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Israel’s fingerprints are all over India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan: Robert Fisk

Ma sha Allah, good to hear. Turkish? You speak Farsi?
I speak 8 languages fluently since the age of 10. Been interested in Farsi so took it up learning a few years ago and immersed myself into literature; was introduced to Iqbal many many years ago but reading in original text is much better.
I speak 8 languages fluently since the age of 10. Been interested in Farsi so took it up learning a few years ago and immersed myself into literature; was introduced to Iqbal many many years ago but reading in original text is much better.

What is your race, Turkish?
LOL! Bomb Israel? Are you nuts? Do you know more than half of the world is on their payroll? They have even access to U.S Nukes and Thermonuclear devices!
I know because, I have gauged and accessed their unfathomable power through a terrible mistake, which nearly ruined my life!
Can you tell us what happened? curiosity is killing me now. (this is a serious question)
Why did the pakistani pilot volunteer to go to syria and shoot down an israeli aircraft---?

Pakistan started this---.

Israel started it when they invaded Muslim lands.

Do you think the US/ Zionist alliance has any good plans for Pakistan? They go about destroying Arab nations, and will ignore the only Muslim country with nuclear weapons? You can get on your knees and bow as low as possible, it will make no difference. They will target you.
There is nothing worse than a blown up spy! Curiosity can take you to strange lands and strange areas! Yeah! there was a moment when desperate time called for desperate measures, and as a result I brought in ISI guys ingeniously, so I lost the tail which was following me. Keep in mind that ISI pursues aggressive stance one they confirm something! But I knew, IF ISI guys reached or attempted a hit on mossad, then definitely I will end up in an equation, but renegade spies are followed only for sometime. After all, I wasn't involved in any hit attempt on ISI or any state institutions!

And thanks to Almighty, that I only retained open information or open source intelligence stuff. I ended up my spying carrier with a little misadventure in an alien world of mossad! You know what happens to peoples with sensitive information & secrets, they rarely end up well enough, be it ISI or any other intelligence agency.
TF did i just read???!!! :o:
Who are you? or more precisely who were you
It's good practice to fend off Israeli weapon systems and tactics. We shouldn't worry about it so much, it'll be beneficial to us in the long run when that time comes.
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