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Israeli doctor treats Boston terrorist, victims; says 'I'm used to it'

You have to remember that the Israeli lobby spends a lot of time and effort to try and justify their hideous actions. Apologists such as 500 and Solomon2 are just an example of it.
BE, you thanked him? Do you like being a Persian's slave?
Hahaha typical default behavior of Zionist.

Anyone ever noticed that whenever there is a natural disaster or any tragedy of some sort, the Israelis always make so much noise about their charity? Its good to help out but Ill explain my position.

First of all, when giving charity and you publically announce it (well, scream it really), that is not exactly being charitable but doing charity work for the purpose of wearing it as a badge of honour. Opportunism at its worst.

Which brings me to my 2nd point. Zioinists make me vomit.
Most Indian ( including Israel supporters) support a two state solution for Palestine. That is the only practical solution.

Indians offer the best advice to Palestine- Keep calm , let peace prevail and in that atmosphere squeeze out a two state solution for yourself.

Anybody who suggests that Israel should not exist at all or should be wiped out is actually an enemy of Palestinians because in this endeavour more of them will get killed and brutalised and eventually things will remain the same.

The Israeli regime is not in favor of a two-state solution though, they have exponentially increased settlements in the occupied West Bank with the hopes of changing the Arab-Jewish demographic to suit their own interests. They have a colonialist administration with the same mindset of apartheid South Africa.....ironically a country they were very close to during that particular period (despite the severe condemnation of the rest of the world).

In my opinion, a singular democratic nation (encompassing Israel, Gaza, and West Bank) is the more plausible of solutions. None of this "Jewish state " fascist BS.
We where talking about Jewish lack of patriotism (apart from towards Israel).
When country gives Jews equal rights Jews are more than patriotic. In USA or Russia Jews contributed MUCH more than their share in population.

But when country treats Jews as dhimmis and calls for genocide of the Jews why should be they patriotic towards that country?

So spare me with your pathetic racism.

The Israeli regime is not in favor of a two-state solution though
Israel repeatedly supported and offered two state solution
BE, you thanked him? Do you like being a Persian's slave?

Nobody has this mentality of slaves and owners anymore. Apart from Jews who consider themselves God's chosen people and everybody else inferior.

When country gives Jews equal rights Jews are more than patriotic. In USA or Russia Jews contributed MUCH more than their share in population.

But when country treats Jews as dhimmis and calls for genocide of the Jews why should be they patriotic towards that country?

So spare me with your pathetic racism.

There where 5 million Russian Jews 100 years ago, now there are only 150,000 as most decided to leave to Israel/US. So spare me with your lies.

Also of course there will be many Jews in the US as that country is run by the Jewish lobby.

Hahaha typical default behavior of Zionist sewer rats.

Anyone ever noticed that whenever there is a natural disaster or any tragedy of some sort, the Israelis always make so much noise about their charity? Its good to help out but Ill explain my position.

First of all, when giving charity and you publically announce it (well, scream it really), that is not exactly being charitable but doing charity work for the purpose of wearing it as a badge of honour. Opportunism at its worst.

Which brings me to my 2nd point. Zioinists make me vomit.

It's not even charity. A doctor treated a patient. It is the most normal thing in the world, yet they try and make it look like an act of Mother Teresa lol.
When country gives Jews equal rights Jews are more than patriotic. In USA or Russia Jews contributed MUCH more than their share in population.

But when country treats Jews as dhimmis and calls for genocide of the Jews why should be they patriotic towards that country?

So spare me with your pathetic racism.

Israel repeatedly supported and offered two state solution

A solution excluding the Palestinian right of return and jurisdiction over East Jerusalem. Is that an equitable resolution in your eyes?
The Israeli regime is not in favor of a two-state solution -
Two-state solution has been official policy for two decades now.

In my opinion, a singular democratic nation (encompassing Israel, Gaza, and West Bank) is the more plausible of solutions. None of this "Jewish state " fascist BS.
I think Winston Churchill once thought as you did. What changed his mind (as depicted by biographer Martin Gilbert) was his 1920 visit to Gaza: he was greeted by a crowd of 150,000 Arabs screaming, "Death to the Jews!" At that point Churchill knew, absolutely, that these Arabs could never be entrusted with the safety of a Jewish minority in their midst. They simply weren't good enough people to do so.

