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Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted

India have strategic interest upon Iran,I don't think India will prefer something like that.

But we can not tolerate terrorism.. we have had enough and to make continue friendship with another terrorist is disastrous.There is no strategy with Terrorists..
I condemn every attack on innocent civilians.

However, this will be the true test of India's resolve. Will it buckle under pressure from the US/Israel against Iran? India might be getting its first glimpse of the great geopolitical game (also known as the WOT) Pakistan has been facing since the last 10 years if it proceeds with its relations with Iran.

Sorry to burst ur bubble of self-importance..but India has much more experience in this great game of geopolitical game for we have been fighting our war on terror since 70's when pakistan supported khalistani militants terrorised Punjab, followed by the so-called jihad in Kashmir. and about our diplomacy...our diplomats are much more capable than kid Pakistani diplomats..ask any one how we survived the cold war when every country was jumping in either soviet or US led blocks, we had maintained non-aligned status and also took the help of both the blocks...
I guess, Israel now pressure India to tell the world --"Iran DID it screamingly"-- during the process of investigations. I know, India is strong enough to resist pressures and must decide their own investigations by rejecting Israelis claims.

Even if Iran is found to be guilty, India is not going to confront Iran openly but may be will send a strong but a secretive meesage to Iran to keep their squabble with Israel outside India...as any deterioration relations between the 2 countries will affect both of them as India depends on cheap Iran oil..and India is probably one of the two nations in the world that can stand up to American pressure and still trade with Iran for essential items...the same goes for Israel if it is found to be a false flag operation..
Very strange to see Israeli and Indians crying about terrorism when they are terrorist states terrorising Palestinians and Kashmiri's.

It's even more strange Israel calls this a terror attack by Iran when they think it's fair game to carry out attacks on Iranian scientists.
New Delhi: Iran on Monday rubbished Israeli accusations about its alleged involvement in attacks on Israeli personnel in India and Georgia, saying they are "untrue and sheer lies."

"Any terrorist attack is condemned (by Iran) and we strongly reject the untrue comments by an Israeli official," Iran's Ambassador to India Seyed Mehdi Nabizadeh told IRNA, the Iranian news agency. "These accusations are untrue and sheer lies, like previous times."

The Iranian envoy was reacting to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's comments blaming alleged terror attacks on "Iran and its client Hezbollah".

Standing behind Monday's attacks was "Iran, the world's greatest exporter of terror", Netanyahu said.

"In the last few months we have witnessed several attempts to target Israeli citizens and Jews in a series of countries, such as Azerbaijan and Thailand.

"In all of these cases we were able to thwart these attacks in cooperation with local forces," he said.

A car belonging to the Israeli embassy was gutted after an explosion Monday in a high-security zone in the Indian capital. Four people, including the wife of an Israeli diplomat, were injured, police said.

An attack was foiled in Georgia after an embassy staffer in Tbilisi discovered a bomb underneath his car as he was driving to the embassy Monday morning.

Read more at: http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/i...r-explosion-175987?pfrom=home-otherstories&cp
Sorry to burst ur bubble of self-importance..but India has much more experience in this great game of geopolitical game for we have been fighting our war on terror since 70's when pakistan supported khalistani militants terrorised Punjab, followed by the so-called jihad in Kashmir. and about our diplomacy...our diplomats are much more capable than kid Pakistani diplomats..ask any one how we survived the cold war when every country was jumping in either soviet or US led blocks, we had maintained non-aligned status and also took the help of both the blocks...

It's funny that you talk about the great geopolitical game, yet your post mainly comprises of Pakistan, Kashmir, & Khalistan. Not exactly global geopolitics.

Anyways, India is going to face geopolitical challenges like its never faced before if it pursues its projects with Iran. India was mainly aligned with the Soviet Union in the past, while it was not openly expressing hostility towards the US.
Very strange to see Israeli and Indians crying about terrorism when they are terrorist states terrorising Palestinians and Kashmiri's.

It's even more strange Israel calls this a terror attack by Iran when they think it's fair game to carry out attacks on Iranian scientists.

terrorizing ???? hmmm we are not exporting terrorists buddy. May be you forget how many terrorists attack that Pakistan faced upto now. please check once before posting anything.
It's funny that you talk about the great geopolitical game, yet your post mainly comprises of Pakistan, Kashmir, & Khalistan. Not exactly global geopolitics.

Anyways, India is going to face geopolitical challenges like its never faced before if it pursues its projects with Iran. India was mainly aligned with the Soviet Union in the past, while it was not openly expressing hostility towards the US.

India in an important player in west Asia (because it is a huge importer of Oil), it plays a key role in world economics (because it is a member of G-20, India's GDP per captia 1.4 times that of Paksitan World Bank, World Development Indicators | India & Pakistan), India plays a constructive role in East Asia (member of East Asian forums), we are making inroads into Africa. and India has influence in the Indian subcontinet (with the exception of Pakistan)

The only geopolitics Pakistan plays is to see everything through the prism of India and it says that publicly be it A'stan, America etc. :rofl:
Not enough evidence yet to blame Iran.

However if its them,then Israel deserve it.
These are the kind of attacks done by some western inteligence agency or even an israel agency to turn indians to support the US or Israeli cause,
Hope indians don´t fall into the dirty trickery..

Victor Ostrovsky said:
By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War..
Israel embassy car blast: Indian intelligence hints at Iran's hand

Israel embassy car blast: Indian intelligence hints at Iran's hand - The Times of India

If this is true , then it is very bad for India - Iran relations is in gr8 danger.
India is supporting Iran with trade and opposing American sanctions .. What ever Israel did with Iran was in Iran .. Iran should do same in Israel .. By doing it in third country Iran is losing supporters in international community ...
Iran should fire a person who gave this kind of idea, which is counterproductive for Iran in short and long term ..

