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Israel plans Air Force training in India

There is a big difference between a Colony and a democracy.

Democracy is a system of self-governance. In Colonial system, you are governed by a foreign power and all your land, resources are openly looted by foreign masters.

India was a British colony before 1947. Democracy(self-rule) came to India only when British were kicked out.

According to my history books there were only princely states before the British came. I am thankful for the British to make it a nation (or 2 nations).
If someone thinks that India is going to give permission to use it's territory to anyone to hit Iran, they've got another think coming.

Either that, or I am way off base in my reading of Indian policy.

Regardless of the downs in the Indo-Iran relationship in the past few years, we have been strong friends for a long time. And the ties we share are deeper than people assume.

Edit: But training of Israeli pilots in India is a different issue.
Reading comprehension for one. I was alluding to the fact democracy is an alien concept to you without the generous fact of our "incursion" into your history. Again, before you foam at the mouth....take a deep breath and read over the thread.

Oh and pray tell why are we arguing in this Phoenician derived tablet instead of Devanagari or what have you. Calm down, this is an exercise in who your true enemies are....we did eventually "leave".....have you truly established thine vedic civilization since we 'left" or do you enjoy this new globalization blend of European pioneered Kumbaya interspersed with the occasional Pakistani masterminded mass killing?

by 'we/ our' do u mean the native Britishers or the new generation immigrant Britishers? where u from... bradford???
According to my history books there were only princely states before the British came. I am thankful for the British to make it a nation (or 2 nations).

India had been a nation under the rules of Mourya, Gupta and Mughal empires, ironically it became once again a nation to get rid of Brits. And those arguing for democracy being alien to India should dig more history and read about sanghas and ganas. There's probably no system or structure that Indians haven't tried to adopt in!
There is no interest conflict with Iran for the time being. In global politics there are no permanent enemies or friends as most of the members here say. The mode of relation can change anytime with any reasons as we see everyday in the old Russian nations.

So until and unless there is a conflict in interests we dont assume Iran to be a threat in future.
India had been a nation under the rules of Mourya, Gupta and Mughal empires, ironically it became once again a nation to get rid of Brits. And those arguing for democracy being alien to India should dig more history and read about sanghas and ganas. There's probably no system or structure that Indians haven't tried to adopt in!

India as a nation never existed as a kingdom or as a democracy. There were kingdoms with conquerings during the course of time which has ammassed a large part of lands due to the lack resistance in an age where the population was negligible and the larger armies take control of lands of smaller armies.

The listed kingdoms have never conqured and sustained the whole nation. for example Kerala where i live we never had maurya, gupta or mughal dynasty ruling here.

The statement that India had been a nation under the rules is a blunder as it was acknowledged as mauryan empire, gupta empire, mughal empire, as the parts which are not under its control would be disqualified to be called as India.
Oh and pray tell why are we arguing in this Phoenician derived tablet instead of Devanagari or what have you. Calm down, this is an exercise in who your true enemies are....we did eventually "leave".....have you truly established thine vedic civilization since we 'left" or do you enjoy this new globalization blend of European pioneered Kumbaya interspersed with the occasional Pakistani masterminded mass killing?

this guy is hilarious, ROFL.

i can really tell he puts so much effort to sound condescending, its very funny to read.
India as a nation never existed as a kingdom or as a democracy. There were kingdoms with conquerings during the course of time which has ammassed a large part of lands due to the lack resistance in an age where the population was negligible and the larger armies take control of lands of smaller armies.

The listed kingdoms have never conqured and sustained the whole nation. for example Kerala where i live we never had maurya, gupta or mughal dynasty ruling here.

The statement that India had been a nation under the rules is a blunder as it was acknowledged as mauryan empire, gupta empire, mughal empire, as the parts which are not under its control would be disqualified to be called as India.

Nationalism, border, line of control are newer concepts had not been prevalent for much of the human history, while it’s true the whole of India wasn’t under any ruler before British came, the cultural, economical and religious exchanges never ceased to exist in subcontinent and accelerated during mentioned dynasties or timelines & as well as during chol, pallava, chalukya . The idea of oneness isn’t alien or something brought by brits, without which the modern nation called India couldn’t have possibly formed. It doesn’t matter what you name it, the original geographical region which was first called India now belongs to Pakistan.

It’s also true that british brought cohesiveness and idea of centralization of power to subcontinent, while the trade off being once economically developed subcontinent reduced to mere 3% of world gdp in 1947.
Reading comprehension for one. I was alluding to the fact democracy is an alien concept to you without the generous fact of our "incursion" into your history. Again, before you foam at the mouth....take a deep breath and read over the thread.

Oh and pray tell why are we arguing in this Phoenician derived tablet instead of Devanagari or what have you. Calm down, this is an exercise in who your true enemies are....we did eventually "leave".....have you truly established thine vedic civilization since we 'left" or do you enjoy this new globalization blend of European pioneered Kumbaya interspersed with the occasional Pakistani masterminded mass killing?

if britishers were so benevolent in giving india democracy,

why are the other colonies of "great" britain not the shining lights of your benevolence
What a bullshit by this colonial reveller, he thinks that british have done a great service to subcontinent while all they did was to loot this place of all its money, no wonder they are a developed nation. And what is with you indian guys thanking those colonial bas...s for their benevolence in doing this and that. No wonder this fu...ing looter's nation still revels in its glorius past., while it is reduced to a pimp of its grand neighbour. Enough meddling in others affairs by them who cannot even say who their enemies first and do a single thing without the permission of their grand daddy!!!!!!!!!!
What a bullshit by this colonial reveller, he thinks that british have done a great service to subcontinent while all they did was to loot this place of all its money, no wonder they are a developed nation. And what is with you indian guys thanking those colonial bas...s for their benevolence in doing this and that. No wonder this fu...ing looter's nation still revels in its glorius past., while it is reduced to a pimp of its grand neighbour. Enough meddling in others affairs by them who cannot even say who their enemies first and do a single thing without the permission of their grand daddy!!!!!!!!!!

that's what i was though in school as a child , it hold some truth but it is to simple an explanation.

it pretends to explain 300 years of our nations history in but a few lines. that is simply to childish.

grow up.

The more we run from our colonial past the further we run from our selves.

While i do not pretend to take pride in the fact that our nation was ruled by others , i neither feel the need to demon-ise them for doing so.

While our time under the East India company was tyrannic.

Our administration directly under the crown was a slight improvement.

I am not going to generalize neither should you , bad things were done so were good.

Our national congress was in fact started by a British Man .

but frankly rather then talk about the colonial past.
let us talk about 60 years after the fact. I don't feel animosity to the British, what happened , happened.

But the only thing i truly ever blame them for was for fostering the religious disharmony that has always existed in India. If there happened to be a tiger in the room , no reason to poke it , but i am not going to hang it over there heads , it was long time ago and the view of those events in hindsight can be different than at the time.

The world has change , and that means so has our view of it and our view of the past

Point being , today in Britain the curry restaurants hire more people then all the coal mining and shipbuilding industries combined.

Situations change sometime for the ironic.
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If israel practice in India then this mean that india will be increasing its no. of enemies... India will have to face whole neighborhood enmity.


If Israel pilots practise in India then there is no problem for China,Sri Lanka and Iran, Unless India allow Israel to use its soil for Iran, and that is not going to happen. But it seems someone else has problem with Israel pilots training in India.
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