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Israel seeks to sell Heron Control Stations to Turkey


May 18, 2012
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Israel seeks to sell Heron control stations to Turkey | Politics | World Bulletin

Israeli company Elbit has applied to the Israeli government to request approval to sell new ground control stations for Heron unmanned serial vehicles to Turkey.

Israel has a new strategy among its various maneuvers to try to improve relations with Turkey after the Mavi Marmara flotilla crisis. Israeli company Elbit has applied to the Israeli government to request approval to sell new ground control stations for Heron unmanned serial vehicles to Turkey.
It is reported that after receiving approval from the Israeli government, the company will provide the new ground control stations through representative companies in Turkey.
Out of the 10 Herons purchased from Israel, only 3 can be flown because Turkey currently has only one ground control station. New ones were requested from Israel but the request was denied due to strained relations following the Mavi Marmara crisis. Israel now seeks to deliver these systems to Ankara in order to repair relations.
I don't believe this will happen anytime soon. Erdogan is still causing problems with the relationship and isn't allowing it to be repaired.
I don't believe this will happen anytime soon. Erdogan is still causing problems with the relationship and isn't allowing it to be repaired.

What made you say that?
Are we have payed already for those Systems ? I mean the PKK Conflict will come to an End due the actually Politics,but we will get soon Anka´s ,and many of them :)
What made you say that?

For example: He wants 1 million to each of the terrorist's families while Israel agreed only to 100k.

It is clear that he didn't accept this apology out of his own free will, but rather against his will by the Americans, and is trying to milk it for Arab support.
For example: He wants 1 million to each of the terrorist's families while Israel agreed only 100k.

It is clear that he didn't accept this apology out of his own free will, but rather against his will by the Americans, and is trying to milk it for Arab support.

Nor it was the free will of Netanyahu, me think.

As for the money, i'm sure it is the least of Israel's concerns when it comes to expense of this restoration.
How come they think Turkey would buy it? Turkey has it's own MALE drone.

Maybe Turkey wants to reverse engineer the haron to see the technology possessed by the Israelis?
Nor it was the free will of Netanyahu, me think.

As for the money, i'm sure it is the least of Israel's concerns when it comes to this restoration.

Money isn't the problem but paying the families of terrorists 1 million dollars is absurd. Even the 100k was far too generous.

And this restoration of ties was a mutual need, not a one sided one. Erdogan needed to climb down from the Ottoman tree and Netanyahu gave him the ladder.
Is it possible for any country to produce ground control stations to oparate Herons without Israel's assistance?

Money isn't the problem but paying the families of terrorists 1 million dollars is absurd. Even the 100k was far too generous.

I'm sorry but your way of thinking is absurd. Israel has apologized for the deaths of those "terrorists" as you call it, remember? It simply said, "we were wrong" so giving some more money means nothing.

And this restoration of ties was a mutual need, not a one sided one. Erdogan needed to climb down from the Ottoman tree and Netanyahu gave him the ladder.

Agreed. It is for the best to maintain positive relations both for Israel and Turkey, but as i said before, Turkey doesn't need Israel; at least not like the way Israel needs Turkey.
Is it possible for any country to produce ground control stations to oparate Herons without Israel's assistance?

I'm sorry but your way of thinking is absurd. Israel has apologized for the deaths of those "terrorists" as you call it, remember? It simply said, "we were wrong" so giving some more money means nothing.

Agreed. It is for the best to maintain positive relations both for Israel and Turkey, but as i said before, Turkey doesn't need Israel; at least not like the way Israel needs Turkey.

"We were wrong" with how we've dealt with the terrorists, not for killing them. And as far as Israel needing Turkey, it is about as much as Turkey needs Israel. Another 3 years of Erdogan babbling about his love for Arabs could have gone by splendidly, if not for Obama. He was the one that made both leaders agree to end the diplomatic crisis.

It's clear that we won't have any kind of friendship as long as Erdogan continues to change the constitution of Turkey to serve his needs(Like changing the powers of PM and President as he intends to do once his term is over) and he remains in power.

He will always try to appease Islamists at the expense of this relationship.
"We were wrong" with how we've dealt with the terrorists, not for killing them. And as far as Israel needing Turkey, it is about as much as Turkey needs Israel. Another 3 years of Erdogan babbling about his love for Arabs could have gone by splendidly, if not for Obama. He was the one that made both leaders agree to end the diplomatic crisis.

It's clear that we won't have any kind of friendship as long as Erdogan continues to change the constitution of Turkey to serve his needs(Like changing the powers of PM and President as he intends to do once his term is over) and he remains in power.

He will always try to appease Islamists at the expense of this relationship.

I'm not really interested in how you comfort your ego, what i'm saying is, Israel did the hardest thing by apologizing, while paying compensation is the easiest thing. Besides, it was the first condition that Israel accepted years ago.

I'm glad Obama has ended this nonsense.

As for the rest of your post, agreed.
I'm not really interested in how you comfort your ego, what i'm saying is, Israel did the hardest thing by apologizing, while paying compensation is the easiest thing. Besides, it was the first condition that Israel accepted years ago.

I'm glad Obama has ended this nonsense.

As for the rest of your post, agreed.

It's about facts. Erdogan had no choice but he will attempt ruin whatever hope there is to restore the relationship.
It's about facts. Erdogan had no choice but he will attempt ruin whatever hope there is to restore the relationship.

If it wasn't Obama behind this reparation, i would believe you.
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