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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

Israel stalled on ceasefire deal again, refusing to implement further stages of deal for over three weeks now. Palestinians resumed means of pressure by flying fire balloons towards IDF infrastructure/concentrations across border. Israel then decided to do a full naval blockade on top of the already full blown naval blockade. So starting tomorrow morning Palestinian fishermen cannot enter the sea:


Palestinians responding and will not tolerate continued fake cease fire agreements which don't get implemented:

-5 Israeli air strikes hit Tunis training camp belonging to Hamas armed wing
-Several Israeli air strikes hit Khan Yunis seaport
-No injuries reported
-New air strikes in Khan Yunis, hits same seaport again
Breaking: 11 year old Palestinian critically injured by Israeli sniper fire in the chest during demonstrations on Gaza border
Perhaps the attacks against the tankers in the Gulf of Oman were designed to give the Israelis the distraction that they needed in order to blockade Gaza fishermen and launch air assaults on Gaza again.
For whatever reason, close to midnight Israeli forces fired some sort of tear gas at the Gazan side of the border in Rafah injuring 4 Palestinian border officers.
One deliberate lie repeated over and over again is enough to land you in the hellfire. Aurora Intel, Elint News, Israel Conflict News etc... are all Jews with a bias towards Israel that conditions them to post misleading news on purpose. For example, this thread:


It is not true. Hamas officials do not get anything out of this Qatari aid. Hamas officials get paid directly by Hamas. This aid is going to poor families in the Strip. Majority of people in the Strip are poor because the Israeli enforced land/sea/air blockade has tanked the economy into the ground. There are little ways to make income. Thus, the Palestinians have to resort to military or popular means(like weekly demonstrations) to pressure Israel to receive the blockade or end it.

Israel's current government does not want to relieve the blockade. So , instead it asked Qatar to step in, to donate money on a monthly basis to a number of families, about 100$ a month for each family. All the names are approved by Israel, Israel is the one who finalizes the list. It is not putting any Hamas officials on the list. Netanyahu had a sudden change of mind recently, wants to divert the money going to families instead going towards 'projects' that will supposedly provide jobs. None of these projects get advanced and the ones that do take a lot of time to be fruitful and leaves many poor families struggling.

US cut aid to UNWRA which provides basic supplies like flour, oil, books, etc... to poor families. Thus they need a means of income to barely survive. Hamas is therefore insisting that the Qatari aid continues as it was agreed upon, ie the donations to poor families. Israel wants it the other way. As it believes this will cause the population to direct their frustrations on Hamas and hope for a civil war to break out. So beware of twitter sources, they often post real news from other media outlets and some real time events, but they are also bringing along with that the pro-Israel narrative which is misleading.


Hamas armed wing spokesman to make statement soon about attempt to kidnap Hamas officials(unclear if they are referring to Gaza or incident in Lebanon).

Says reports of attempted kidnapping of Hamas armed wing commanders in Rafah are fabricated and have no truth to them.
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Hamas official Fathi Hamad:

-The IDF deliberately prevented an ambulance from reaching injured border guard

-We will avenge his death

-I tell the Israeli's and the mediators that we are giving one week for the ceasefire understandings to be implemented and the siege be lifted

Border officer killed by IDF forces yesterday who was preventing other Palestinians from reaching border fence:


Report: Palestinian child killed by Israeli fire during demonstrations along border in Northern Gaza
Response beginning, earlier rocket hit Eshkol and now in Ashkelon. While Egyptian delegation is in Gaza. Israel must lift the siege and implement what it agreed to. As well as stop murdering border officers. No one in Gaza believes it was a mistake as they prevented an ambulance from reaching him to treat him.

Another rocket fired now. Smaller factions have been given green light to respond. If Israel attacks Gaza all the factions will respond. Progress must be made in the talks.

Egyptian delegation preparing to leave now. They were supposed to stay till Saturday.
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Palestinian journalist tells how Hamas brings kids to front line to die
A Palestinian journalist has described in detail how Hamas operatives take children in buses to protest against Israel on the Gaza border.

In a new documentary released by TPS, the journalist, whose face is blurred and his voice distorted for security reasons, says he has witnessed Hamas operatives taking chairs and sitting nearby the fence eating seeds and watching people die.

“They bring children to the playgrounds and let them play and then encourage them to do whatever they can to get close to the fence,” the journalist told TPS.

The documentary focuses on the March of Return riots, which started in March of last year. Some 2,200 terror-related incidents have been reported since the start of the riots - a combination of gunfire, explosive device and molotov cocktail attacks...
The Saudis have the right idea on the Palestinians. I wish Pakistanis would follow their Saudi brothers with regards to Israel:
Saudi Arabia’s Vicious Troll Army Has a New Target: Palestinians

"Predictably, the Israeli government immediately capitalized on both Saud’s presence and the Palestinian attacks against him to serve the Trump-Netanyahu narrative of a growing chasm between Arabs and Palestinians. Netanyahu apologized to Saud personally for the assault, while the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson used this incident to emphasize that it was the "the real face of the Palestinians."

I wish Pakistanis would see the real face of the Palestinians like our Saudi brothers do.
The Saudis have the right idea on the Palestinians. I wish Pakistanis would follow their Saudi brothers with regards to Israel:
Saudi Arabia’s Vicious Troll Army Has a New Target: Palestinians

"Predictably, the Israeli government immediately capitalized on both Saud’s presence and the Palestinian attacks against him to serve the Trump-Netanyahu narrative of a growing chasm between Arabs and Palestinians. Netanyahu apologized to Saud personally for the assault, while the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson used this incident to emphasize that it was the "the real face of the Palestinians."

I wish Pakistanis would see the real face of the Palestinians like our Saudi brothers do.

Aren't you an Ahmadi? Do you call your brothers losers, bitches, pathetic? I feel sorry for you man. You need some soul searching. Whats the matter with you? So much munafkat in one person is very dangerous. You should go work on yourself.

"I am agnostic Ahmadi
Arabs are pathetic geopolitical loser bitches and will remain so until Israel exists"
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