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Israeli Soldier Killed after being kidnapped by Palestinian.

All of that happened to the Kashmiris & has been happening to them for the better part of a few decades - Where was the pouring in of empathy for them ?

whats your point? That has nothing to do with the point I was making. Dont act holier than though, and condemn left and right unless you have had that happened to yourself.
Btw Im not really happy this happened if that is what you think. But it is a result fromthe circumstances.
Btw Im not really happy this happened if that is what you think. But it is a result fromthe circumstances.

A result from what? that his brother killed Israelis and is rightly in jail?

That despite this, the 'palestinian' was still given a job in Israel working in a restaurant?

That Israelis looked at him as a friend?

This incident just proves who the savages are.

We have Israelis giving him a job in Israel. Befriending him, trusting him - and the savage turns and kills.
A result from what? that his brother killed Israelis and is rightly in jail?

That despite this, the 'palestinian' was still given a job in Israel working in a restaurant?

That Israelis looked at him as a friend?

This incident just proves who the savages are.

We have Israelis giving him a job in Israel. Befriending him, trusting him - and the savage turns and kills.

The result of being brutally opressed by a savage racist colonial regime. Enjoy it while you can. The walls are crumbling ;)
The result of being brutally opressed by a savage racist colonial regime. Enjoy it while you can. The walls are crumbling ;)

Who are you fooling? Israel is stronger than ever. Sisi of Egypt is doing everything to keep Israel as a a friend, the same counts for Jordan. Hamas chases members of other organizations in Gaza just to prevent them from firing missiles towards Israel, as they are too scared of a Israeli response. Assad is being bombed regularly by Israeli Air Force, and all he can do is whining. Nuclear scientists are being assassinated by Israeli agents in Tehran, while Iran can't even assassinate the wife of the Israeli ambassador in India.
You lie, in Syria there was no terrorism before the JEW NATO invasion of 2011.

They take all the pretexts to attack, islamism is not the problem of the palestinians.
I am speaking about Lebanon and Palestine, and you say i lie about Syria. you are joke ?

Islamism is one of the problems but the discussion was not about it.
Iran sponsors terror groups and i have the right to believe it is a very bad solution for the Palestinians.

I guess Palestinians want to live wealthy, in peaceful conditions and that their land is recognized.

All honnest people know that sponsoring little groups to make a hell there is much more negative for Palestinians than for Israelians , even! that's what i name it a big lie.
Who are you fooling? Israel is stronger than ever. Sisi of Egypt is doing everything to keep Israel as a a friend, the same counts for Jordan, etc. Hamas chases other members of other organizations in Gaza just to prevent them from firing missiles towards Israel, as they are too scared of a Israeli response. Assad is being bombed regularly by Israeli Air Force, and all he can do is whining. Nuclear scientists are being assassinated by Israeli agents in Tehran, while Iran can't even assassinate the wife of the Israeli ambassador in India.

All you wrote is irrelevant. Israel is running on fumes. Political zionism has exhausted itself and is on borrowed time.
Military does not make on ounce of a difference. The Israeli regime is not politically viable or sustainable over the long term, and it is going to be defeated politically much like the White Afrikaaner rule of South Africa.

I dont think this regime has more than 10 years. 20 tops. Then it'll be condemned and treated by the world as the pariah that it is.
All you wrote is irrelevant. Israel is running on fumes. Political zionism has exhausted itself and is on borrowed time.
Military does not make on ounce of a difference. The Israeli regime is not politically viable or sustainable over the long term, and it is going to be defeated politically much like the White Afrikaaner rule of South Africa.

Israel has the support of the greatest superpower on earth. The political situation of Israel is, compared to neighboring countries, not that bad too. Most Arab states in the Middle East are failing on every societal level, while Israel is only growing.

Your assessment is completely wrong.
The result of being brutally opressed by a savage racist colonial regime. Enjoy it while you can. The walls are crumbling ;)

Maybe it's time to sweep up the savages and put them back in Jordan where they belong.

After that, Tehran needs to be dealt with.

We will not bother ourselves with any fallout problems, let the two-headed Iranis of the future clean things up.
da**** is wrong with you? how can you cheer at the death of humans at the hands of their fellow humans? You are a sub human cretin who was taken by too many creepy old mullas for a ride in the back of their Peugeot 504 sedan.

I'm not going to continue this conversation as it leads us to nowhere .

But seriously , Instead of acting like civilized people face the truth that thousands of innocent Palestinians including these children have been killed for no reason but a wet dream came from the west .



You see the pictures above ? They say a lot and I see no need to go further .
Interesting that the sub-human Irani Mullah dog S00R3NA is using pictures of a child that was purported to be killed by Israelis - but a UN investigation found he was most likely killed by a 'palestinian' rocket fired by the brutal, savage animals in Gaza which fell short of Israel and killed this child.

Another victim of the invented entity called 'palestinians'.
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