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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

you said nothing that changed my previous comment.
Iranians will die defending the very govt they hate against invaders.

The crazy dichotomy of the situation, the irony that the US that wants change and the Iranian people that want change could end up fighting each other while the Mullah's and Basiji stay in control.
the more comments from you the more disclose how narrow minded are you media contorted American.
the purpose of was against Iran was breaking down the revelation and break part west side of country. if Iran defense itself against Saddam,US, and US puppet arabs , and result was not break part of Iran or breaking down the revelation for sure is victory.
by the way being nationalism is much better than colonial or Aggressor

Interesting you accuse the Arabs of being U.S. puppets. When it appears that Iran wishes others in the region to be it's puppets. (Iraq, Lebanon, the Palestinians)

Kind of Ironic to your name sake "Cyrus the Great" is the one that allowed Israel to become a nation once again after the Babylonian exile. He was a friend of the Jews and recognized Palestine as their homeland.
The crazy dichotomy of the situation, the irony that the US that wants change and the Iranian people that want change could end up fighting each other while the Mullah's and Basiji stay in control.
shows how much you know about Iran
There isn't two groups to fight each other in the first place. It's the govt and its beneficiaries (the basijis) vs the people.

@ Thomas
Cyrus didn't free the Jews b/c he loved them, he did it b/c he didn't hate them and hadn't any use for them! When the Persian and Media tribes united to create Iran, the first hurdle was defeating the Babylonians and guess what? The babylonians were enslaving the Jews, and when he defeated them he let the Jews go.
Plus, his policy was to allow freedom of religion etc... among the conquered lands.
One more thing, why do you equate Israel with the Jews?

About the arabs; when did he say he is against "puppets"? He said he is against "US puppets"
The crazy dichotomy of the situation, the irony that the US that wants change and the Iranian people that want change could end up fighting each other while the Mullah's and Basiji stay in control.
I know. The long term goal is to rid the Iranians of the mullahs but short term goal demands that Iran not become a nuclear weapons state.
I know. The long term goal is to rid the Iranians of the mullahs but short term goal demands that Iran not become a nuclear weapons state.

when I read **** like this I feel confident that Iran will ride out this storm with ease.
Who the **** do you think you are to make us do anything?
We're not India nor are we some shame less arabs, we will do what we want, when we want.
America as a power has been around for less then ten decades LMAO
With Asia rising you'll soon fall on your ***, never to be heard of again.
when I read **** like this I feel confident that Iran will ride out this storm with ease.
Who the **** do you think you are to make us do anything?
We're not India nor are we some shame less arabs, we will do what we want, when we want.
America as a power has been around for less then ten decades LMAO
With Asia rising you'll soon fall on your ***, never to be heard of again.

Saddam thought the same thing. Now look where he is........... and concerning your other post. You seem to be saying puppets are ok if they are Iranian puppets?
Saddam was also delusional and never really recovered his country because of bombings and sanctions.
He is a very religious man no doubt and has extremist views on certain subjects. I think he knows how to play his cards though politically and make sure not to be too open or closed on his administrations nuclear ambitions. I think he is a logical person when it comes to alot of things.

Saddam on the other hand was the "tough guy" that thought what happened in Black Hawk Down would be what happens when the U.S. invades.
Thomas, at first I thought you were a moron, now I am convinced

1) Ahmadi doesn't control the military

2) As we saw with Armenia and Azerbaijan, all that shia, sunni, hidden Imam **** is ABSOLUTE BULL ****

3) We also saw the same thing in Chechnya and China where Iran doesn't even condemn China and Russia about their behavior towards its muslims.

4) are you a neocon?

and if you can't see the difference between Iran in 2010 and Saddam's already destroyed desert in the 90's then I can't help you.

Instead of enjoying your last few years and living your life you're sitting in front of computer talking **** about Iran. Sorry dude, it won't happen, go find another hobby.
Thomas, at first I thought you were a moron, now I am convinced

1) Ahmadi doesn't control the military

2) As we saw with Armenia and Azerbaijan, all that shia, sunni, hidden Imam **** is ABSOLUTE BULL ****

3) We also saw the same thing in Chechnya and China where Iran doesn't even condemn China and Russia about their behavior towards its muslims.

4) are you a neocon?

and if you can't see the difference between Iran in 2010 and Saddam's already destroyed desert in the 90's then I can't help you.

Instead of enjoying your last few years and living your life you're sitting in front of computer talking **** about Iran. Sorry dude, it won't happen, go find another hobby.

Saddam made the mistake of sticking his nose where it didn't belong. He was never a military man to begin with.

Iran on the other hand i am sure has Generals and various other Officers in charge of the military like most countries.
Thomas, at first I thought you were a moron, now I am convinced

1) Ahmadi doesn't control the military

2) As we saw with Armenia and Azerbaijan, all that shia, sunni, hidden Imam **** is ABSOLUTE BULL ****

3) We also saw the same thing in Chechnya and China where Iran doesn't even condemn China and Russia about their behavior towards its muslims.

4) are you a neocon?

and if you can't see the difference between Iran in 2010 and Saddam's already destroyed desert in the 90's then I can't help you.

Instead of enjoying your last few years and living your life you're sitting in front of computer talking **** about Iran. Sorry dude, it won't happen, go find another hobby.

Nima, Nima........your constant berating in your posts reveals how insecure you are on the inside.

Of course Ahmadinejad does not control the military. In the end it is Khamenei that has the control. Ahmadinejad is simply an extension of him and mouth piece. He influences every aspect of the Government and it's policies. That is why he can not allow the current opposition to be voted into office. Hence the election fraud and ongoing unrest.
iran is fire! if israel dare to attack them then they r gonna get burn really bad!
and if US join the war with israel(which im pretty sure) then their worst economic nightmares will surely become reality!!
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