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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

Iran will fire what ever airdefence they got like mad men.. anti aircraft guns, sams, missles etc.... plus alot of small arms fire. Iam sorry to say but they will not be able to hold off too long from the IAF .. its reality you are talking about one of the best airforces in the world with one of the best pilots if not the best sorry just being real i dont hate as much as i love for my country and love for our armed forces IAF has high tech fast aircraft with awsome state of the art wepons one can not compare with this power . It will be deadly showdown the sky of Iran will be lit up with wepons from the ground iam sure of it i sure hope this does't happen but again Iran is not Iraq they are crazy and fill fight to the death to save there land.

Iranian are not crazy, they are brave and not afraid of enemy, that is all. some people accept to be a puppet of someone else only they are feared, you will see how Iranian will fight as they fight with all west and arab supported Saddam army
now read the article again, i bolded some stuff to help you see better...we aren't bad-mouthing iran..we're just bringing facts to the table.. i did an airforce ineventory comparison and presented my own analysis of the situation your welcome to rebuke it.

hey mate excuse us if we dont fall for the stealth fighter stories, incidentally Pakistan is the only country that might come to Iran's aid

take it easy and thanks for your help. when Iran and Pak were member of Sento and Iran was attacked by Iraq you escaped from sento. Iran does not need any help, just need you close your impolite mouth
So...In your opinion...Iran really does not view Israel as a threat but that Iran identifies with the Palestinians and therefore to correct the injustice Iran would wipe Israel of the map.

Say that the Palestinians and Israel come to an agreement that DOES NOT conform to an Iranian opinion of what a peace settlement should be, in another words the Palestinians reject Hezbollah who is the Iranian mouthpiece and enforcer of Iranian opinion in the conflict, and come to a peaceful resolution like Israel did with Egypt, do you believe that Iran would accept said independence from the Palestinians?

i just mean that muslims across the globe r concerned with injustices being done to palestinians..they at times identify with them.(the recent video tape of al-qaeda leaders)..US should give this a chance as it would win many muslim states to their side..
n no one definitely would want a peace settlement on lines of egypt
OK so your opinion is to destry iran n leave palestinians as such...dont u think this will bring peace to middle east
Heartland Geopolitical Maps
Obama’s big game
map by Laura Canali
This map shows Obama's big game. The regional powers in the Middle East, the countries hosting US bases, those disposing of nuclear power capability, as well as the core of the Pakistan match and the strategic crisis elypse.


The map illustrates the big picture Obama has to deal with; from the situation in Iran, to the friction belt in Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the guerrilla zone and the jihadi infiltrations in Iran.
I have heard that India will support Israel against strike on Iran.

you heard wrong.

India has excellent ties with both Iran and Israel. India wants both to solve their issue peacefully. But if that doesn't happen, India will remain neutral.

But no way will India support military action against Iran. Israel was thinking of using Arab airspace to attack Iran. The Arabs might support it, but India won't.
We are all here to support Iran and you as being Persian has a hatred against Pakistan. Your earlier posts suggest that when you said Iran is concerned about Pakistan than Israel.
See how many people are supporting you over here and what are you doing to us.
If you cannot appreciate our support that kindly don't post BS.

yes i counted, most read some of you wish Iran get wipe of map, some of you wish regime change in Iran and most of you are worry about your own benefit in possible war not Iran problems, only one guy asked for some moral help to Iran.
i think Iranian are not expecting any help, but please do not sell what you are not offering,asking appreciation for the help you dont offer is..., but as brother i would appreciate some of yours concern about Iran
Heartland Geopolitical Maps
Obama’s big game
map by Laura Canali
This map shows Obama's big game. The regional powers in the Middle East, the countries hosting US bases, those disposing of nuclear power capability, as well as the core of the Pakistan match and the strategic crisis elypse.


The map illustrates the big picture Obama has to deal with; from the situation in Iran, to the friction belt in Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the guerrilla zone and the jihadi infiltrations in Iran.

I see Turkey in a interesting role here. The current administration has good ties with Iran and the U.S. but currently is at a all time low when it comes to Israel. We will most likely remain completely neutral action wise and keep condemning Israel. I guarantee the base in Incirlik will not be in use for any military action against Iran.

Also i wonder if Israeli planes will even have enough fuel to get to Iran they would have to refuel over Iraq most likely. Remember when they hit Iraq's nuclear facility they almost ran out of fuel when heading back.
"The news that the U.S. is supplying Patriot anti-missile systems along with state-of-the-art weapons to Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar and is deploying warships in the Arabian Gulf signifies one of two options. Either this provocative move is meant as an anti-Iranian deterrent or Washington is aware that something is afoot and wants to protect its allies."

you stupid American even do not know the region but talking about our home.there is no arabiab gulf in world. go back to school and learn some more. the place you are talking about is" Persian Gulf".Persian Gulf will be American grave yard if any strike against Iran then you never wont forget the name. do remember you shot down Iranian passenger plane and kiiled innocent people there but Iran killed American soldiers in 3 clashes there 20 years ago
Iran fight with Iraq for 8 years with all supports from west and arabs for Saddam but finally Iran won

Your nationalism blinds you to the truth. The facts are Iran and Iraq fought to a stalemate. The war ended with a U.N. brokered ceasefire. Not some imaginary Iranian victory. Neither Iran or Iraq won!

Actually I take that back. the winners were the Iranian young people that no longer had to march out into minefields to clear them.
The hosting countries can say that US forces are in their countries at invitations. Hosting a foreign armed force is not a justifiable cause for war, else there would be wars all over the world. If US forces in those countries are not participants in any US strikes, Iran have no justifiable cause to attach those countries. You can repeat what you just said in many different ways all you want but it will do no good.

