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Israeli doctor treats Boston terrorist, victims; says 'I'm used to it'

Really Solomon? The Jews couldn't trust living under Arabs even though they had been in relative harmony for 1300 years?
Yes, really. The Mufti of Jerusalem first proposed using terror to drive out the Jews to his Turkish masters in 1899. The Turks said no. When the Brits took over, the Arabs saw an opportunity, and many Brits willing helped them - imperial thinking, you know, balancing opposing minorities, and favoring the party more in need of British help (the Arabs) over the one that needed it less. Basically until after WWII the Brits wanted to consider Palestine more as their colony and passage for oil rather than as the trusteeship the League of Nations envisioned.

It was the Euro Zionist influx which instigated this conflict- a fact admitted by many of the local Palestinian Jews. Neither side is innocent but to portray Israel as the perpetual victim is simply BS.
Sure, it was European Jews who purchased land to settle on - at first wasteland that was so unfit for farming that over 80% of the settlers died. But it was Arabs who embraced violence - indeed, it was only the Turks who held them back, as I've described.
Oh what crap. Even your Israeli peace activists like Bat Shalom have accepted that it was the lack of compromise from Barak and Israel which lead to the Arab rejection at Camp David.
Of course there Commies will always blame Israel. But fact is that Israel did offer a state with East Jerusalem to Palestinians.
Oh what crap. Even your Israeli peace activists like Bat Shalom have accepted that it was the lack of compromise from Barak and Israel which lead to the Arab rejection at Camp David.
Can't you come up with your own evaluation of events?

Honestly , India has nothing against Arabs. But Indians will largely always support Israelis(jews) and Iranians (Shia muslims/Zoroastrians) over Arabs(Sunnis) for mainly two reasons.

Firstly ,because India's historical experience with Sunni muslims hasn't been very pleasant particularly in the last 20 odd years if you read India's history whereas our experience with jews, shia muslims and Zoroastrians has been very good to put it mildly. Secondly because Arabs have diplomatically (OIC) supported Pakistan over India in Kashmir issue , always even prior to 1990s when India had nor relations with the Israelis.

Yet we want to help Palestinians as much as possible on humanitarian grounds and due to the commitments made by our ancestors and are trying in our own way. As i said , Indians offer the most practical solution - peace followed by a two state solution.
Many Indians seem desensitized to the suffering of Palestinians because of the constant wave of Islamic terror that has plagued their land for years, rooted to the occupation of Kashmir and intrastate communal violence. Thus they view Israel as their natural ally, a helpless innocent victim :-)disagree:) facing the juggernaut of radical Islam.

For those of us whose loyalties lie solely with America and who aren't inclined to a pan-Indian outlook (though I'm proud of being ethnically Tamil), the conflict isn't so black-and-white.

Israel is a pariah state and cancerous tumor eating away at America. Palestine is for the native Palestinians (Jew, Muslim, Christian, Druze) who've inhabited the land since time immemorial. Zionism is a crime.

I was starting to lose hope in all Indians, thank you sir. :enjoy:
Note that the Passover hagadah cited in the video talks about G-d killing non-Jews, not Jews killing non-Jews. I didn't bother watching beyond that - try transcripts next, it saves time.

It's talking about Jews terrorists calling for killing all non-Jews:

Israeli rabbi approves murder of non-Jews

Israeli rabbi approves murder of non-Jews - The National

Extremist rabbis propagate call for killing goyim in Israel’s perpetual war

Extremist rabbis propagate call for killing goyim in Israel’s perpetual war | Jews for Justice for Palestinians

There are links in your list not about that, so why would I bother? Stick to text.

And all the specific charges fall down into the dust, just like the Goldstein Report did.

The links prove Israelis and their doctors involvement in killing Palestanians, steal their organs and sell them for profit.
Recall the end of WWI, three empires were destroyed and broken up into nation-states. The British Mandate didn't displace a single Arab by a Jew, but did entail the forced displacement of Jews from Transjordan. The Mandate also made it clear that the ultimate purpose of encouraging "close settlement" of Jews in its territory was to establish a future Jewish State. Even the Ottoman Caliph agreed to most of this, though he commanded that the Arabs were not to deprive the Jews of their civil and property rights - yet the Arabs (not the Jews) did just that, while the Jews did not.
Britain encouraged Jewish migration to Palestine against it's people will.
Britain was an illegal occupier of Arab states and had no right whatsoever to grant lands of others to Jews or others. The same goes to Ottomans, who (you liar) didn't approve Jewish settlement in Palestine.
We've been at this for years. You're aware by now that Arabs who participated in armed and civil rebellion who fled - refusing allegiance to the Jewish State and pledged to reject it by force - forfeited their civil and property rights whereas those who did not kept theirs. The "Palestinians" (before the 1960s the term applied to Jews) are the descendants of the unrepentant rejectionists and those Arabs from adjacent areas who abandoned their lands in favor of the UNRWA dole.
Arabs like any other group of people fought the invaders who happened to be Jews. And your base dump, ridiculous logic says that Palestinians abandoned their homes and fertile lands by their will to live in miserable camps in neighboring countries to get little food UN offered to them?

Joint written statement submitted to the U.N. Human Rights Council, Twelfth Session
Recurring Dispossession and Displacement of 1948 Palestinian Refugees in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Deir Yassin massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaYou had to go all the way back to the beginning of the Jewish State to come up with something that even approached the level of "massacre" that Arabs have been known for before and since. The young Jewish fighters were in a confused situation. They train to the present day to avoid a repeat.
Avoid a repeat? you were saying you lying liar, that Jews bought those lands and didn't kill nor expel anybody. This is just one massacre among hundreds have been committed since Jews got in Palestine until today. Shall I post pictures and links? as well as UN resolutions condemning those crimes?