There had been previous indications of the exceptional beastliness of the Arab population in this area: for example, American missionaries arrived in the 19th century to convert Arab Christians to Protestantism were welcomed with open arms, allowed to bring in seed and machinery and plant crops. They were murdered immediately after the harvest, with a douceur to the Jaffa governor to keep the thieving murderers out of prison. The local U.S. naval commander had to threaten to shell the governor's palace from his gunboat before justice was done. Doubtless the more you look the more examples you'll find.

A solution excluding the Palestinian right of return and jurisdiction over East Jerusalem. Is that an equitable resolution in your eyes?
An equitable solution would be for the Arabs to ask the Jews for forgiveness, admit their errors, and absorb or comfort the Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza until such time as they once again can be thought of as fit protectors of the Jewish minority in their midst. Here's an extract from the account of a great Jewish traveler of medieval times, Benjamin of Tudela:

In Bagdad there are about 40,000 Jews, and they dwell in security, prosperity and honour under the great Caliph, and amongst them are great sages, the heads of Academies engaged in the study of the law. In this city there are ten Academies. At the head of the great Academy is the chief rabbi R. Samuel, the son of Eli. He is the head of the Academy Gaon Jacob. He is a Levite, and traces his pedigree back to Moses our teacher. The head of the second Academy is R. Hanania his brother, warden of the Levites; R. Daniel is the head of the third Academy; R. Elazar the scholar is the head of the fourth Academy; and R. Elazar, the son of Zemach, is the head of the order, and his pedigree reaches to Samuel the prophet, the Korahite. He and his brethren know how to chant the melodies as did the singers at the time when the Temple was standing. He is head of the fifth Academy. R. Hisdai, the glory of the scholars, is head of the sixth Academy. R. Haggai is head of the seventh Academy. R. Ezra is the head of the eighth Academy. R. Abraham who is called Abu Tahir, is the head of the ninth Academy. R. Zakkai, the son of Bostanai the Nasi, is the head of the Sium. These are the ten Batlanim, and they do not engage in any other work than communal administration; and all the days of the week they judge the Jews their countrymen, except on the second day of the week, when they all appear before the chief rabbi Samuel, the head of the Yeshiba Gaon (Jacob), who in conjunction with the other Batlanim judges all those that appear before him. And at the head of them all is Daniel the son of Hisdai, who is styled "Our Lord the Head of the Captivity of all Israel." He possesses a book of pedigrees going back as far as David, King of Israel. The Jews call him "Our Lord, Head of the Captivity," and the Mohammedans call him " Saidna teen Daoud," and he has been invested with authority over all the congregations of Israel at the hands of the Emir al Muminin, the Lord of Islam. For thus Mohammed commanded concerning him and his descendants; and he granted him a seal of office over all the congregations that dwell under his rule, and ordered that every one, whether Mohammedan or Jew, or belonging to any other nation in his dominion, should rise up before him (the Exilarch) and salute him, and that any one who should refuse to rise up should receive one hundred stripes.

And every fifth day when he goes to pay a visit to the great Caliph, horsemen, Gentiles as well as Jews, escort him, and heralds proclaim in advance, "Make way before our Lord, the son of David, as is due unto him," the Arabic words being "Amilu tarik la Saidna teen Daud." He is mounted on a horse, and is attired in robes of silk and embroidery with a large turban on his head, and from the turban is suspended a long white cloth adorned with a chain upon which the cipher of Mohammed is engraved. Then he appears before the Caliph and kisses his hand, and the Caliph rises and places him on a throne which Mohammed had ordered to be made for him, and all the Mohammedan princes who attend the court of the Caliph rise up before him. And the Head of the Captivity is seated on his throne opposite to the Caliph, in compliance with the command of Mohammed to give effect to what is written in the law: "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah nor a law-giver from between his feet, until he come to Shiloh: and to him shall the gathering of the people be."

There where 5 million Russian Jews 100 years ago, now there are only 150,000 as most decided to leave to Israel/US. So spare me with your lies.
Jews were persecuted in Russia, were murdered in holocaust. But they enormously contributed to USSR: MiG fighters - Gurevish a Jew, Mi helicopters - Mil a Jew, Best Soviet WW2 fighter La-5 - Lavochkin a Jew, Soviet physics school largely build by the Jews. Huge number of famous muslic composers, poets and writers were Jews. Huge contribution, considering they were only couple percent of the population.

