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Qaher F-313 passing taxi tests ...

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what about this

f-16 tiger :D

See thats the real one.
F-313 Cool Name, is 313 taken from the number of Sahaaba from the first battle of Islam
maybe. also through Abjad alphabet the number of Quran's Suras 114 will be equal to 313,and the name of the mother "Narjes" of Shiah's Messiah(Mahdi) is equal to 313 too.
and again according to our beliefs the number of people who will join to our Messiah in the first day is 313 man too and through these men he will create his global government.
This is the same wooden mockup being transported.
خدا لعنتت کنه سهیل
GOD thamn u (soheil)
Whats with all the rubble and rubbish in the background? Doesnt look like a runway to me :)
abandoned airport or outlying part of airport is a good place to test new aircraft
It will be nice to see UCAV out of it provided its size.
whats with garmin type MFDs in the cockpit?
These alleged taxi tests are going to end up with the operator bumping into everything on the ground.. as I doubt even someone with super vision can see out of that frosted glass canopy. And no there is no comparison to other weathered canopies as they are still quite visible even with the pictures for comparison. This is probably the same fibre/wooden mockup being shifted to some stand or warehouse.

Or do the Iranian members want us to think that their Industry is so unprofessional that they choose to transport their supposed pride on a baggage trolley while all over the world especially with new aircraft the transport or even "taxi tests" are done with strict supervision and multiple technicians crowding about.

This is no taxi text, just the mockup on its merry way to some more obscure place after its time in the spotlight
Come on anyone can see it is still the same mockup! These are no taxi tests?!
It think It is an early taken mistake photo by an amateur. Posting such an amateurish photo may cause serious troubles for image owner in order to break the politic game rules. Image tells to me that the technicians are preparing mock-up to present as If Qhaher is doing taxi with a clever taken photo by a professional but It requires time to open ties in order to make wheels touched on ground instead of pulling it on a platform on an open road...

Sshhhhh !

They believe it can fly. After circling three times over a city in Iraq, the plane goes hyper sonic and becomes super stealth also.

The image is photo shopped.
:raise:Its prime objective has been achieved.Just ask Batman and his Cousins :omghaha:

One doesnt believe everything coming out of the Mullah regime. This is just a mockup. Now if me pointing out a very obvious fact stings you then it isnt my fault about your misplaced and faulty loyalties. Not everything is Wahabi Zionist propaganda. Stop eating this Irani agenda, you are no better than the ones you curse (Yazid/wahabi/zionist/beethoven/bach etc etc)

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