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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

F-35 is traceable by S-400 Radar and S-200 in Syria is so deadly because it is interlinked with that RADAR.

S200 can be upgraded to intercept F35. As you see it has a pretty large nose to house a more powerful radar than amraam or similar missiles. Stealth measures are not very effective and intended for aircraft and ground targets from longer ranges to launch stand off weapons and for example if missiles gets the target say about 25km then it would be enough to be used with a VHF radar getting only the rough direction and range estimates and leave the interception business to the missile itself.

Only thing it lacks is it needs to be guarded with a very high speed accurate missile like BUK/HQ16 to fend off a2g missile strikes.

Black Hawk was on the plane crash site the pilot ejected and was rescued from some where else.

This intercept was supported by Russia here is the proof.

What is Russia doing in Syria then? Why is Russia stealing Syrian gas from Eastern Syria and trying to gain a foothold in the Eastern Mediterranean in order to control Syrian/Lebanese gas?

Nice story. Only pro-Al-Assad foreigners (terrorist hordes - luckily 10.000's have been turned into fertilizer since 2011) are welcome. Outsiders defending Syrians (most Arab countries and Turkey) are not welcome. What a joke.

When is the useless and criminal mass-murdering anti-Syrian, anti-Arab, and anti-Muslim Al-Assad puppet regime going to tell the Americans to stop supporting stateless Kurdish terrorist monkeys that occupy non-Kurdish territory in Syria?

When is Russia going to tell their Israeli buddies to return the occupied (for 40 years) Golan Heights to Syria that the same useless Al-Assad regime lost to Israel?

What a freaking freak-show!

Syrian celebrating the intercept.


Meanwhile 300 civilian Syrians (150 of them children) have been killed by Al-Assad regime and Russian bombardments in the past 4 days but Al-Assad regime drones are giving out sweats to Syrians for having downed 1 Israeli F-16 Fighter jet (no casualties either) while Damascus and other areas of Syria are being carpet bombed (much more than the other way around) by the same Israel and more civilian Syrians dying. Great success as Borat would say!

As if Israel and Russia (two great historical allies) would ever even remotely go to war against each other. Dumb simpletons that are being played out as easily as school children.

Continuous freak-show. There is indeed much to celebrate in Syria for Syrians!

Do you also know who and which kind of people support the Al-Assad regime 100%? The worst kind of Islamophobes, Neo-Nazis and in general people that consider Muslims worth less than rats and Pakistanis, Turks, Arabs, Iranians etc. to have a similar worth like Gypsies during the Nazi regime. Another truth bomb for the resident Al-Assad ball-suckers to swallow.

Each day they are rejoicing while Arabs, Assyrians, Turkmen, Circassians and Kurds are dying and others. They rejoice each time there is trouble in the region and somebody (locals) are dying. To this growing number of people (from China to the West) we are all the same and worth as little.

So congratulations on sharing the platform with them. Maybe if you make enough of pro-regime comments, enough comments about how 8 million + Syrians are terrorists (if not 90% of all Syrians) they will give you a few claps on your head like the worst kind of dog out there.

@Mhmoud bro, you are thanking my posts but I can't see your thanks? What is going on? Are you using a phone?
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Kid,you should read latest discolsure by J-20 pilots that,stealth fighters are untraceable.
F-35 is untraceable,if not so what is purpose of 100 billion USD project,when a few hundrad million dollar SAM can down it?

F-35 is 40,000 pounds of metal. Of course radar can see it. If America has a civil war, they'll have to be able to shoot down F-35.
How is that possible? Your super duper air defenses failed again?

The F-16 was hit elsewhere but crashed in northern Israel.
Iranian UAV was shot down + its control room destroyed deep inside Syria:

Iran says it's drone was tracking ISIS movement near Golan heights.
Iranian UAV was shot down + its control room destroyed deep inside Syria:

I was talking about the missile that downed the F-16. Israel failed to intercept it, they also don't appear to have destroyed any of the air defenses.

Egypt has sent a military air support unit to Syria in preparation for a large deployment early next year, Lebanese daily As-Safir has reported.

The Egyptian foreign ministry denies reports in Lebanese media that there are Egyptian troops aiding Al-Assad forces in Syria

Ahram Online , Sunday 27 Nov 2016

The newspaper also said that four Egyptian commanders arrived in Damascus earlier this month, giving aid the army in its war against "terrorists."

