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Israel warns Iran, Hezbollah not to test it

Israel on high alert as Iran warships enter Med

by Gavin Rabinowitz Gavin Rabinowitz – Tue Feb 22, 12:20 pm ET

JERUSALEM (AFP) – Israel put its navy on high alert and said it would respond immediately to any "provocation" as two Iranian warships sailed through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean on Tuesday.

The Iranian vessels entered the southeastern Mediterranean after going up the canal for the first time since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, reportedly en route for Syria, in a move taking them past Israeli territorial waters.

Suez Canal officials confirmed the patrol frigate Alvand and support ship Kharg had completed the crossing after entering the narrow waterway at dawn.

A senior Israeli security source told AFP Israel would "not initiate any action" against the Iranian vessels, but if the Iranians deviated in any way that could be considered "a provocation" there would be an "immediate Israeli response."

The Israeli navy immediately went on high alert and the troops were briefed on how to respond in such an event, he said.

The 1,500-tonne Alvand is normally armed with torpedoes and anti-ship missiles, while the larger 33,000-tonne Kharg has a crew of 250 and facilities for up to three helicopters, Iran's official Fars news agency has said.

Both ships were built in Britain during the 1970s for Iran, which ordered them before the Islamic revolution.

Neither ship is carrying chemical or nuclear material, Egypt's state-run MENA news agency has reported.

Their passage into the eastern Mediterranean comes as the Arab world and the Middle East grapples with a vast wave of unrest and protests that is radically changing the political landscape, and leaving Israel increasingly concerned about its security.

"We are talking about an unprecedented Iranian military presence in the Mediterranean, and that is a provocation to which the international community must react firmly," foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor told AFP earlier on Tuesday.

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced the ships' arrival in the region as an Iranian power play, just days after his Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, branded their voyage "a provocation."

"Today we are witnessing the instability of the region in which we live and in which Iran is trying to profit by extending its influence by dispatching two warships to cross the Suez Canal," he said.

"Israel views with gravity this Iranian initiative," his office quoted him as saying.

Animosity between Iran and Israel has grown under the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly spoken of the Jewish state's demise.

Israel also accuses Tehran of arming and funding Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.

Israel, which has the Middle East's sole if undeclared nuclear arsenal, suspects Iran of trying to develop atomic weapons under cover of a civilian nuclear programme.

Tehran denies that charge and has in turn accused Israel of trying to sabotage its nuclear programme and kill its nuclear scientists.

Israel has backed a US policy tougher UN sanctions against Iran while remaining open to dialogue.

But it has refused to rule out a resort to military action to stop Tehran from developing a nuclear weapons capability.
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Publicity stunt... as if Israel couldn't make mince meat out of those two ships (sans support) if they wanted to.
@ Jigs
you're late
they left the canal hours ago

@ card
the ships are even unarmed!
The Jews bring their subs which are armed with nukes to the coast of Iran, but they start bitching like little girls when Iran sends a supply ship and an unarmed frigate to the Suez, which has fudge all to do with the Jews. They don't even enter Jewtopia's waters.

I love how israelis are shooting themselves in the foot with this publicity stunt.
@ Jigs
you're late
they left the canal hours ago

@ card
the ships are even unarmed!
The Jews bring their subs which are armed with nukes to the coast of Iran, but they start bitching like little girls when Iran sends a supply ship and an unarmed frigate to the Suez, which has fudge all to do with the Jews. They don't even enter Jewtopia's waters.

I love how israelis are shooting themselves in the foot with this publicity stunt.
I swear it seems you are TRYING to present yourself as an Ignorant Fool.... The article clearly states it IS Armed and the Video Below me clearly Shows it IS A WARSHIP why do you believe they call them that? To frighten the fish? To gun down unsuspecting Salmons?
I swear it seems you are TRYING to present yourself as an Ignorant Fool.... The article clearly states it IS Armed and the Video Below me clearly Shows it IS A WARSHIP why do you believe they call them that? To frighten the fish? To gun down unsuspecting Salmons?

oh no you're right, Iran sent a 50 year old frigate and a supply ship to destroy Israel. lmao

little girls don't bitc and moan like you Israelis. The German U boats armed with nukes which were sent to the coast of Iran weren't provocative but the 50 year old frig that didn't even go to Israeli waters AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU is a provocation
a massive LOL is in order
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But Somali pirates don't operate in the Mediterranean do they? Or you mean some sorta drill with the Syrian Navy?

what do you think Einstein?

And they're going to Syria for military exercizes.

btw you guys are all acting like this is the first time Iran has been in the Med!?! I ranian navy always goes to the Med but not through the Suez.
what do you think Einstein?

And they're going to Syria for military exercizes.

btw you guys are all acting like this is the first time Iran has been in the Med!?! I ranian navy always goes to the Med but not through the Suez.

How about you save your smart assery for someone else?

Iran is already operating against the Somali pirates, so its a bit confusing if they go to the Mediterranean to do some military drills against Somalis.
But Somali pirates don't operate in the Mediterranean do they? Or you mean some sorta drill with the Syrian Navy?

Yeah like a cooperation drill with their navy on Somali Pirates. The pirates generally will operate around the gulf of Aden but many navies send ships to protect the area because it is such a important trade route.
I know Iran would like to forget but does anyone remember Operation Praying Mantis? That's what happens when a bad navy takes on well trained navy.
I know Iran would like to forget but does anyone remember Operation Praying Mantis? That's what happens when a bad navy takes on well trained navy.

oh look a saudi who hates Iran
I'm shocked!
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