When your view is among the minority, whether you care or not can be of any importance???
If you ask Israel people whether it cares whether Pakistan or Iran still has no formal relationship with it, what answer do you expect from them??? Why should Israel care whether Jinnah was against Israel or not??? I have no idea why you list all of that as if those are important to Israel.
As for Prophets, Israel has one of the oldest religion on earth, much earlier than yours. Using your religion on them means nothing to Jewish people. Theirs is thousands of years older than yours.
As for the "dictators", I have no idea which one you refer to. Israel? U.S.? NATO? It seems all of them fit your description. If you put them on your enemy lists, good luck with that. I do not see you have any hope at least in my life time.
As for the "Crusades", I have never seen any leaders in the west have any indication of that. I think it is purely out of your own fabrication. Whether you are supporters of OBL or not does not concern me at all. I know all of them will be hunt down eventually. They will either die in their shxt holes or be blown to pieces by bombs. I believe most muslims are moderate ones who want to coexist with other religions and other races of people. Those minority who take extreme measures, e.g. terrorist activities, will be exterminated extremely as well.
In addition, how about you show me some posts in which you have condemned OBL for its terrorist activities??? Do you have any then??? BTW, do not vomit those religious stuff here. As I have said again, I am not interested to hear that.
People like you see the success on the basis of numeric majority, then i would want you to know the Israel is the biggest Violator of UN resolutions against Humanity. How you see that??? .. The Fact is that Israeli Government and its Army are nothing but Animals and Terrorists .... I will never include civilians of Israel because it is unjust to blame them . .
Israel will have to think about it relations with Pakistan and Iran Very deeply. This is Because according the Hadith of Holy Prophet (SA) 1400 years ago,
This State of Israel will be destroyed by the army that will come from the Region Where today Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan is located. ......
But I know people like you will pay no attention to it... So really I don't care what you say about... But remember this saying of Holy Prophet (SA).....
Your third Paragraph which talks about
that Israel has one of the older religion and Islam is a new religion, is a prove that
You have no proper knowledge about Islam. All those Prophets that came to Jews were sent by the same ONE TRUE GOD ALLAH ,who sent Holy Prophet (SA) to this world as the Last of all the Respected Prophets (God be Please with them all).
All of those Prophets, that came to Jews, taught the same teachings to the People, what Holy Prophet (SA) taught 1400 years ago... And in their Holy Bible
(to which we muslims have to pay respect and have firm belief that it was revealed by the One True God of Moses, Abraham and Jesus (PBUT) ) , It is clearly written that
the Lat Prophet of Allah will come and you (Jews) will have to believe in Him..... And the fact is that Majority of them didn't believed in him 1400 years ago and Then Allah revealed in the Qur'an grave punishments in this world and the World hereafter for them, for not believing in Allah last Prophet (SA).....
The only True representative of the One true God of Abraham, Jesus , Moses and Muhammad (PBUT) are the muslims, after the Jews rejected Holy Prophet Muhammad (SA), because we believed in what was said to the Jews in the Bible that "You will have to believe in the Last Prophet of One True God"
So Islam dates back to the time When Holy Prophet Adam (AS) came on Earth. He was the Muslim and was on the Religion of Islam. What he taught to his respected children is the same that was taught by Holy Prophet (SA).. Buddy Islam dates backs to the time when the first Prophet of Allah , Holy Prophet Adam (PBUH) came in this world.. Jews were part of that religion....
Please study Islam first before saying something about Islam....
As far as the topic of
Crusades and
Dictators are concerned, i would request you to wait and see what happens. InshaAllah when it will happen then you will believe . . . I have no issues with you criticizing me in this regard because I can't impose my religious view on any non Muslim.. Islam Doesn't teaches me to do so. I will only say to you please wait and see...
As far as OBL is concerned, I consider him a Terrorist and supporters of his ideology of Islam to be terrorists and a betrayers of Islam. Islam doesn't tells us to kill innocent civilians by any means. . . many civilians he killed in various places were innocent civillians who had no links to any war. . . Is this OK for you Buddy ????
Finally if you are not interested in my religious views then please don't reply to my comments.. You have no right to stop me in this regard. . . . I can't stop you from giving your views and you also can't stop me from giving my views . . . No Offences. . .