You're foaming at the mouth so hard you can scarcely write! You know I'm not lying. You know you've been living a lie, as your parents did before you. Why don't you think it's time for you - not anyone else, but you personally, "BLACKEAGLE" - to break the cycle of father-to-son lies?

Have you ever heard of psychological projection? Unfortunately it's not your case, you are lying and you know that, because there is no human being carrying a brain would spew such nonsense, Not only us who believe you are liars but also people of all backgrounds, all over history confirmed that your pathological liars:

On the Jews and Their Lies
On the Jews and Their Lies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Martin Luther: The Jews and Their Lies
Martin Luther: The Jews and Their Lies

The 10 Big Lies About Jews & Judaism

The 10 Big Lies About Jews & Judaism - Kingdom of Priests

No Arab country (with the theoretical exception of Lebanon) is willing to take back the Jews who fled and restore their property, which is condemnation enough of the whole exercise to show that everything is the Jews' fault and they should just return home, isn't it?
We will take back the Jews who lived in Palestine before 1905 after Jews who came after go back to the countries they came from.
You're on the wrong side of justice as well as history, BLACKEAGLE. The only way we've thought of here at PDF for Muslim societies to heal themselves is to embrace the Israel and its Jews. Muslims' rejection of the Zionist project is the root of all their ills since. The Israelis aren't going to help you - its enough to defeat murder-minded men militarily so the Jews of Israel can build their own lives. Many non-Israeli Zionists agree. I don't; I think you should have a chance to better yourselves and removing your blinders is an important step along the way. But the hard work you're going to have to do yourselves, as the Egyptian democrats have been learning for the past two years.

Justice? :lol:, displace hundreds of thousands of people from their own homeland, kill thousands of them, imprison thousands, torture them and cut off food and necessities from them, deny their rights in their own lands and yet you disgusting beings lecture others about justice? Disgusting..
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Yet we want to help Palestinians as much as possible on humanitarian grounds and due to the commitments made by our ancestors and are trying in our own way. As i said , Indians offer the most practical solution - peace followed by a two state solution.

I think the best outcome is to put it to a vote. Everybody native to the land that is Israel/Palestine votes upon what they want for the future of their land.

This will exclude all recent immigrants, wether it be Jews from Europe or foreign Arabs. If then the majority of native Palestinians and Jews vote for a 2 state solution then so be it.
If muslims can have Islamic state , why can't jews have jewish state ?

Also , a single nation is a bad idea. Communal violence will be the norm. I can't imagine seeing them living together peacefully.
Anything that any side does to block the two state solution is condemnable , be it Israel building settlements in West Bank or Palestinians firing rockets in Israel.

Islamic state? Are you referring to Pakistan? Bad comparison in my mind. The Pakistanis are the descendants of the same Punjabis, Sindhis, Baloch, Pashtuns, etc. who have lived in the region since the dawn of time, with a gradual conversion to Islam over a long epoch.

In the case of Israel, Jews from Europe used their Torah as a real-estate agent and uprooted indigenous peoples from their land.

What right does a British Jew in London have to Palestine? The fact that the ancient tribe from his/her religious book occupied the region thousands of years prior?:rolleyes:
I understand. Personally Im not even a muslim, but still think Zionism is a disease. Eroding any country that alligns itself with it.
Im still some what surprised of Indians support for Israel (broadly speaking), considering Ghandis unconditional rejection of Zionism. But whatever, everyone are entitled to their own opinions on the matter. :)

Damn right it's a disease. An affliction ailing the U.S. ever since they gave AIPAC a voice.

PS: Gandhi was murdered by the same radical Hindu outfit which promotes Zionism in India today. There ya go. ;)

Of course there Commies will always blame Israel. But fact is that Israel did offer a state with East Jerusalem to Palestinians.

So the peacemakers are "commies" now? :undecided:
Even some of your own people couldn't take it anymore, couldn't take your crocodile tears and pathetic playing the victim game:

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@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=12445" target="_blank">Solomon2</a></u>
Even some of your own people couldn't take it anymore, couldn't take your crocodile tears and pathetic playing the victim game:

Norman Finkelstein is a great man. Possibly the greatest living Jewish scholar, Noam Chomsky, is also against Zionism:


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Yes, really. The Mufti of Jerusalem first proposed using terror to drive out the Jews to his Turkish masters in 1899. The Turks said no. When the Brits took over, the Arabs saw an opportunity, and many Brits willing helped them - imperial thinking, you know, balancing opposing minorities, and favoring the party more in need of British help (the Arabs) over the one that needed it less. Basically until after WWII the Brits wanted to consider Palestine more as their colony and passage for oil rather than as the trusteeship the League of Nations envisioned.

Sure, it was European Jews who purchased land to settle on - at first wasteland that was so unfit for farming that over 80% of the settlers died. But it was Arabs who embraced violence - indeed, it was only the Turks who held them back, as I've described.

So you're going to point out one isolated incident regarding the Mufti, and apply that as the standard for how Jews were treated by Arabs/Muslims for 1300 years in the land? :lol:

So you're going to refer to a small percentage of land legally purchased by Jews and disregard the expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians by Zionist militias?
So you're going to refer to a small percentage of land legally purchased by Jews and disregard the expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians by Zionist militias?

Even if they legally purchased land (a big if) it still does not give them the right to proclaim their own country. If I buy a few acres of land in Italy, I can't suddenly declare it my own country!

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