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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

Strange but i think just the opposite. While Iran is some where over there, that most Americans cant find and feel is not a threat, most of the population do not want military action.

You show Americans tv footage of a ranting mullah saying he has nukes pointed at california saying he will blow the nest of the great satan into the sea then you will find opinion very rapidly swinging the other way. The biggest mistake you can make with the US is a serious threat Yanks dont respond teribly well to being told what to do.

The point that i am trying to make here is that US main land has never really being threaten and while US was at war, the main land has always been safe and even then we saw a massive public opinion forming against the war, a reason why Bush lost so much popularity and one of the objectives of obama government is to withdraw troops from both Iraq and Afghanistan, Infact it was one of the key promises that made him get to the white house. You really believe that once the public knows they are not safe anymore they will allow the government to attack Iran and that too over Israel, i for one have serious doubts over it.
IMO US then will try everything in its power to make sure Israel remains well within its limits and does not try misadventure because the cost of that would be devastating.

The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program. The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 .
A civil nuclear co-operation program was established under the U.S. Atoms for Peace program. In 1967, the Tehran Nuclear Research Center (TNRC) was established, run by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI). The TNRC was equipped with a U.S.-supplied, 5-megawatt nuclear research reactor, which became operational in 1967 and was fueled by highly enriched uranium.

President Gerald Ford signed a directive in 1976 offering Tehran the chance to buy and operate a U.S.-built reprocessing facility for extracting plutonium from nuclear reactor fuel. The deal was for a complete 'nuclear fuel cycle'."At the time, Richard Cheney was the White House Chief of Staff, and Donald Rumsfeld was the Secretary of Defense. The Ford strategy paper said the "introduction of nuclear power will both provide for the growing needs of Iran's economy and free remaining oil reserves for export or conversion to petrochemicals."

Then-United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recalled in 2005, "I don't think the issue of proliferation came up." However, a 1974 CIA proliferation assessment stated "If [the Shah] is alive in the mid-1980s ... and if other countries [particularly India] have proceeded with weapons development we have no doubt Iran will follow suit."
Nuclear program of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program. The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 .
A civil nuclear co-operation program was established under the U.S. Atoms for Peace program. In 1967, the Tehran Nuclear Research Center (TNRC) was established, run by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI). The TNRC was equipped with a U.S.-supplied, 5-megawatt nuclear research reactor, which became operational in 1967 and was fueled by highly enriched uranium.

President Gerald Ford signed a directive in 1976 offering Tehran the chance to buy and operate a U.S.-built reprocessing facility for extracting plutonium from nuclear reactor fuel. The deal was for a complete 'nuclear fuel cycle'."At the time, Richard Cheney was the White House Chief of Staff, and Donald Rumsfeld was the Secretary of Defense. The Ford strategy paper said the "introduction of nuclear power will both provide for the growing needs of Iran's economy and free remaining oil reserves for export or conversion to petrochemicals."

Then-United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recalled in 2005, "I don't think the issue of proliferation came up." However, a 1974 CIA proliferation assessment stated "If [the Shah] is alive in the mid-1980s ... and if other countries [particularly India] have proceeded with weapons development we have no doubt Iran will follow suit."
Nuclear program of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Atoms for Peace program? Old news...And you missed the point at that, which is Iranian nuclear technology came from diverse sources, from the American's Atoms for Peace program to the current Russian and Chinese sales. What you seek was to place any blame or negative connotations regarding the Iranian nuclear technology program squarely on US. When confronted with the more recent Russian and Chinese enhancements, you dug up the 1950s? Give me a break.
it seems awful when even sane ppl talk about striking iran...by this time US should learn that war is not the answer of every problem..if it strikes (or backs israel in such an action) it would b yet another menifestation of the bushs "preventive war" strategy..i think rather than inhibiting the spread of nuclear weapons it would rather induce other nations to gain them
and even if US feels it is justified the rest of the world is going to consider it yet another act of aggression..(a few months back THE ECONOMIST had a debate about attacking iran n most of the public voted against it)
n insted of striking, if US takes pains in resolving palestine issue iran will lose the reason to attack israel as some allege it would do so..n the world will definitely hail such a step:undecided:
it seems awful when even sane ppl talk about striking iran...by this time US should learn that war is not the answer of every problem..if it strikes (or backs israel in such an action) it would b yet another menifestation of the bushs "preventive war" strategy..i think rather than inhibiting the spread of nuclear weapons it would rather induce other nations to gain them
and even if US feels it is justified the rest of the world is going to consider it yet another act of aggression..(a few months back THE ECONOMIST had a debate about attacking iran n most of the public voted against it)
n insted of striking, if US takes pains in resolving palestine issue iran will lose the reason to attack israel as some allege it would do so..n the world will definitely hail such a step:undecided:
So...In your opinion...Iran really does not view Israel as a threat but that Iran identifies with the Palestinians and therefore to correct the injustice Iran would wipe Israel of the map.

