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Israeli minister vows Palestinian 'holocaust'


Sep 14, 2010
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United States
A senior Israeli politician provoked controversy today when he warned that Palestinians firing rockets from Gaza would be punished with a "bigger holocaust" from Israeli armed forces.

The use of the Hebrew word for holocaust, "shoah", tends to be used exclusively in Israel to describe the Nazi persecution of Jews.

Palestinian activists routinely claim to be suffering a "shoah" at the hands of Israel, but the Jewish state normally denies any moral equivalence between the suffering of Palestinians today and European jewry under the Nazis.

Matan Vilnai, deputy defence minister, broke that taboo when he used the term "shoah" during interview on Army Radio.

"The more qassam fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range, they (the Palestinians) will bring upon themselves a bigger shoah because we will use all our might to defend ourselves," he said.

His use of the term reflects the febrile atmosphere in Israel where public opinion demands the government does something decisive to stop the daily barrage of rockets fired from Gaza over the border into Israel.



They aren't even hiding it now! Openly stating what they are doing...A holocaust of Palestinian people!
What are they waiting for, rubber stamp from the capitol hill ?
What are they waiting for, rubber stamp from the capitol hill ?

Israel doesn't need any rubber stamp from capitol hill in case of Gaza...

Iran? Probably yes.
They aren't even hiding it now! Openly stating what they are doing...A holocaust of Palestinian people!

Didn't you check the date? Is more than four years old.

Pro-Palestinian (social) media is propagating it as if this mistranslation has been said today....

Israel warns Palestinians of 'disaster' / LJWorld.com

This reported remark by deputy defence minister Matan Vilnai caused widespread shock and absolute horror. For an Israeli minister to use the word ‘holocaust’ to describe a limited war of Israeli self-defence, when for Jews of all people the ‘Holocaust’ means one thing: genocide — and this at a time when the calumny of the ‘Jews as Nazis’ is rampant around the world, putting Israel and the Jewish people at risk — was simply beyond belief.

It was indeed without any credibility — because Vilnai never said it. It was an appalling mistranslation by Reuters

[...] Reuters translated the Hebrew word ‘shoah’ as ‘holocaust’. But ‘shoah’ merely means disaster. In Hebrew, the word ‘shoah’ is never used to mean ‘holocaust’ or ‘genocide’ because of the acute historical resonance. The word ‘Hashoah’ alone means ‘the Holocaust’ and ‘retzach am’ means ‘genocide’. The well-known Hebrew construction used by Vilnai used merely means ‘bringing disaster on themselves’.
Hmm- That is why it's best to wait always when anything comes out from that region. it turns out- not only did the merry band of folks fall for it here and did not bother to see it was propaganda from 4 years.

But on top of it quote " Reuters translated the Hebrew word ‘shoah’ as ‘holocaust’. But ‘shoah’ merely means disaster."
Does it matter? Holocaust is what Israel was doing then...Holocaust is what Israel is doing now.

It does.
It is deception. All these fanatic pro-Palestinian 'activists' who are spreading disinformation about Israel out of ignorance and indulging in Anti-Semitism, as an act of Islamic devotion and patriotism towards other co-religionists and countrymen, are doing more harm to the Palestinian cause with their propaganda or lies than good.
It does.
It is deception. All these fanatic pro-Palestinian 'activists' who are spreading disinformation about Israel out of ignorance and indulging in Anti-Semitism, as an act of Islamic devotion and patriotism towards other co-religionists and countrymen, are doing more harm to the Palestinian cause with their propaganda or lies than good.

Yeah, your grandparents were also spreading 'disinformation' about the Nazis from their concentration camps, don't forget that!
Didn't you check the date? Is more than four years old.

Pro-Palestinian (social) media is propagating it as if this mistranslation has been said today....

Israel warns Palestinians of 'disaster' / LJWorld.com

When people need to use lies to justify their cause, it shows that truth would only hurt them. When Israel proposed to return all territories taken in 1967 war, Arafat reveal the true intention of his organization and refused the offer and countered by demanding that Palestinians must have their land back prior to 1947, which in effect would destroy Israel. Almost no Israelis take any Palestinian proposal seriously since then, as the Palestinians only seeks to destroy Israel.
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