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Israeli Solution to Indian Muslim problem

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True. But Abdullahs will be happy with Independent Kashmir. They may have issues joining Pakistan.

No Kashmiri will have issues with Independent Kashmir proposal.

At most we have to create two independent states one for the Sunnis of Kashmir and the other for the Shias of Kargil.

When even Musharraf didn't propose an independent Kashmir in his Four Point Formula why are you talking about this ? And if you read my proposal again you will find its scope for the betterment of all of India and Pakistan, not just Kashmir.
It took you so long to figure out this RSScal?

No. But it does take me long to lose my cool. Just decided that I have had enough.

The thing is that I try to respect all views. Whatever you are, be that person openly. Conservative Hindu, conservative Muslim, Hindu hater, Muslim hater, whatever. But don't try to take people for a ride.
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When even Musharraf didn't propose an independent Kashmir in his Four Point Formula why are you talking about this ? And if you read my proposal again you will find its scope for the betterment of all of India and Pakistan, not just Kashmir.

Musharraf is a Pakistani. Why will he propose an Independent Kashmir. JKLF was always a step child.
British created Pakistan for the Muslims of British India.

But not all Muslims moved to Pakistan. Some Muslims stay put due to their love of their birth place and others due to economic reasons.

Today Indian Muslims make up around 25% of Indian population but they are being suffocated with he policies on what they eat, how they dress and where they pray.

Pakistan and Bangladesh Muslims do not want them for fear of taking additional burden. At best they provide some lip service.

The only solution for this issue is to follow the Israeli model where Jews of Europe have been settled in Palestine.

So India Muslims need to find a place within India that they can call home and relocate to create a new Home land of their own where they can enjoy unlimited freedoms.

@jamahir @xeuss @Naofumi

suffer on how they eat ? dress?

i cant imagine more suffercating than having to drink cow piss and kiss cow's a butt as it breaks wind...

o India Muslims need to find a place within India

Muslims ruled india for a 1000 years.. may be you should some where... like the moon?
Hey @Meengla my boy friend is in onsite.

Do you go to the Masjid on Pelham road?

Muslims ruled india for a 1000 years.. may be you should some where... like the moon?

The best thing would be to exterminate the Hindus but for that we need active support from Pakistan.
Let's be clear the op is if course a Indian false flagger

However the post has merit

There are 200+ millions Indian Muslims

And places where they are small minorities of <5%, they will get constantly harassed and targeted as hindutva poison spreads

The reality is they missed the partion boat, so did the Sikhs, xtians and even ethnic states

Partition of India COULD happen again, but it would need civil war like situation, and whilst the hate and poison in India is very real their is a question whether it would get to the all out situation required for another partition

Indian Muslims are being targeted, marginalized, scapegoated, their history erased
Indian Muslims bullshit or overzealous patriotism or targeting of Pakistan simply won't cut it

So what they now desperately need

IS VAST AREAS OF MUSLIM MAJORITY WITHIN INDIA where smaller Muslim populations can move to to create areas of Muslim majority

This gives Indian Muslims NUMBERS to protect themselves
It gives them numbers and space to create their own economies and support networks
It's gives them more political leverage in those specific areas

If attacked it gives them a safer area

So where can they get together

Western UP
one side of West Bengal
Hyderabad maybe
Kashmir even, fill it up before Hindus

The bottom line is this, don't be German Jews sitting their saying it will all be ok, take proactive measures now and Indian Muslims can create vast areas of Muslim majority as big as many states of the world
Let's be clear the op is if course a Indian false flagger

However the post has merit

There are 200+ millions Indian Muslims

And places where they are small minorities of <5%, they will get constantly harassed and targeted as hindutva poison spreads

The reality is they missed the partion boat, so did the Sikhs, xtians and even ethnic states

Partition of India COULD happen again, but it would need civil war like situation, and whilst the hate and poison in India is very real their is a question whether it would get to the all out situation required for another partition

Indian Muslims are being targeted, marginalized, scapegoated, their history erased
Indian Muslims bullshit or overzealous patriotism or targeting of Pakistan simply won't cut it

So what they now desperately need

IS VAST AREAS OF MUSLIM MAJORITY WITHIN INDIA where smaller Muslim populations can move to to create areas of Muslim majority

This gives Indian Muslims NUMBERS to protect themselves
It gives them numbers and space to create their own economies and support networks
It's gives them more political leverage in those specific areas

If attacked it gives them a safer area

So where can they get together

Western UP
one side of West Bengal
Hyderabad maybe
Kashmir even, fill it up before Hindus

The bottom line is this, don't be German Jews sitting their saying it will all be ok, take proactive measures now and Indian Muslims can create vast areas of Muslim majority as big as many states of the world

Great post.

I don't mind people calling me a false flagger. I lost close Hindu friends (Frankly I should not call them friends) in real life as I was dating a Muslim.

So where can they get together

Western UP
one side of West Bengal
Hyderabad maybe
Kashmir even, fill it up before Hindus

The problem with Hyderabad is it is in the middle. You do not want to be land locked.

Just avoid UP, Bengal and North India. They are full of Sanghis.

Coastal Southern States are ideal.

Kerala, Tamilnadu, AP, Karnataka, Goa are all good candidates.
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Great post.

I don't mind people calling me a false flagger. I lost close Hindu friends (Frankly I should not call them friends) in real life as I was dating a Muslim.

Maybe your not, maybe you are who cares it's the internet

The reality is the basis of a disaster is occuring in India, where the poison is building up this toxic other-ization of Indian Muslims and even vice versa

The tinder is there all it needs is a match or a event and the whole thing will go up

Jinnah was always right about India

But notions of partition aside, the populations within India are separating and everyone has vested interest, rather then being a tiny economically marginalized minority Indian Muslims have three paths before them

PATH 1- Is leading to their civil and economic marginalisation and if not outright genocide at least a derided and under attack minority

PATH 2 - (you see this with some Indian Muslims) ie the UNCLE TOM APPROACH, I,E THE HOUSE NIGGER
Where they try to act like Muslim sanghis, darma blah blah, oppose every Muslim issue
This is what the Hindu society want, to break Indian Muslims connection with islam so they either go back to pagan idol worshipping or become Indian Muslims on a dog leash

PATH 3- The push for another partition, possible but will be brutal and violent

PATH 4- What I suggest, it's not quite partition, there will still be toxic hate within India
But with areas if Muslim majority, they can have states with a state
A local Muslim economy, doctors, lawyers, restaurants, their own food chains, a base of operations and a population of hundreds of millions

Indian Muslims with such a massive population can have areas consisting of tens of millions of people that will sustain their local economy and base

It's the ONLY WAY
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