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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

Don't you think by writing the bolder part, you are making your current military stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan look like fools? 8 years, thousands of deaths, no significant result, covert support from fundamentalist hardliners continues to go to the terrorists hidden there etc.

Would you prescribe a similar solution as Hiroshima and Nagasaki to these two countries as well?

Others have a point when they (from their perspective) ask you whether this solution is apt for any two countries in this case Iran and Israel where either of them initiates a nuclear raid on the other to quickly make his enemy surrender. After all, unlike Afghanistan and Iraq where militants are the problem, Israel perceives the Iranian government as the problem and not the people, isn't it?

For the amount of troops involved and number of years fought. The U.S. has suffered less deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Then in any war in history. Heck in past wars more deaths have resulted from single battles.

And while you may look at Iraq as a U.S. failure. The Shia may disagree with you. Saddam is no longer putting them in mass graves. Most of the country has been pacified. Are there still problems with Terrorists?...yes! And Iraqi forces will deal with them.

So let's see......the Iraqi's are back in control of their country and becoming stronger every day. The U.S. has withdrawn from most cities. And looking to be out of Iraq within the next year or so. All to the consternation of the U.S. critics. Who wanted to be proved right that Iraq would be an American failure. And spared no expense in saying so at the start of the conflict.

They are still saying so about Afghanistan. We will see if they are right in the next year or two.
For the amount of troops involved and number of years fought. The U.S. has suffered less deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Then in any war in history. Heck in past wars more deaths have resulted from single battles.

And while you may look at Iraq as a U.S. failure. The Shia may disagree with you. Saddam is no longer putting them in mass graves. Most of the country has been pacified. Are there still problems with Terrorists?...yes! And Iraqi forces will deal with them.

So let's see......the Iraqi's are back in control of their country and becoming stronger every day. The U.S. has withdrawn from most cities. And looking to be out of Iraq within the next year or so. All to the consternation of the U.S. critics. Who wanted to be proved right that Iraq would be an American failure. And spared no expense in saying so at the start of the conflict.

They are still saying so about Afghanistan. We will see if they are right in the next year or two.

Because this isn't a classic war it is a war against criminal/terrorist groups. It is like the Turkish war against the PKK where at times you might have one or two deaths here and there.

It will be interesting to see what happens in Iraq after full withdrawal the largest terror group there plans to set up political wings inside that country and that could take after the U.S. withdrawal. As far as Afghanistan i don't think that region can be helped much it is so unstable and the corruption level is insane. I mean wasn't the U.S. paying off some of these guys to just quit fighting ? That seems like a settlement/compromise more then a victory.
Don't you think by writing the bolder part, you are making your current military stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan look like fools? 8 years, thousands of deaths, no significant result, covert support from fundamentalist hardliners continues to go to the terrorists hidden there etc.

Would you prescribe a similar solution as Hiroshima and Nagasaki to these two countries as well?

Others have a point when they (from their perspective) ask you whether this solution is apt for any two countries in this case Iran and Israel where either of them initiates a nuclear raid on the other to quickly make his enemy surrender. After all, unlike Afghanistan and Iraq where militants are the problem, Israel perceives the Iranian government as the problem and not the people, isn't it?
If we view either or both in the same category of threat as Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany were...Yes. That is why Iran is alone because none trust the mullahs to be rational. None wanted to be associated with the country that started a nuclear war in the ME.
Isn't Iran able to take some aircraft from israel with anti aircraft sites?
s300? other missiles?
I mean israel wont send all their aircrafts.

They have a good SAM defense but it is all older stuff no S-300s. Iran is too big for Israel to do enough damage to cripple anything but they can certainly hit what targets they need and hurt Iran's nuclear sites. It is the retaliation by Iran where the danger is and that could result in other countries getting involved.

What will be interesting to see is how Israel gets the range needed to get to Iran and return home. They will have to refuel at one point because they will have heavily loaded aircraft when heading over there. We will also see just how ready the defenses of Iran are in a surprise attack and something tells me they will be quick to counter once they detect a threat in their airspace.
Because this isn't a classic war it is a war against criminal/terrorist groups. It is like the Turkish war against the PKK where at times you might have one or two deaths here and there.

Combat operations in Iraq were on a much larger scale then Turkey's conflict with the PKK. You had an insurgency financed by Bathists. Al Qada in Iraq, and militia groups financed and equipped by Iran. Now it is Al Qada, and factional in fighting(with Iran pulling some of those strings).
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They have a good SAM defense but it is all older stuff no S-300s. Iran is too big for Israel to do enough damage to cripple anything but they can certainly hit what targets they need and hurt Iran's nuclear sites. It is the retaliation by Iran where the danger is and that could result in other countries getting involved.

