What's new

Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

13.) Renewed Israeli air strikes in southern Gaza targeting Hamas armed wing training camp

14.) More Israeli air strikes in southern Gaza, one of them targeting agricultural land, looks like this aerial campaign is ongoing but at a milder intensity

15.) Another few air strikes on training site for smaller faction in northern Gaza

16.) More air strikes in Northern Gaza, seems like full blown assault at this point
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17.) Dozens of Israeli air strikes over past few minutes all over the Gaza Strip

18.) Israeli air strikes target pro-Palestinian prisoner office in Gaza city


19.) Israeli air strikes are hitting civilian targets now, a home was targeted in Rafah and two persons have been critically injured. Israeli air strikes are ongoing still. This is a full blown assault and we will likely see them officially announce so in coming hours.

20.) Israeli air strikes ongoing, too many now to report every single one, but most of them are not hitting civilian infrastructure for now

21.) Quds Brigades announces general mobilization and says they are still working with Egyptians to reach a ceasefire but will nevertheless prepare for the Israeli ongoing assault
22.) Palestinians firing back at Sderot:

Only Hamas and PIJ in Gaza have rockets which can reach Tel Aviv.

No,you are a liar, they were smuggle in 2010 and used in 2012. Ever since 2012 everything is locally produced. Weapons in Gaza are locally produced or Egyptian or smuggled from Libya.


Only local here is paintjob. That "local production" is nonsense for idiots. Prior Israeli withdrawal from Gaza local produced rockets could not reach even Ashqelon which is 10 km from Gaza now they fire 70 km.
Some more demonstrations in Gaza today against general deteriorating situation. Some of it directed at Hamas government. Will update here as far as any developments go.
In Gaza:

Protests continued, Hamas security forces arresting some of the protestors over night. Hamas government must understand it cannot act like other governments and it will lose all its support if it continues this path of defending government at all costs. Like any other government there is corruption and misdoings and they must acknowledge them and state clearly they will address these issues.

Also unrelated to the protests, the police told a man he had to leave his home for failure to pay rent. The guy has no money and burned himself and different reports that he is injured or died. Again, Hamas government must reconsider some of its policies towards the people.

In West Bank:

Reports of a shooting that killed two Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, complete details haven't came out yet.
West Bank:

Israeli army battalion surrounding home in Silfeet, West Bank where reports claim a Palestinian gunman is in. Missiles at fired at parts of the home. Some reports claim 4 Palestinians in the home killed.
Breaking: Couple homes in northern Tel Aviv damaged by rocket fired from Gaza, 7 people lightly to moderately injured





IDF implicates Hamas:

IDF blames Hamas for rocket that hit Israeli home, sends troops to Gaza border



Hamas denies, says will investigate incident. I''ll tell you what, it is Hamas and it is intentional. This will continue to happen every week until Israel/Egypt seriously consider lifting the siege. Gaza will not continue the situation it is in.

Keep in mind there were also 10 plus Israeli artillery/air strikes on Gaza last night.
Ynetnews(Hebrew): All activities in regions around Gaza have been cancelled, IDF is preparing for an unprecedented assault on Hamas and it is expected Hamas will fire back

Joint military committee(Gaza): Any Israeli attack will be responded to and there are Egyptian efforts to calm the tensions


Any other statements attributed to Palestinian factions on twitter are false. The official statements are here in this thread.



Breaking: Israeli's in southern regions reporting IDF told them to take safety precautions as air strikes to begin soon


Israeli F16 munitions being transported to run ways in the South:
Breaking: Israeli strikes on Gaza, hit Ashkelon training camp of Qassam Brigades


-Naval port area targeted, was targeted in previous strikes also

Breaking: New air strikes in Khan Yunis


So idiots don't ask for proof, I get my news before they do:

It is not an actual 'campaign' yet, rather a number of strikes to be conducted.


Netanyahu likely authorized strikes to begin in tandem with live speech he has with Trump and American administration. Other news:

This is the fault of the palestinians in Gaza. What's the point in keeping on firing rockets at Israeli homes? It's almost as if they enjoy this game of death.
Footage of Israeli apache helicopter targeting Ashkelon training camp in northern Gaza, first fires flares then missile at the end:


So far 3 areas have been targeted, no injuries reported, brief lull in Israeli attacks but Air Force still seen over Gaza.

New air strike targeting land in Rafah(southern Gaza). Hits border watch outpost. Israeli's are likely waiting till past sunset because it is harder for Palestinian factions to conceal their response during night time.

Meanwhile Trump to sign executive order to recognize Syrian Golan Heights as Israeli territory:


Breaking: Numerous air strikes now in Khan Yunis

Israeli media: Netanyahu to head back to Israel following meeting with Trump(Golan Heights related), will arrive 8 am Israeli time

Al-Arabiya: Egyptian delegation is still in Tel Aviv attempting to mediate for calm

Heavy airstrike in Gaza City moments ago

Breaking: Air strike near travel ministry building in Gaza city


Civilian building targeted, there could be casualties. Jets bomb the building now, it belongs to a local company.

Multiple civilian injuries reported


Building which was struck, two floor building:


Video of strike:


Israeli attacks ongoing, strikes reported in Eastern and Northern Gaza, no one injured as of far according to Gaza Health Ministry.

Now a drone warning strike to another building in Western portion of Gaza city, means it will be attacked within minutes by jets. More air strikes now in same area.

Palestinian factions have not responded yet. Third party mediation is ongoing.

Breaking: Interior Ministry building targeted in Israeli strikes. Video:


IDF spokesman says air force will target buildings(police stations and so on) of Gaza security forces.


Breaking: Home of Palestinian security official in eastern Gaza struck by Israeli drone missile(unclear if warning strike to evacuate or not)

Ambulances headed to home. Update: Strike was near home and not targeting the home.


Someone please bump the thread, I am stuck in this post and can't escape without your help. :D
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Palestinian mortars target IDF infrastructure near Gaza:

MOAB Gaza when

A Fajr 3 hit that house 130km away from Gaza.View attachment 549314

The two family dogs died.

A Fajr 3 is a 35km grad rocket, thanks for the misinformation though. Israeli army said its a modified J80(locally produced).


Israeli media outlet(Maariv):
There was an attempt to assassinate a Hamas military official that failed

Breaking: 4 children lightly injured in previous Israeli strikes in Khan Yunis being treated at an local hospital

Breaking: Warning missile fired at Hamas PM(Haniyeh) office building, likely to be struck within a few minutes. Now it has been hit by several missiles.



Breaking: Israeli artillery strike hits border outpost in Khan Yunis
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