Read the article. The intelligence officials suspected that Iranian sympathizers were behind the attack. That's very different from Iran itself being behind the attack.
Bl[i]tZ;2596573 said:
India in an important player in west Asia (because it is a huge importer of Oil), it plays a key role in world economics (because it is a member of G-20, India's GDP per captia 1.4 times that of Paksitan World Bank, World Development Indicators | India & Pakistan), India plays a constructive role in East Asia (member of East Asian forums), we are making inroads into Africa. and India has influence in the Indian subcontinet (with the exception of Pakistan)

The only geopolitics Pakistan plays is to see everything through the prism of India and it says that publicly be it A'stan, America etc. :rofl:

Pakistan's geopolitics is when it was directly involved in a war between two superpowers in the 80s on its Western border that lasted for 10 years, & the current war that has lasted for 10 years. The global WOT has not only engulfed the US, but countries from all over the world registered in NATO, the Middle East & Central Asia. Pakistan has already faced the dilemma of China vs US relations, Pakistan-Iran pipeline admist intense US pressure, Balochistan. The NATO supply routes go through Pakistan, as well as through Central Asia.

India has been living in fool's world as of now in terms of geopolitics. It might get its first real taste of international geopolitics, the great game soon if it pursues its Iran projects. And here are some interesting comments coming from the Times of India:

Truth Seeker (Ayodhya)
58 mins ago (03:27 AM)

Iran, US, Israel have same interests in MidEast. This is all a joke. Mossad agents from Israel are all over India and they can easily pull up that kind of attack.

Folks, The world media is controlled by Zionist thugs and they were the ones who fooled the world in believeing that Iraq had WMD. Millions of innocents were killed in that unjust war and the so called war on terror unleahed on wrong pretext.

Daniel (Mumbai)
1 hr ago (03:13 AM)
Israeli Intelligence Mossad is behind this attack

Only fact (London)
1 hr ago (02:56 AM)
Israel is the biggest winner in whole drama. why iran will do it. Are they fool to lose India as its allies. Its like after blast in mecca masjid, ajmer dargah muslim were blamed. why a muslim would attack muslims. its later on that was discoved that it was the Sanghis that killed thousands people in riots and blasts. This drama is hatched by isarail to continue its atrocities in middleeast. Come on guys be little courage and accept the truth.

Hitesh (Madrid, Spain)
1 hr ago (02:55 AM)
Why bomb explosion could not kill the persons? Sounds 'Iranians' were not good at making bombs. or some other conspiracy?

Love India (India)
1 hr ago (02:51 AM)
Be ready for dirty international politics. Both Israel and iran decided to play on our main land. IPL - International Political Limbo.

Arjun (India)
1 hr ago (02:50 AM)
I have severe doubts about this. Israel and it's Mossad are not strangers to covert operations in foreign turf. Perhaps this was to get us on the anti-Iran bandwagon? Oh btw, before you call me a pseudo-secularist, I believe in Hindutva.

Voice of Treason (London)

How is it in Iran's interests to attack the families of diplomatic officials in friendly countries like India? It doesn't. If they wanted to deter Israeli attacks, they'd have to claim responsibility, but they know very well that nothing will deter Israel anyway. This attack only suits Israeli interests and Israel seems to know straight away who did it, even without any evidence. The whole thing has 'Mossad false flag op' written all over it. It's normal practice for them.

Maneesh (New Delhi) replies to Voice of Treason

Yup, and the only way they can get away with it is by ensuring that they used low grade material that would not result in any deaths of the Israeli targets. So mission accomplished.

Indian (India) replies to Richard Rabinowitz

Simple reason. Israel wants India to join the Iran embargo. Mossad made sure that the diplomat's wife was only injured. And a question to you. Why did the Israelis stage the 9/11 attacks? They wanted to pull U.S. into their war against the Islamists.

Get Ready (For the Future)

One week ago America reprimands India for supporting Iran, and in a weeks time Israel has managed to change that. Get ready to pay through your nose for petrol fellow country men cos it seems we will stop importing oil from Iran soon. Can someone tell me which is better Atlas or BSA cycle?

terrorizing ???? hmmm we are not exporting terrorists buddy. May be you forget how many terrorists attack that Pakistan faced upto now. please check once before posting anything.

You have been raping women and killing children in Kashmir for decades. That is terrorism in the most vile form. India and Israel are both terrorist occupying states, the only difference is Israel is expanding and doesn't rape like India.
Even if Iran is found to be guilty, India is not going to confront Iran openly but may be will send a strong but a secretive meesage to Iran to keep their squabble with Israel outside India...as any deterioration relations between the 2 countries will affect both of them as India depends on cheap Iran oil..and India is probably one of the two nations in the world that can stand up to American pressure and still trade with Iran for essential items...the same goes for Israel if it is found to be a false flag operation..

Indian genius, I admire that. Smart move. Hope we can learn from each other against common terrorisms. :azn:
Top Hezbollah terrorist Imad Mugniyeh was killed on 12 February. Hezbollah is vowing revenge since then.
Attacking embassies is long time Iranian habbit.

So its pretty obvious who's behind.

Well , i highly doubt Hezbollah or Iran would send their agents to India just to blow up a small car. I think it's the work of some amateurs belonging to a local extremist group. Though most muslims in India don't hate israel , there are extremists that do.
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