Our opinion of whether it's right or wrong doesn't matter as Iran has clearly said it will attack countries aiding and housing US troops in the region.

His opinion is irrelevant. Am not being insulting. Am being realistic. The world have seen US military might expressed in different environments and scales many times over. In a shooting fight, the Iranian Navy will exist at our leisure.

That's your opinion, personally in my opinion Shia leader/generals are known not to lie or exaggerate, just ask Israel about Syed Hassan Nasrullah and his ability to back up what he says with actions.

No...Iranian response will not be so 'swift and devastating'. Behind closed doors, am positive that the Iranian military leadership, like all others in the world, have studied the MECHANICS of Desert Storm and found Iranian defenses wanting.

If war is inevitable, which i highly doubt, time will tell.

So please spare me the stale line about how 'Death to America' really mean the US government and not the US, meaning its people, land and everything that make up a country. In the ME, including Iran, 'Death to America' really mean exactly that -- America. Not the US government. Be glad that we Americans do not harbor the same but reciprocal sentiment.

Iranians are just like any other ordinary people around the world, more worried about earning a living, paying their bills and providing for their families rather than plotting ways in which to attack Israel/US. Why don't you visit their beautiful country, it surely would clear any misconceptions you have about them.

And let us be clear...If noncompliance to US demands deserve a military response from US, the mullahs would have never succeeded in the first place. This is about Iranian intent on being a nuclear weapons state. A nuclear weapons armed Iran is something no one in the ME, which is pretty much %99 muslims, want in their part of the world. For all the noise about Israel's uncertain nuclear weapons, the despots in the ME are more TERRIFIED of each other than of the Jews.

Those 'Mullahs' have already defeated America by chucking them out of their own country and defeating them through a well known US proxy in Saddam. Ayatullah Khamanei(r.a) has clearly stated that Iran has no intention whatsoever to build weapons of mass destruction, as a well respected holy figure in many countries, he has alot to lose if he's found to be lying.

That's the vast amount of Arabs for you but 99% is definitely an exaggeration on your part. I'm sure the 60% of Iraq along with most citizens in Bahrain, East of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria and Southern Lebanon would be delighted with a nuclear Iran.

Please do your homework. The Iraqi military, like the Iranian military, is overly equipped with Soviet weaponry. This LIE is often trotted out in trying to portray Iran as the underdog.

I have never stated the Iraqi military never had soviet weaponry. Seriously please, everyone knows very well how America armed Saddam to the teeth with weapons albeit by diverting them through other Arab puppet regimes that would go onto transfer them to Iraq. Weapons including Howitzers, Huey helicopters, Aircraft ships chemical and biological weapon you gave to Saddam to stop the Iranian onslaught that killed hundreds of thousands of Iranian troops as well as ordinary Iraqi civilians.

I doubt a war will ever break out between American and Iran but honestly if it did although many would ridicule and laugh, I believe wholeheartedly Iran would come out the better of the two.
Your nationalism blinds you to the truth. The facts are Iran and Iraq fought to a stalemate. The war ended with a U.N. brokered ceasefire. Not some imaginary Iranian victory. Neither Iran or Iraq won!

Actually I take that back. the winners were the Iranian young people that no longer had to march out into minefields to clear them.

hey grandpa, it's time for bed

We fought the entire planet to defend our country

We fought Iraq, the entire arab world, Europe, and your navy ALONE but Saddam still didn't manage to achieve a single one of his objectives.
France and USA gave that fag chemical weapons which killed 100K IRanians (kurds and soldiers).
Iran had just come out of a revolution and our entire military was dismantled. Our whole world was shaken but we stood strong.
Today saddam is ******* in the ground, Iraq is destroyed, our proxies are raking havoc there, the kurdish part is about to separate, the shias are in power and most of the politicians today are our puppets.
that's called winning

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this is how iam going to break it up for you guys..... its my little eposide for isreal vs. iran..... isreal comes in with 100 f-15 strike eagles and 60 f-16 ....iran is alerted ..... 10 minutes later IRAF and IAF come face to face isreal takes out half of irans air force by amramms what left is mig 29 and f 14 ... IRAF takes immedeate action and with the help of sams take out SOME air planes but there still more left the skilled IAF pilots take out the rest of the IRAF agressors and sam sites..... iran hit the red button BOOOOOOM ..... all over isreal alarms go off blastic missel incoeming!!!!!!!! and boom isreal go for full conventional warfare with iran which america dosent support beaucse america has nothing to do with it ...... form the war isreal cant do nothing why? iran army is too big for isreal to handel soo it gives up and boath go for a stale mate ... iran gose back to the stone age for nuclear power and isreal is left to rubbel beacuse of iran balastic missels. lol that went throught my head in 10 seconds..... :D

WoW You Truly are a Battle Field Commander!!!!
In those 10 seconds, when those thoughts were going through your head, a thought of using a 'Spell Check' never occurred?

Your nationalism blinds you to the truth. The facts are Iran and Iraq fought to a stalemate. The war ended with a U.N. brokered ceasefire. Not some imaginary Iranian victory. Neither Iran or Iraq won!

Actually I take that back. the winners were the Iranian young people that no longer had to march out into minefields to clear them.

the more comments from you the more disclose how narrow minded are you media contorted American.
the purpose of was against Iran was breaking down the revelation and break part west side of country. if Iran defense itself against Saddam,US, and US puppet arabs , and result was not break part of Iran or breaking down the revelation for sure is victory.
by the way being nationalism is much better than colonial or Aggressor
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