A solution excluding the Palestinian right of return and jurisdiction over East Jerusalem. Is that an equitable resolution in your eyes?
Israel did offer East Jerusalem and right of return to Palestinian state.

But they want to go in "evil fascist Israel". :lol:
Jews were persecuted in Russia, were murdered in holocaust. But they enormously contributed to USSR: MiG fighters - Gurevish a Jew, Mi helicopters - Mil a Jew, Best Soviet WW2 fighter La-5 - Lavochkin a Jew, Soviet physics school largely build by the Jews. Huge number of famous muslic composers, poets and writers were Jews. Huge contribution, considering they were only couple percent of the population.

Holocaust was German not Russian. Also many of the top members of the Bolsheviks and USSR where Jews, so much so that communism was known as a "Jewish ideology". Yes many people died during the USSR, but there wasn't a systematic extermination of the Jews like you are trying to suggest.

Also the success of Jews is not in doubt. It is well known that there are many leading academics, executives etc who are Jewish. The question is based on loyalty and patriotism, not on how successful Jews have been.

Just admit that by and large Jews aren't patriotic apart from towards Israel and move on with your life.
Many Indians seem desensitized to the suffering of Palestinians because of the constant wave of Islamic terror that has plagued their land for years, rooted to the occupation of Kashmir and intrastate communal violence. Thus they view Israel as their natural ally, a helpless innocent victim :-)disagree:) facing the juggernaut of radical Islam.

For those of us whose loyalties lie solely with America and who aren't inclined to a pan-Indian outlook (though I'm proud of being ethnically Tamil), the conflict isn't so black-and-white.

Israel is a pariah state and cancerous tumor eating away at America. Palestine is for the native Palestinians (Jew, Muslim, Christian, Druze) who've inhabited the land since time immemorial. Zionism is a crime.

I understand. Personally Im not even a muslim, but still think Zionism is a disease. Eroding any country that alligns itself with it.
Im still some what surprised of Indians support for Israel (broadly speaking), considering Ghandis unconditional rejection of Zionism. But whatever, everyone are entitled to their own opinions on the matter. :)
I understand. Personally Im not even a muslim, but still think Zionism is a disease.
Im still some what surprised of Indians support for Israel (broadly speaking), considering Ghandis unconditional rejection of Zionism. But whatever, everyone are entitled to their own opinions on the matter. :)

Really Solomon? The Jews couldn't trust living under Arabs even though they had been in relative harmony for 1300 years?

It was the Euro Zionist influx which instigated this conflict- a fact admitted by many of the local Palestinian Jews. Neither side is innocent but to portray Israel as the perpetual victim is simply BS.
The Israeli regime is not in favor of a two-state solution though, they have exponentially increased settlements in the occupied West Bank with the hopes of changing the Arab-Jewish demographic to suit their own interests. They have a colonialist administration with the same mindset of apartheid South Africa.....ironically a country they were very close to during that particular period (despite the severe condemnation of the rest of the world).

In my opinion, a singular democratic nation (encompassing Israel, Gaza, and West Bank) is the more plausible of solutions. None of this "Jewish state " fascist BS.

If muslims can have Islamic state , why can't jews have jewish state ?

Also , a single nation is a bad idea. Communal violence will be the norm. I can't imagine seeing them living together peacefully.
Anything that any side does to block the two state solution is condemnable , be it Israel building settlements in West Bank or Palestinians firing rockets in Israel.
Jews were persecuted in Russia, were murdered in holocaust. But they enormously contributed to USSR: MiG fighters - Gurevish a Jew, Mi helicopters - Mil a Jew, Best Soviet WW2 fighter La-5 - Lavochkin a Jew, Soviet physics school largely build by the Jews. Huge number of famous muslic composers, poets and writers were Jews. Huge contribution, considering they were only couple percent of the population.

Israel did offer East Jerusalem and right of return to Palestinian state.

But they want to go in "evil fascist Israel". :lol:

Oh what crap. Even your Israeli peace activists like Bat Shalom have accepted that it was the lack of compromise from Barak and Israel which lead to the Arab rejection at Camp David.
I understand. Personally Im not even a muslim, but still think Zionism is a disease. Eroding any country that alligns itself with it.
Im still some what surprised of Indians support for Israel (broadly speaking), considering Ghandis unconditional rejection of Zionism. But whatever, everyone are entitled to their own opinions on the matter. :)

Well a lot of Indian here do not even like Gandhi so there you have it.

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