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Israel targets Iran with new spy satellite


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Israel has launched a new satellite into orbit aimed at boosting its abilities to conduct surveillance on its Middle East adversaries.

Israeli defence officials hailed the launch of a new spy satellite on Thursday, which they said would boost the country's capacity to monitor the military manoeuvres of Iran and militant groups opposed to the Jewish state's existence.

The Ofek 10 was said to have entered orbit before dawn after being launched from a Shavit launcher at an air force test base in central Israel at 10.15pm local time (8.15pm) on Wednesday. It is the latest in a series of satellites Israel has launched into space and the first in nearly four years - with six of the others currently still in orbit.

Built under the auspices of the state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries and the Israeli defence ministry, the new all-weather device is being billed as an advance on the country's existing surveillance capabilities when it becomes operational in a few months time.

"The Ofek 10 satellite should improve Israel's intelligence capability and allow the defence establishment to better deal with threats near and far," said Moshe Ya'alon, the Israeli defence minister. "We are continuing to strengthen our tremendous qualitative and technological advantage over our neighbors."

Israel is known to be particularly concerned with improving its surveillance abilities on Iran's nuclear programme, which Israeli officials insist is a front for building an atomic bomb. Iran denies the charges and says its nuclear activities are peaceful.

Israel targets Iran with new spy satellite - Telegraph
Israel has launched a new satellite into orbit aimed at boosting its abilities to conduct surveillance on its Middle East adversaries.

Israeli defence officials hailed the launch of a new spy satellite on Thursday, which they said would boost the country's capacity to monitor the military manoeuvres of Iran and militant groups opposed to the Jewish state's existence.

The Ofek 10 was said to have entered orbit before dawn after being launched from a Shavit launcher at an air force test base in central Israel at 10.15pm local time (8.15pm) on Wednesday. It is the latest in a series of satellites Israel has launched into space and the first in nearly four years - with six of the others currently still in orbit.

Built under the auspices of the state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries and the Israeli defence ministry, the new all-weather device is being billed as an advance on the country's existing surveillance capabilities when it becomes operational in a few months time.

"The Ofek 10 satellite should improve Israel's intelligence capability and allow the defence establishment to better deal with threats near and far," said Moshe Ya'alon, the Israeli defence minister. "We are continuing to strengthen our tremendous qualitative and technological advantage over our neighbors."

Israel is known to be particularly concerned with improving its surveillance abilities on Iran's nuclear programme, which Israeli officials insist is a front for building an atomic bomb. Iran denies the charges and says its nuclear activities are peaceful.

Israel targets Iran with new spy satellite - Telegraph
Let them do what they want it doesn't matter
it just proof that the Zionists are scared
So this is just for Iran ?
ofcourse No
Mullah got old bad habit of creating media hype
Her news source is Telegraph! Not an Iranian website!
I can find some newspaper writing this spy satellite is for Pakistan or some else declaring it danger for Arab world
In fact this spy satellite can be for anyone not just for Iran
I can find some newspaper writing this spy satellite is for Pakistan or some else declaring it danger for Arab world
In fact this spy satellite can be for anyone not just for Iran

I understand, but I was referring to this part: "Mullah got old bad habit of creating media hype"
Iran would gain nothing by bitching. Better to keep your head down and counter the threat quietly.

Oh and we also have beef with Israel so maybe we can help you guys. ;)
Iran would gain nothing by bitching
seriously i'm totally surprised by the amount of phosphorous you guys burn :lol: its so freaking low !
why is iran bitching ? read the article again , its by british telegragh , not iranian news agency

Better to keep your head down and counter the threat quietly.

Oh and we also have beef with Israel so maybe we can help you guys.
firstly , i suggest you help yourself ! :lol: feed your people instead ; the day that we need your help , that day would be the end of the world ;)

secondly , we dont like the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" conspiracy :lol:

whether you keep up with our standards , or to hell with ya ;)
seriously i'm totally surprised by the amount of phosphorous you guys burn :lol: its so freaking low !
why is iran bitching ? read the article again , its by british telegragh , not iranian news agency


firstly , i suggest you help yourself ! :lol: feed your people instead ; the day that we need your help , that day would be the end of the world ;)

secondly , we dont like the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" conspiracy :lol:

whether you keep up with our standards , or to hell with ya ;)

I'm nothing like this guy :lol:

Keep up this attitude and one day when the Lion comes, no one will be there to help.
I'm nothing like this guy
seriously buddy , everyone knows the prime supporter of palestinian cause is iran ;)
you guys didnt do shyte for palestine .

Lion comes
the "lion" (air quote) is already here , we flashed him :lol:

no one will be there to help
you're right , we should have let india smash you guys to pieces :lol: our bad !! ;)

Iran again played a vital role in Pakistan's 1971 conflict with India, this time supplying military equipment as well as diplomatic support against India.
Iran–Pakistan relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW , i was clear the last time , but since your iq is below that of an shell fish :

We need friends not an "enemy of my enemy"

hard to absorb ?
seriously buddy , everyone knows the prime supporter of palestinian cause is iran ;)
you guys didnt do shyte for palestine .

the "lion" (air quote) is already here , we flashed him :lol:

you're right , we should have let india smash you guys to pieces :lol: our bad !! ;)

BTW , i was clear the last time , but since your iq is below that of an shell fish :

We need friends not an "enemy of my enemy"

hard to absorb ?
Dude i actually like Iran so i won't say anything that might hurt my Iranian brothers.

You can post BS all you wan't but know that despite the lately foolish and arrogant attitude of your Government we Pakistanis still have respect for the Iranians.
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