What will be interesting to see is how Israel gets the range needed to get to Iran and return home. They will have to refuel at one point because they will have heavily loaded aircraft when heading over there. We will also see just how ready the defenses of Iran are in a surprise attack and something tells me they will be quick to counter once they detect a threat in their airspace.

Yes i know.. but lets say israel send I dont know 10 f16's? or f18's?
That shouldn't be hard to take out right?
Yes i know.. but lets say israel send I dont know 10 f16's? or f18's?
That shouldn't be hard to take out right?

If they decide to launch an attack it is going to be alot more then 10 and they will be escorted most likely by F-15s like the case was when they attacked the Iraqi site. This operation will be on a much larger scale Israel would plan on hitting a number of sites all over the place.

All this is going to be highly unlikely anyway though without U.S. involvement because of the counter attack Iran will most likely launch so i am sure it will be a joint attack of sorts. There is a reason Bunker busting bombs were shipped to Diego Garcia where the B-2s are stationed at. Which i predicted in a much early post that the U.S. would use B-2s if it would come to a armed conflict. Iran won't have much to offer in that case if it happens. Not against B-2s at least.
If we view either or both in the same category of threat as Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany were...Yes. That is why Iran is alone because none trust the mullahs to be rational. None wanted to be associated with the country that started a nuclear war in the ME.

Is it very rational to expect that certain countries should accept Americans telling them what they should think, what kind of governments they should have or what weapons they should have for their armed forces? Is there a country more irrational than a state that builds settlements inside the territory of its neighbour and expects peace? Is there a regime more vile and hypocritical than the so called champions of democracy and human rights who regularly bomb innocent civillians(collateral damage) in the name of fighting terror?
The only way Iran can may be survive if any arab country let them know that they are coming. Which probably not the case, but it is hard to say. Israel is preety tough country to fight against. If Egypt and Turkey get together they might take care of them other wise non of the other muslim country can do that.
Is it very rational to expect that certain countries should accept Americans telling them what they should think, what kind of governments they should have or what weapons they should have for their armed forces?
When it's an alliance or security arrangement with the U.S., then why not, if it's part of that arrangement? After all, wrong weapons, deployment, training, or command may make such arrangements impossible to fulfill.

Is there a regime more vile and hypocritical than the so called champions of democracy and human rights who regularly bomb innocent civillians(collateral damage) in the name of fighting terror?
Precisely why you live in Bangladesh, not East Pakistan.
I am totally surprised that people are even considering of such a scenario..!!!

such a scenario would be catastrophic and might triger a third world war with the possible Iranian retaliation against the Oil Producing Arab counteries.The Masses in Arab counteries would rebel against their puppet Governments and then all would attack Israel. Plus the Russians and Chinese would not sit idle and let West go away with all that, they would deffinately take advantage of it , PRC might attack Thailand and Japan and Russia might strike Poland and Ukrain , In short a possible world war will break off which could be fatal for mankind.

However as long as the US forces remain engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan the possible Israili Air Strike against Iran is highly unlikely.
If israel attacks iran , it will last for maybe couple of days. But the result will be very far reaching.
Remember u can start a fight but to stop u need the agreemnt of both.
If israel attacks iran , it will last for maybe couple of days. But the result will be very far reaching.
Remember u can start a fight but to stop u need the agreemnt of both.

I would give it 2 - 4 weeks myself. I doubt Iran will throw in the towel to quickly even if they are hurt bad. It would make them look weak.
Attack on any muslim country should be considered attack on all muslim nation , attack on Iran will be start of third world war

look, i dont want to turn this into a trolling thread, but I find your comment highly illogical and impractical. No one came to the aid of Afghanistan or Iraq when USA attacked. No one came to aid Lebanon or Palestine (some supported them covertly, but no country actually went to war on their behalf).

My friend, please understand one thing. Dont mix politics with religion. Like every other place, Middle East is also ruled by politics. It is an open secret that Saudi Arabia and a few other Arab nations want Iran's nuclear program stopped. There were even rumors Saudi might allow Israel access to its air space to allow a strike on Iran.

If Israel does carry out a successful strike, some Muslim nations might express condolences, others will condemn Israel. But I doubt anyone is going to stick their neck out for Iran.

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