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Iran to Launch New Satellite in Coming Days

mooh mai ram ram bagal mai churi. You are our born enemy and we pray that you fail in each and every field.

Yeah you created the mujahideen for that and now look who is getting slaughtered.

This thread is for Iranians to explain their satellite launch. Science is not bound by your primitive tribalism.

Go away and let the rational people talk
We love both Indian & Pakistani brothers ...

YES ! we do !!

but unfrotunately for pakistani members , sometimes its not the other way around

Dude just talking about PDF :D ......

ahaa !! :laughcry:

but still , i dont remember that either !! we never stop supporting pakistan . nor we stop supporting india .

we have cordial brother like relations with both . pls dont drag us to your warz !!
Fool what India has to do with this thread. It is about Iran. We are wishing them luck and every person with sane mentality should do it. I don't understand why are you butt hurt.If you cannot wish them then at least stay away from here. There are hundred of thousand other threads where you can accuse us.

this days Iran & India are greatest evils on earth ! :lol:
We love both Indian & Pakistani brothers ...

Indians are terrorists. They terrorize muslims. Hindu baniyas will ditch you. They are good in bussiness and cannot be friends. They will loot you.
We love both Indian & Pakistani brothers ...
Choose one :frown:

We call you our brothers just because you're our brothers in islam !!!!

How can indians be your brothers ?????
look pal . i dont know why my brother turkish members call u an expert ! who ever you are , u just seem to be waiting here all day , looking for an excuse to come here and post a troll-ish comment on iranian achievements !! read this : Qaher F-313 passing taxi tests ...

anyhow pal , come back when turkey could send some O2 molecules to space (with all due respect )

and for your info and for the sake of conversation , read this ! this can help you with the details of the sats which iran is going to send to SPACE ! :

Iranian Space Agency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

U see , space tech is not something that one can master in 1 night !! so what u see is the result of 30 yr old effort !!!

iran is unveiling its 4th gen carrier , while other muslim countries just sit and bi*ch about our achievements .

sorry pal , i really didnt want to be rude here

I am here to share my thinking about threads whose subects interest me a lot, mostly industrial achievements of Turkey and other countries. I don't know Why my compatriots calling me as an expert, maybe It is about dominating some serious informations and development periods of Turkish industrial achievements. What makes me differ from most of you Iranians is maybe I am looking events from realistic frames, While you from nationalistic living in a deep dream. Most of you don't have any idea How difficult development of such technologies, Even If you develop, How they are going to provide similar performances like Western proven equivalents that wasted their 40-50 years to create serious capablities, Which technologies or subsystems create the products you proudly mention with "%100 indigenous" words...etc

At this aspect, Tell me which part of my above statements you object to ? Do you have E/O tech. that provide below 1m resolution on satellites ? What about photodetectors mostly SWIR ? Germanium based Lens technology ? Thin film covering tehnology? HAL...etc If you claim that Iran have all those technologies in hand, Where is your competitive satellites at present? If not, How you are going to call final products as %100 indigenous ? If you don't object to any of those statements, Which menthal approach leads you to call me as a troll ?

I just expressed a friendly advice and emphasized that Instead of wasting your time and money to send monkeys into space, Concantrate over such technologies to reveal competitive satellites. Satellite launchers are designed to carry high value satellites into space. Without Satellite = No need satellite launcher...

That was the point for the people who can understand it...
Indians are terrorists. They terrorize muslims. Hindu baniyas will ditch you. They are good in bussiness and cannot be friends. They will loot you.
Bachay Itni nafrat nahi kartay ........ This kind of hate leads us to inhumane and extreme actions !!!!!
Indians are terrorists. They terrorize muslims. Hindu baniyas will ditch you. They are good in bussiness and cannot be friends. They will loot you.

Ok, its understandable that to you Indians are 'terrorists', but you yourself said that Indians are good in business but not as friends.........and Iran needs just that, BUSINESS, for their economy which is under sanctions......not useless friendship....
India has proven to be reliable business partner to Iran, how good a 'friend' Pakistan has proven to be?
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I am here to share my thinking about threads whose subects interest me a lot, mostly industrial achievements of Turkey and other countries. I don't know Why my compatriots calling me as an expert, maybe It is about dominating some serious informations and development periods of Turkish industrial achievements. What makes me differ from most of you Iranians is maybe I am looking events from realistic frames, While you from nationalistic living in a deep dream. Most of you don't have any idea How difficult development of such technologies, Even If you develop, How they are going to provide similar performances like Western proven equivalents that wasted their 40-50 years to create serious capablities, Which technologies or subsystems create the products you proudly mention with "%100 indigenous" words...etc

At this aspect, Tell me which part of my above statements you object to ? Do you have E/O tech. that provide below 1m resolution on satellites ? What about photodetectors mostly SWIR ? Germanium based Lens technology ? Thin film covering tehnology? HAL...etc If you claim that Iran have all those technologies in hand, Where is your competitive satellites at present? If not, How you are going to call final products as %100 indigenous ? If you don't object to any of those statements, Which menthal approach leads you to call me as a troll ?

I just expressed a friendly advice and emphasized that Instead of wasting your time and money to send monkeys into space, Concantrate over such technologies to reveal competitive satellites. Satellite launchers are designed to carry high value satellites into space. Without Satellite = No need satellite launcher...

That was the point for the people who can understand it...

We are not a bunch of idiots !

there are so many companies & universities which working on such projects ...

you don't know anything about the things happening in Iran's R&D centers ...
Indians are terrorists. They terrorize muslims. Hindu baniyas will ditch you. They are good in bussiness and cannot be friends. They will loot you.

LOL , we might loot them with a 1% probability but we won't kill them. Shias in India live as equal citizens and live secure lives without fear. In your so called 'muslim country" , on a good day , 3-4 shias are gunned down and on a bad day , the number can go up to 100. Your army and intelligence agencies support the Taliban and Al Qaeda who are mortal enemies of Iran. Your best friends and religious role models - the Saudis hate everything to do with Iran and Shias and leave no stone upturned to try to slaughter them. As for being Baniyas , we are clever businessmen but at least pay the fair price for whatever we buy. Your poor failure of an economy can't even afford to complete a pipeline or afford to pay for iranian gas. Iran will lose millions because they have built their side of the Iran - Pakistan pipeline. Only if you idiots had told them you are dead poor and have no money to build a pipeline , you would have saved them a lot of trouble and money.
We are not a bunch of idiots !

there are so many companies & universities which working on such projects ...

you don't know anything about the things happening in Iran's R&D centers ...

You can speak like that is an indicator of your knowledge regarding the things happening in R&D centers of Iran. Would you please enlighten us about the technologies I have mentioned above to emphasize what Iran revealed as %100 indigenous or fully self sufficient industry under the sanctions?

Don't get every f@cking things as an offence...
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