Say that the Palestinians and Israel come to an agreement that DOES NOT conform to an Iranian opinion of what a peace settlement should be, in another words the Palestinians reject Hezbollah who is the Iranian mouthpiece and enforcer of Iranian opinion in the conflict, and come to a peaceful resolution like Israel did with Egypt, do you believe that Iran would accept said independence from the Palestinians?
Israelis are most brilliant and resourceful race in middle east (no offence). They have and they can take all the muslim world air force at a time. History tells if it was not the case then they would have been history long back. IAF got the finest and hard trained pilots in current era. They can't be overdone. I really admire Israel's will power and very pleased we are allies ..

Live long and prosper \\//
Israelis are most brilliant and resourceful race in middle east (no offence)

How exactly ?:woot:

They have and they can take all the muslim world air force at a time.

Can you prove it ? or is just you writting this BS while yawning after just coming out of your bed ?

Are you in your senses !!

Saudis "Alone" can Turn their Airforce to Ashes !

History tells if it was not the case then they would have been history long back.

They were History if you keen to know it was PUMS who Stolen the palestenian Lands and Installed these Zionists in Palestenian lands .

The Palestine does not Belong to Zionists in the first place , they were installed here and they wont last long !

IAF got the finest and hard trained pilots in current era.

What are your sorces ?? & how can you prove that they are whatever you are saying they are .

They can't be overdone.

Google "Flt LT: saif ul Azam" , Flt: Lt Sattar Alvi , Flt Lt: Muhammad Hatif .

Post the results to us !

I really admire Israel's will power and very pleased we are allies ..

Cocktails of two Criminals of the HUMANITY ! & Emenies of Islam.

Its Natural for you to be allies becaue the Dogs of a similar kind hang out together .

Live long and prosper \\//

Not TOO sure if they Attacked Iran.
If if if the attack happens , let see who's are space will be used and one thing for sure there will be heavy radar jamming including on Pakistan western border, not good for PAF.
If if if the attack happens , let see who's are space will be used and one thing for sure there will be heavy radar jamming including on Pakistan western border, not good for PAF.

They cant jam PAF specially when PAF will under the umbrella of an AWAC.
Good for you, better try harder next time you come up with India as American slave argument.

You getting desperate over carpet bombing, we had american carrier parked in our ocean TO NUKE INDIA.

Show your balls of steel to someone else. Your naive arguments and empty rhetoric is not going to be paddled here.

Fabulous retake on history.

The Americans were afraid of India?
The Americans based a carrier group to Nuke India?

I think you need to get your facts straight regarding 71.

1) Complicated civil war making it difficult for USA to justify a military intervention

2) USA was Pakistan's Ally and could have helped Pakistan but Nuking India was out of the question...when did it nuke the North Vietnamese or North Koreans?

3) USSR was also ready to jump in if USA was going to intervene militarily...in light of civil war scenario (making things murky) this was something USA was not willing to do.

It was not due to any balls of steel shown by India but other overriding factors which made the USA decide against assisting Pakistan.
your highly overestimating iranian capability to respond to an attack and highly underestimating Israelis, remember this is the nation that whipped arabs back into stoneage

Iran has NO AWACS or early warning system in place, and as for the sams and those old birds that you think are gonna be engaging Isareli F16I and F-15's ..they're dead meat. Iranians arent exactly known for having the best pilots ya know, israel on the other hand is one of the most professional airforces in the world.. There isn't even anything to compare and not to mention if Israel goes after Iran, for sure uncle sam's gonna be there providing cover from all over and throw UAE in there too..what say you ?

Iran fight with Iraq for 8 years with all supports from west and arabs for Saddam but finally Iran won, this Israeli you are talking about lost in war 2006 with the Hezbollah just son of Iran.
there is a huge different here between Iranian fighting culture and other armies in region, which is out of weapon.
i remember i was a young boy i talked to General Islam...from ground force of...who i meet in Iran- Iraq border after Iran-Iraq war(when Iraq attacked Kuwait), and asked him about fighting with his countries enemies and he told me based on classical war estimate they can not fight with their enemy more than 3 days . when i asked about their soldiers heart unknown weapon as Iran had in war against Iraq and west and Arabs he did not understand my mean and my points.
The sooner Israel does this, the sooner Iran can get rid of ahmedinajad and the country can get out of this nightmare

Ahmadinejad or whoever run Iran is Iranian business. did Iranian talk about your militarily contorted country? or your Mr %10? so please step back and only talk about what you have right to talk.
with all respect to Pak brothers
Whatever the case might be. I don't know that Iran is doomed or it will survive the attacks.
The fact remains the same i.e. Neighbourhood, cultural similarities, religion and so on.
If we cannot support them in real time than we can/should pray for them at least.

I am saying this again.

Iran will win InshAllah..
^^ Not a fantasy but a request sent to my God.

Thanks for your pray for Iran and your warm heart, but i would to say
not only Israeil but US would attack Iran long time ago if they could win, 25 years ago we had three daily clash with US and they could not win. 25 years ago we had nothing but today Iran fly over US aircraft carrier over the Persian Gulf and US army still in sweet sleep.
SAM sites are Iran's only hope. Maybe if they can get some of their longer range missiles launched that could hurt Israel but idk if they would have enough operational to cripple anything. Israel doesn't have the capability for anything large scale but they could hurt Iran's nuclear program. I really hope it doesn't come to this though. This could be resolved easily with diplomatic compromise IMO.
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