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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

1.)Its true, Israeli media said the target was soldiers then he drove right in front of them as soon as the missile hit
Bullshit, the van was standing still and there were no soldiers nearby it, the ATGM just hit him, killing the civilian driver


Not true, the agreement is to lift the siege completely. Israel controls everything that goes in and out of Gaza and has its Navy deployed right on Gaza's coast to prevent Palestinians from trading with the world. The result is unclean water, 60% unemployment, very high prices for goods and necessities, 4-8 hrs electricity a day, etc.... That's not going to continue.

And that money is going to the UN which distributes it to poor families and civil employees. It does not go to the movement of Hamas, you liar. We do not need money from anyone once the siege is lifted.


The Israeli army is once again advising the far right government of Israel to take real steps to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza:

Members of the government’s top-level security cabinet severely criticize remarks that appeared in an army briefing to journalists regarding the ceasefire in Gaza.

In the briefing, an unidentified security source urged diplomatic efforts to improve the humanitarian situation in the Strip or the fighting would be renewed within days or weeks. The source also said the government demanded that the flareup reach its end as quickly as possible.

The unidentified cabinet ministers, cited by Channel 12, accuse the army officials of trying to attribute responsibility for the truce solely to the government.

“We were shocked by the remarks,” one of them is quoted as saying. “They aren’t consistent with the assessment the IDF chief of staff himself conveyed to the cabinet.

“There was another, classified, special reason not to continue fighting” and to stop the violence at this time, the minister says, without going into details.


The factions are aware this could be intended to mislead the Palestinians so Israel can embark on an targeted assassination of a high profile figure and already have taken steps in accordance with that.
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It is Wednesday and all indications point to Israel not implementing what was agreed upon in the ceasefire deal(before the recent Israeli assault). So Palestinian factions have came out and warned them today they will not tolerate the foot dragging nor tolerate any harm against Palestinian demonstrators on Friday.
Arab Israeli shot and killed in northern Israel in second fatality of the day


Israeli Soldiers Stand by as Settlers Pelt Palestinians With Rocks

Settlers were filmed Friday throwing rocks at Palestinians in the West Bank as Israeli troops watched without intervening.
Israel is the reason why world is shit today! illegitimate child of west will bring death and destruction to the world
and that my friend is end of the world as we know it!
i doubt it , there won't be a holocaust of jews in the US , but shootings here and there make the jews moderate their actions .. it's pathetic up to the end of the 21st century . the jewish golden age


Like Barack Onyaga said the 21st century is the century of jews
i doubt it , there won't be a holocaust of jews in the US , but shootings here and there make the jews moderate their actions .. it's pathetic up to the end of the 21st century . the jewish golden age


Like Barack Onyaga said the 21st century is the century of jews
ohh thr will be and this time for real! zionist will pay for their crimes!
Hamas official, Fawzi Barhoum, denies Israeli reports of six month ceasefire, says ceasefire is the same previous one and is conditioned upon implementing rest of measures agreed upon.
Palestinians must gain nukes.

Jews are cowards, nuke them and free your motherland once and for the all.
Israeli commandos the best in the world

only fight under 16 and over 70
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