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Israel warns Iran, Hezbollah not to test it

They were smart not to fight another nation state war, Arab's are not really what you would call good in traditional armies.


I'm surprised you'd call those "victories", the IDF went stomping in some refugee camps (full of people that hate you and want harm done to you granted)
You asked me about "butt kick". Israel managed to defeat terrible terror without big casualties from both sides.

For instance Russia killed over 100,000 in Chechnya, lost some 15,000 of own soldiers but still did not manage to defeat the Chechen terror. Similary US could not defet terror in Iraq and in Afghanistan (surge in Iraq decreased terror but it still keeps on in pretty high numbers).
He actually hasn't, a long part of his speech was actually cut to create the impression he wanted to annihilate the country (I'm referring to one of the earlier ones, where this all "wipe Israel off the map" began). To clarify what he stated was that the name needs to be removed and the region needs to be listed according to the wishes of the Palestinians who undeniably were there first, I should add the Palestinians also consists of Jews, even though many fled, and fewer remain.

I personally think if the people can be brought up to support this, the region should be given a third name and should be turned secular, that way a new identity has formed, eliminating a lot of the divisions.

Israelis are a bit gullible propaganda is immense in the region, did you know Israel was the only one to supply weapons and continue relations with south Africa when the country started prosecuting people based on their skin color and turning them into slaves, sometimes it was worse than the holocaust, in South Africa they would face all the same situations and even worse because they were slaves treated equivalent to disposable toilet paper.

If they stood up openly for peace so would the Arabs besides more and more Israelis are becoming atheists that just follow Jewish tradition due to their heritage, this is and never was about religion.

Peace in the Middle East

With due respect to you , I lived a large portion of my life in South Africa and during its apartheid years. Your highlighted submissions are without substance. Israel in the late 90's engaged with a South African armaments company called Denel to design and produce certain military vehicles. what most of the international world is unaware of is that this partnership was with the blessing of the freedom movements including the current ANC government which was at that stage negotiating democratic elections with the then Afrikaner government under FW de Klerk. The partnership between the Israeli military and Denel is still in existence under the ANC led government who has approved billions of Rands towards joint projects including the Rattel V and the upgrading of the Cheetah aircrafts which are SA-Israeli manufactured and quite popular in South America due to the terrain compatibility.

To accuse the South African Afrikaner government of committing atrocities against the Black South Africans which was "worse than the holocaust" is an exaggeration. There was apartheid crimes against the Black majority and against non white citizens. But to bluntly accuse Israel of having colluded with the apartheid regime is somewhat stretching the truth. This was verified by our former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Nxosazana Zuma (ex wife of the current President).
give people in Palestine and Lebanon some weapons( automatic riffles, anti-tank missiles, surface to air missiles, and short range surface to surface missiles) then peace will be preserved.
you can not fight a war with your bare hands against guns and tanks :bounce:
That is an incorrect statement, all the money about close to $4 billion that the Shah of Iran invested in Israel, Israel defaulted on it after the 1979 revolution. Give Iran the money back with interest frm 1979 until 2011 and they may leave you alone.

Oh So now it is all about money and not the Palestinian cause?
you are funny
Iran has every right to cross the suez canal.
Insallah they will and see the jews crying.
im kinda suprised.. because the reaction of us was not licking jewish but "we will watch them".
which can be also very negative but still.

and let the jews have their good hopes..
but theres a catch.. 7m jews defending an illegal so called country is not enough.
and once aigan.. 1 nuclear bomb at a city on one of the arab cities is a f16 dropping its payloads or better said.. FUELtanks at haifa.
For some reason xMustiiej70, i have a feeling you do not like the jews? And dare i say it, don`t like Israel either? Amusing haha.
Why would Israel nuke any country when the whole world would obviously be outraged and practically isolate it? No one outside of North America dare side or give a compliment to Israel because honestly it is just stupid to do so... Arab countries have all the Oil and angering them would be pointless. No one outside the Muslim world likes any of the Arab countries, Heck even Muslim countries don`t like other Muslim countries but it is to their benefit especially for China and Russia to always side with the Oil rich countries even if it is immoral... But i am really curious what will happen to said Arab countries when the Oil runs out... Anyhow i always wondered, how come after seeing how sad their lives are under Sharia law and what not why don`t people try and live happy lives without hate, without "Inshallah death to the jews hindus crusaders" etc...
For some reason xMustiiej70, i have a feeling you do not like the jews? And dare i say it, don`t like Israel either? Amusing haha.
Why would Israel nuke any country when the whole world would obviously be outraged and practically isolate it? No one outside of North America dare side or give a compliment to Israel because honestly it is just stupid to do so... Arab countries have all the Oil and angering them would be pointless. No one outside the Muslim world likes any of the Arab countries, Heck even Muslim countries don`t like other Muslim countries but it is to their benefit especially for China and Russia to always side with the Oil rich countries even if it is immoral... But i am really curious what will happen to said Arab countries when the Oil runs out... Anyhow i always wondered, how come after seeing how sad their lives are under Sharia law and what not why don`t people try and live happy lives without hate, without "Inshallah death to the jews hindus crusaders" etc...

