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Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted

This is the curse of India! US had captured Saddam Hussein and hanged him, US constantly looked for Osama bin Laden and killed him.. But we are protecting these terrorists and spending them with millions of tax payers money... The courts will take many years to give sentence... The President will take years to decide on mercy petition! Sincerely I believe we are not fighting for what we believe.

I can't agree with you enough yes I would like to see them hanged also but they not doing it if we had stronger leaders instead of Sheila Dik**** and half breed Rahul and his Italian mother we would have a chance.
Buddy India is not going to stop buying Iranian oil :lol:

Let's see in coming weeks. The fact of the matter is that, Israel holds more power over Indian government than people of India realize. Whenever Zionists go anywhere, they attach themselves to the corridors of power in a solid way. India is no different. Besides, India has insulted US dollars by starting paying in gold. Do you know what does it mean? Any country that has tried to replace dollar with gold, has been severely punished. Check it out. It is just the start.

---------- Post added at 06:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:16 PM ----------

So Mosad had tried to sour india and irani relations-
Hope the Indians are no fool enough to fall for the oldest trick in the book-

Israelis are known for their false flag operations around the world. Indians will just back down. Israel is much more powerful than India.
Absolutely.... They are Devil King of Hell.... They will go to any extent to save their interests!
Yeah like supporting terrorist organization JUndullah?
Report: Israeli Mossad Agents Posed as CIA Operatives to Recruit Jundullah Terrorists in Covert War Against Iran | Moral Low Ground
False Flag - By Mark Perry | Foreign Policy

---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

Absolutely.... They are Devil King of Hell.... They will go to any extent to save their interests!
Yeah like supporting terrorist organization JUndullah?
Report: Israeli Mossad Agents Posed as CIA Operatives to Recruit Jundullah Terrorists in Covert War Against Iran | Moral Low Ground
False Flag - By Mark Perry | Foreign Policy

If this half breed comes to power with his coked up Colombian gf its time for me to change flag
Raw did not know ? :blink:

I am not part of RAW... Either they did not know that a Pakistani is stealing some technology from UN office for Pakistan... Or RAW is too lethargic or RAW did not have balls to kill him with covert operations!
Home minister should resign a donkey is more competent than him.
Longbrained we going to pay in Rupees :disagree:

Also Rupees. The actual deal is by barter, gold and rupees. It is all of them and no US dollars. Is that any comfort for the Zionist bankers owning the fed? I do not think so. Better be careful. Israel has its way with its enemies.
Also Rupees. The actual deal is by barter, gold and rupees. It is all of them and no US dollars. Is that any comfort for the Zionist bankers owning the fed? I do not think so. Better be careful. Israel has its way with its enemies.

Buddy im pretty certain we will not stop buying Iranian oil we depend on it infact we sent a trade delegation to Iran to increase trade ties but we will see if it does happen, if it does ill be shocked to say the least.

---------- Post added at 01:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

Ill be changing flags like Imran here if Gandu comes to power :)
So basically you agree that Indian Lives are worthless as compared to Israeli lives ( since you claim that Pakistan regularly takes out Indians on Indian Soil?)..?

It's only a matter of time. Trust me, neither your nuclear umbrella nor your trusted friend will help on this one. Indians are only in a dilemma.

Should the Indians Attack Pakistan to take out Terrorist training camps, High value targets (Dawood, JUD/LET Financiers etc.,), the Pakistani-mullah-military folks will have one more reason why a 180 million population should hate Evil Yindoo hegemonic India.
If India doesn't do that, it will be perceived as a weak state pinned down by China-Pakistan in the eyes of international community, gives material for Mullahs to incite youths for Jihad-e-Kashmir and gives a chance to people like you to write sarcastic comments about deaths by Pakistani terrorists.
Buddy im pretty certain we will not stop buying Iranian oil we depend on it infact we sent a trade delegation to Iran to increase trade ties but we will see if it does happen, if it does ill be shocked to say the least.

---------- Post added at 01:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------

Ill be changing flags like Imran here if Gandu comes to power :)

That is also what Argentine said when they were had just rebuilt Tehran nuclear reactor in 1990's and were supplying Iran with 20% enriched Uranium as well as had agreed to give Iran nuclear reactor building technology under a commercial deal safe guarded by IAEA. Then two explosions happen in Argentine, and not only all deals came off but also Argentine had to break its relations with Iran under intense western pressure and media frenzy. India is not going to be any different when it comes to false flag operations.
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