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Israeli Air Force's F-35 Stealth Fighter Went Into Iran's Airspace: Report


Dec 26, 2005
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United States

Here is some interesting news----.


Dario Leone


And someone was fired for it.
Israeli Air Force's F-35 Stealth Fighter Went Into Iran's Airspace: Report
As we have already explained, in May 2018 the IAF revealed that it has used its stealth fighters in combat operations, making Israel the first country in the world to carry out an “operational attack” using the F-35.

Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) commander Brigadier General Farzad Ismaili, who had been in office since 2010, has been fired by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei after he kept secret that Israeli Air Force (IAF) F-35 stealth fighters had violated Iran’s airspace, the Kuwaiti daily Al Jarida reported on Saturday.

(This first appeared several weeks ago.)

The newspaper emphasized that it was the original media source that exposed the Israeli raids, which had taken place in March 2018. Al Jarida cited senior Iranian military who said that only following its March report did the intelligence services of the Revolutionary Guards and the Iranian intelligence ministry begin to investigate the case, under Khamenei’s direct orders.

According to the newspaper’s investigation, “the IAF F-35 “Adir” planes penetrated Iran’s airspace, circled high above Tehran, Karajrak, Isfahan, Shiraz and Bandar Abbas – and photographed Iran’s air defense system.”

Read the full article.
Isreal has f 35s. Not good. At all! Why cant the US give us F35........
Also I want to know whether our Air defenses goofed up in 2011 OBL raid or we knew.
I would like to believe the latter as if they had the ability to sneek in PAK would not be a nuc capable.


Here is some interesting news----.


Dario Leone


And someone was fired for it.
Israeli Air Force's F-35 Stealth Fighter Went Into Iran's Airspace: Report
As we have already explained, in May 2018 the IAF revealed that it has used its stealth fighters in combat operations, making Israel the first country in the world to carry out an “operational attack” using the F-35.

Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) commander Brigadier General Farzad Ismaili, who had been in office since 2010, has been fired by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei after he kept secret that Israeli Air Force (IAF) F-35 stealth fighters had violated Iran’s airspace, the Kuwaiti daily Al Jarida reported on Saturday.

(This first appeared several weeks ago.)

The newspaper emphasized that it was the original media source that exposed the Israeli raids, which had taken place in March 2018. Al Jarida cited senior Iranian military who said that only following its March report did the intelligence services of the Revolutionary Guards and the Iranian intelligence ministry begin to investigate the case, under Khamenei’s direct orders.

According to the newspaper’s investigation, “the IAF F-35 “Adir” planes penetrated Iran’s airspace, circled high above Tehran, Karajrak, Isfahan, Shiraz and Bandar Abbas – and photographed Iran’s air defense system.”

Read the full article.

dude we spoke about that over and over and over again we are sick of it just search that it will come up like 1000 times.

dude we spoke about that over and over and over again we are sick of it just search that it will come up like 1000 times.
despite the fact that general esmaili is deputy commander of army now (obviously he promoted not fired) they don't use their brain to think why a Kuwaiti 3rd grade newspaper published it. if it was true Israelis would rip their asses of happiness and derail forum with news.
I saw a news report claiming the Russians are helping Iran in 'jamming' the f35s/f22s. Whether its authentic or otherwise, is any body's guess.
I will only believe this F-35 is worth anything if it can successfully evade S400s and S500s. To be honest, im worried good AD systems are making fighter jets retire early.

So israeliz flew f-35 from israel, over palistine lebanon syria iraq into iran ?

Or did they just take off from omani air base they leased? Or one from UAE?
They probably took off from Azerbaijan.
I will only believe this F-35 is worth anything if it can successfully evade S400s and S500s. To be honest, im worried good AD systems are making fighter jets retire early.

They probably took off from Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan? I don't think that is possible.
I will only believe this F-35 is worth anything if it can successfully evade S400s and S500s.
It does not matter what you believe. War machines are not built to impress but to do one thing -- produce death and destruction.

To be honest,...
No, lie to us. Please...

...im worried good AD systems are making fighter jets retire early.
Yeah...I heard various versions of this since the 1980s when I joined the USAF.

Airpower is about power projection in the third dimension. Even if an air force is used primarily for defense, its combat aircrafts are to project power ahead of other forces such as ground and naval. Deterrence is possible only if a potential enemy is convinced such projection exists. Missiles of any kind do not have that kind of perception. What you said is outright ignorant, and I say that kindly.
Israelis are the most blatant slap in the face of UNO with their war crimes and human rights' violations supported by the USA

Here is some interesting news----.


Dario Leone


And someone was fired for it.
Israeli Air Force's F-35 Stealth Fighter Went Into Iran's Airspace: Report
As we have already explained, in May 2018 the IAF revealed that it has used its stealth fighters in combat operations, making Israel the first country in the world to carry out an “operational attack” using the F-35.

Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) commander Brigadier General Farzad Ismaili, who had been in office since 2010, has been fired by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei after he kept secret that Israeli Air Force (IAF) F-35 stealth fighters had violated Iran’s airspace, the Kuwaiti daily Al Jarida reported on Saturday.

(This first appeared several weeks ago.)

The newspaper emphasized that it was the original media source that exposed the Israeli raids, which had taken place in March 2018. Al Jarida cited senior Iranian military who said that only following its March report did the intelligence services of the Revolutionary Guards and the Iranian intelligence ministry begin to investigate the case, under Khamenei’s direct orders.

According to the newspaper’s investigation, “the IAF F-35 “Adir” planes penetrated Iran’s airspace, circled high above Tehran, Karajrak, Isfahan, Shiraz and Bandar Abbas – and photographed Iran’s air defense system.”

Read the full article.
All on a single tank of fuel and came out. What cobblers

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