I have a sneaking feeling that even if Israel nuked somebody, she'd still get away with when America backed her to the hilt. Those crazy Christian evangelists would hail it as the coming of the end days (as they would see it)
I beg to differ CardSharp, not this America. This America has long lost Israel, and now its an alliance out of necessity for both as opposed to the "Special Bond" we once shared.
I beg to differ CardSharp, not this America. This America has long lost Israel, and now its an alliance out of necessity for both as opposed to the "Special Bond" we once shared.

Yes Obama is not Bush, but you guys still got the US to back down on the settlement issue like a pansy. No I'd say your bond goes deeper than what president is in charge at the moment.
For some reason xMustiiej70, i have a feeling you do not like the jews? And dare i say it, don`t like Israel either? Amusing haha.
Why would Israel nuke any country when the whole world would obviously be outraged and practically isolate it? No one outside of North America dare side or give a compliment to Israel because honestly it is just stupid to do so... Arab countries have all the Oil and angering them would be pointless. No one outside the Muslim world likes any of the Arab countries, Heck even Muslim countries don`t like other Muslim countries but it is to their benefit especially for China and Russia to always side with the Oil rich countries even if it is immoral... But i am really curious what will happen to said Arab countries when the Oil runs out... Anyhow i always wondered, how come after seeing how sad their lives are under Sharia law and what not why don`t people try and live happy lives without hate, without "Inshallah death to the jews hindus crusaders" etc...

All the more reason a nuclear Iran is in the best interests of Israel. Iran has significant experience managing Arabs. In addition, Iranians are far more rational than arabs, which squander their money on huge palaces and military toys. Iran is also a fast growing scientific power and its publications are increasing at the fastest pace in the world. Like you said, when the oil runs out for the Arabs it's back to the caves, whereas Iran actually has a future.
jewish state would use nuke just like they said to use nuke to prevent total defeat.
even if they lose a city.. they would use it...
i know these jews and the zionists..
just because you lost your population back in the day doesn't mean you have the right to claim rights and fight aiganst the palestinians and the world.
usa as a country is the most hated country in the world.
because of their dirty work and wars.
its their image.
and jewish people are the most hated people in the world.
while muslims are the most beloved people.
accourding to many sources and pictures.
muslim world is huge.. and is rising..
once every single muslim country is developed country.
what will usa do? since their power is declining?
russian power is already declininng like an idiot falling from the mountain everest.
but still they are allies with iran and such.

jewish state wont last long...
no matter if you usa and the world media to your side.
and the european politics on your or usa's side.

everyone knows what you and your country and usa did and still does.
except for the so called western world people which are so damn brainwashed by local media.
such disgrace..
oh and yea you have geuss it very correctly..
or wait.. no you dont..
i dont like jews or that word you said..
give people in Palestine and Lebanon some weapons( automatic riffles, anti-tank missiles, surface to air missiles, and short range surface to surface missiles) then peace will be preserved.
you can not fight a war with your bare hands against guns and tanks :bounce:

No you cant I agree, that's why they created the man , women, child suicide brigade. I would say that brainwashing is more dangerous than tanks and weapons in ones hands.
jewish state would use nuke just like they said to use nuke to prevent total defeat.
even if they lose a city.. they would use it...
i know these jews and the zionists..
just because you lost your population back in the day doesn't mean you have the right to claim rights and fight aiganst the palestinians and the world.
usa as a country is the most hated country in the world.
because of their dirty work and wars.
its their image.
and jewish people are the most hated people in the world.
while muslims are the most beloved people.
accourding to many sources and pictures.
muslim world is huge.. and is rising..
once every single muslim country is developed country.
what will usa do? since their power is declining?
russian power is already declininng like an idiot falling from the mountain everest.
but still they are allies with iran and such.

jewish state wont last long...
no matter if you usa and the world media to your side.
and the european politics on your or usa's side.

everyone knows what you and your country and usa did and still does.
except for the so called western world people which are so damn brainwashed by local media.
such disgrace..
oh and yea you have geuss it very correctly..
or wait.. no you dont..
i dont like jews or that word you said..

You my dear friend is the reason Israel Exists and will continue to exist in the world till the end of time.
You inspire me! Thank you.
No you cant I agree, that's why they created the man , women, child suicide brigade. I would say that brainwashing is more dangerous than tanks and weapons in ones hands.

Terror is what terror does.
You know i really do love India, thank god you guys multiply like bunnies haha.:victory::victory::victory:
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