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Israeli Soldier Killed after being kidnapped by Palestinian.

Watch your tongue & your manners first !

My not giving a frig about the Palestinians has nothing to do with my love for Israel but simply a genuine question - If there isn't any reciprocity on their part....why the heck should I care about a people who don't care about me ?

God Bless the Palestinians but I don't give a wooden nickle about them or their conflict because they don't give a sh*t about me & my problems - the day they do is the day I'd do in turn !

you should also watch your tongue,,i am not your kanna,,,,the words you used are bazarii,,,and your post is also bazarii,,,,

you are giving the logic that since palestinians never held a rally for kashmiris therefore we should not support them...then i asked you how many times did israeli occupation forces held a rally for kashmiris that you are wanting to lick their shoes??

how many times did americans took out a rally for kashmiris?

this is plain common sense...and you are too dumb......you reasoning is all flawed ...you want to apply one set of rules for one aggressor and another opposite set of rules for another aggressor.....
sponsoring terror or militia groups , not only don't help Palestinians for a real solution
but it kills them and avoid Lebanon to experience democracy.

it is better one day to stop these big lies that our country helps Palestine. We do exactly the opposite.
west bank to the Palestinians, gaza living better in a democracy, there should be the goal but efforts of peace should be made for that.

You lie, in Syria there was no terrorism before the JEW NATO invasion of 2011.

They take all the pretexts to attack, islamism is not the problem of the palestinians.
you should also watch your tongue,,,,,,the words you used are bazarii,,,and your post is also bazarii,,,,

you are giving the logic that since palestinians never held a rally for kashmiris therefore we should not support them...then i asked you how many times did israeli occupation forces held a rally for kashmiris that you are wanting to lick their shoes??

this is plain common sense...and you are too dumb......you reasoning is all flawed ...you want to apply one set of rules for one aggressor and another opposite set of rules of another agressor.....

Am I holding a Pro-Israel rally that I should expect a Pro-Pakistan rally from the Israelites ?
Iran has killed more fellow Iranians than Israel Palestinians. Palestinians are overrated and misused for political and geo-political reasons.

Liar, where are your pictures?
Terrorist JEW USA killed 1,5 millions iraqis, 120 000 libyans, 100 000 syrians (war by proxy)...

Does Iran deprive people of their fundamental rights like the JEWS do?

And you're just a MOSSAD crotale, the palestinians are muslims and you defend the israhellis? Makes no sense










Notice how the MOSSAD trolls diguised as saudis are eclipsing. They don't want to speak for the palestinians.
Your logic is ****ed up !!!

He is a Syrian pilot ... killed by terrorists ! :butcher:

Yes,i know the context but that dude should spare us the graphics,also did he said that it should happen to jews? I don't want to read it again as i want to spare my eyes from that picture.
From a distance you can judge. But come back and talk when you have been raped, murdered, had your home bulldozed in front of your eyes and living as worse than a dog by an occupying power in your own country.
Then you can judge.

All of that happened to the Kashmiris & has been happening to them for the better part of a few decades - Where was the pouring in of empathy for them ?
From a distance you can judge. But come back and talk when you have been raped, murdered, had your home bulldozed in front of your eyes and living as worse than a dog by an occupying power in your own country.
Then you can judge.

'Na Gaze, Na Lobnan'.

Many Iranians simply don't give a damn. Palestinians are a 20th century invention. There has never been a Palestinian identity before that century. Arabs belong in the Arabian Peninsula; that piece of land has been Jewish from the ages of time.
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