In an interview with Portuguese TV last week, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi stated that Egypt was "standing with the Syrian Arab Army against terrorist organisations"including Daesh.


Ahram Online , Friday 9 Feb 2018
Egypt's parliament fully supports the "honorable and just" operations by the Egyptian Armed Forces’ Operation Sinai 2018 to purge the country of terrorists, a statement by Egypt's parliament speaker Ali Abdel-Aal said on Friday evening.

Abdel-Aal said that he is closely following the military operation, which aims to thwart all terrorist plots threatening the security of Egypt, the statement added.

On Friday morning, the Egyptian Armed Forces launched Comprehensive Operation Sinai 2018 in north and central Sinai and other parts of the country to fight terrorism.

“The parliament values all the sacrifices of brave Egyptian soldiers, and calls on Egyptians to stand with police and the Armed Forces in the country’s war against terrorism, until the land of Egypt is cleansed of it forever,” the statement added.
Unconfirmed reports suggest one Israeli pilot who was in critical condition has expired.
S-125 , Sa8 and newer Panstyr copies etc. can be used against F35 as well if upgraded.

So if one asks since they dont have powerful radars then how can they be used to target it without being detected and running away all the time,

The sensor package needs to be updated for short range medium altitude interceptions.

* I think it is possible to get the direction data easily from IIR sensor like OLS sensors on new 4.5gen fighter aircraft from considerable ranges like 30km considering the F35 engine burning like hell.
This kind of sensor gives range 20km and altitude 20km from a ground sam system or 15km altitude and 25km range.


* Pencil beam strong radar to measure the distance without being detected. Laser has short range like 10kms and it also gives out your position but I think a pencil beam radar to only the measure the distance would be much less locatable by any aerial platform. Since the narrow beam would be stronger and intended to measure distance only instead of tracking stealth would be more detectable and cant locate the source of the pencil beam. This is an opinion but I think it is possible.

These data are enough to calculate the rate of changing sightline angle between the missile's known position and the target to guide the missile to its target.
F-35 is traceable it just reduces the RADAR tracking range. Please re-check your info.
I think,the reason for your these claims must be a Doctoral Study in field of Radar Technology and having a sound knowledge+expertise in digital signal processing?if not please keep your B.S with yourself.
S400,Patriot,Aegis or anyother system aren't capable of picking Stealth Jets.Though there are sensors like IRST, Passive Radars and OTH Radar systems,it must be noted that VHF radars have a wavelength of one to 10 meters. Targeting however is usually done by UHF radar with very short wavelengths. It gives extremely accurate targeting information.
Such systems might be capable of detecting a low-observable airplane. But it probably can’t do so with great fidelity — nor generate a useful targeting track for a missile to follow. Despite claims, stealth aircraft are no less difficult to find, target and destroy now than they were before.
Such sensors can produce a warning but can't produce a valid targeting data to guide a missile or even a fighter for interception using gun or Infared guided missiles.
Good job also kill the scumbag jew pilot.
Only American made stealth Fighters are traceable. All others are completely 100% untraceable :sarcastic:
Basically yeah. American RADAR has not really been developed with enemy stealth in mind, Russian and Chinese have been. THis will change, of course, but the USAF finds itself at a disadvantage for the first time in forever.
I think,the reason for your these claims must be a Doctoral Study in field of Radar Technology and having a sound knowledge+expertise in digital signal processing?if not please keep your B.S with yourself.
S400,Patriot,Aegis or anyother system aren't capable of picking Stealth Jets.Though there are sensors like IRST, Passive Radars and OTH Radar systems,it must be noted that VHF radars have a wavelength of one to 10 meters. Targeting however is usually done by UHF radar with very short wavelengths. It gives extremely accurate targeting information.
Such systems might be capable of detecting a low-observable airplane. But it probably can’t do so with great fidelity — nor generate a useful targeting track for a missile to follow. Despite claims, stealth aircraft are no less difficult to find, target and destroy now than they were before.
Such sensors can produce a warning but can't produce a valid targeting data to guide a missile or even a fighter for interception using gun or Infared guided missiles.
Stealth aircraft are also visible on RADARs but their signature shows them very small object for F-35 they claimed its RADAR signature are only like football size.
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