the Independent (reputable British Broadsheet newspaper)
Bs chalo shuru hojao ab sary Israel ko galian dyny...
@Retired Troll @Nefarious @Mentee @Tps43
And special guest @Maarkhoor
Its easy to blame Israel and jews for everything, but how does that help. The question is what is Pakistan doing about it ?
Just to burst your bubble.. thsi change in India is not because of Israel.. Israel has been helping us since the Kargil days.. any ally would help you in a war but to go for a war the decision has to be yours. The rel reason why India is now changing into a stronger nation is because of this guy Modi.. no am not a big fan of his.. but his nature of toughness has been known for decades even before he was a PM in India. He is a very old RSS member with the same ideology. This guy is not someone who would take advices. Lol you guys just thrive on conspiracy theories.
3 replies by JIDF shills not going to bother responding. Israel supplies India weapons plus information. It would be wise for Israel to recognize the fact muslims will end their race if they do not let go of palestine territory that they illegally occupied for the last 100 years.

They were doing fine under the Ottomans for over 500 years and before that the muslims treated them with kindness for the last 1000 years prior. As soon as jews get some semblance of support from Americans who are literal slaves of the jews, they start mistreating the muslims who treated them with kindness and pity?

Hitler was the bad guy?
Embargoes from who? Jew led world banks? Countries controlled by jews?


No Turkey was ready to attack Israel last month.

I don't think so my friend. China should support Pakistan against India. India and China were about to start a war last year? Pakistan should have supported China back then. China should Pakistan now. If Israel or US gets involved, get Russia involved. Start WW3 that's what jews want anyway because world antisemitism is on the rise no one likes jews anywhere they're surrounded.
Dude I’m wondering whether you’re indoctrinated into such a conspiracy or you’re just trolling.
Just to burst your bubble.. thsi change in India is not because of Israel.. Israel has been helping us since the Kargil days.. any ally would help you in a war but to go for a war the decision has to be yours. The rel reason why India is now changing into a stronger nation is because of this guy Modi.. no am not a big fan of his.. but his nature of toughness has been known for decades even before he was a PM in India. He is a very old RSS member with the same ideology. This guy is not someone who would take advices. Lol you guys just thrive on conspiracy theories.

He's so tough that he didn't even say anything of note during this entire drama.
Lets see how his tough guy persona plays in the elections.


For months, Israel has been assiduously lining itself up alongside India’s nationalist BJP government in an unspoken – and politically dangerous – “anti-Islamist” coalition, an unofficial, unacknowledged alliance, while India itself has now become the largest weapons market for the Israeli arms trade. Not by chance, therefore, has the Indian press just trumpeted the fact that Israeli-made Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” were used by the Indian air force in its strike against Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) “terrorists” inside Pakistan.

Like many Israeli boasts of hitting similar targets, the Indian adventure into Pakistan might owe more to the imagination than military success. The “300-400 terrorists” supposedly eliminated by the Israeli-manufactured and Israeli-supplied GPS-guided bombs may turn out to be little more than rocks and trees.

Good analysis by Robert Fisk at the Independent (reputable British Broadsheet newspaper)
Listen friend, Isreal is not siding with anyone, you must remember that they have a huge R&D and weapons export business; they supply to Turkey, and many moslem countries. India is a huge market; that is all.

Dude I’m wondering whether you’re indoctrinated into such a conspiracy or you’re just trolling.
Another crazy imagination running wild with consipracies.

Jews start all wars.

All world wars were started by jews

WW1 - Make gentiles kill each other

WW2 - To defeat Hitler and Nazi Germany

WW3 - To counter rise in world antisemitism and make gentiles kill each other

Not only are they fueling Pakistan India conflict, they're also trying to instigate war between two christian nations, Russia and America. Why? They hate gentiles.

As far as i can tell you're an Israeli agent pretending to be a brit.
You need to go and get head into a gutter; may be you will get some sense. really idiotic posts.
reported to moderators.
Just to burst your bubble.. thsi change in India is not because of Israel.. Israel has been helping us since the Kargil days.. any ally would help you in a war but to go for a war the decision has to be yours. The rel reason why India is now changing into a stronger nation is because of this guy Modi.. no am not a big fan of his.. but his nature of toughness has been known for decades even before he was a PM in India. He is a very old RSS member with the same ideology. This guy is not someone who would take advices. Lol you guys just thrive on conspiracy theories.

Yes. I do agree on Modi, he’s a tough on minority’s living in India that we can all agree upon. But on Pakistan no way Mr Indian Punjabi man. China helps us our ally so no big deal here. Israelis are now controlling you previously it was the holy British raj did for hundred years. You are replacing Queen Victoria with Master Netanyahu so enjoy your new found enslavement for another 300 years more. Mr Indian Punjabi man martial race hehe
3 replies by JIDF shills not going to bother responding. Israel supplies India weapons plus information. It would be wise for Israel to recognize the fact muslims will end their race if they do not let go of palestine territory that they illegally occupied for the last 100 years.

They were doing fine under the Ottomans for over 500 years and before that the muslims treated them with kindness for the last 1000 years prior. As soon as jews get some semblance of support from Americans who are literal slaves of the jews, they start mistreating the muslims who treated them with kindness and pity?

Hitler was the bad guy?

Yahood wal hanood ki sazish hai. Aik quwwati o azad Musalman mulk ni dekh sakte.
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