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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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How am I BSing you Bloody fool. Things are rapidly occurring every day and I have no clue where it is heading so stop talking and see....what’s the bullshit in what I said?

You're right things are developing rapidly such as the complete destruction of Gaza. I guarantee as soon as they are done there they will continue assassinations and sabotage against Iran and attacks against Syria. Before Palestinians rose up, they attacked Syria with gunships which shows they were getting even more brazen. Iran ,Syria and Hezbollah have done a piss poor job of establishing deterrence. Which is why they keep up their attacks.

The zios attack Hamas much less than you because even though they are much weaker Hamas actually responds.
I'm pretty sure they'll bomb those hordes too
First goal in modern warfare is to target airbases :)
You're right things are developing rapidly such as the complete destruction of Gaza. I guarantee as soon as they are done there they will continue assassinations and sabotage against Iran and attacks against Syria. Before Palestinians rose up, they attacked Syria with gunships which shows they were getting even more brazen. Iran ,Syria and Hezbollah have done a piss poor job of establishing deterrence. Which is why they keep up their attacks.

The zios attack Hamas much less than you because even though they are much weaker Hamas actually responds.
i know, and you are right. and this lack of intervention will be a disaster for the “axis of resistance”. I hope this mistake can be rectified. That’s all I can hope for.

the zios never attacked Iran, don’t confuse spy work with kinetic attacks .they’ve flattened Gaza on the other hand
Once again.. now is the perfect time to unleash everything at Israel. Palestinians from the Gaza strip, Hezbollah from Lebanon, resistance militias from Syria. Israel would be hit hard.. no way it can keep up 3 fronts at the same time. Even a 24-48 hour conflict will do wonders to degrade Israeli infrastructure and morale. It is the perfect time for the resistance to build a collective and powerful deterrence but there are some elements within the resistance front still hesitant. Alas.

When the Western powers created the fake borders between us, that is when they instilled the division between us. Make no mistake about it, if Israel is threatened, just like in 1967 &1973, the World of Freemasonry would come to its aid.

When the West invaded Iraq, created the civil war in Syria, and overthrew Gaddafi in Libya, they laid the groundwork for Israel's territorial expansion.
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No, I think it is Palestinian groups doing some symbolic fire. It has been allowed in the past. Situation might be headed towards ceasefire if Israel accepted conditions, but we will see.
I don't understand one thing, why Asad is not retaliating against Israel, though Israel is pounding them whenever they want?
Once again.. now is the perfect time to unleash everything at Israel. Palestinians from the Gaza strip, Hezbollah from Lebanon, resistance militias from Syria. Israel would be hit hard.. no way it can keep up 3 fronts at the same time. Even a 24-48 hour conflict will do wonders to degrade Israeli infrastructure and morale. It is the perfect time for the resistance to build a collective and powerful deterrence but there are some elements within the resistance front still hesitant. Alas.

Just one day of attacks and there would have resulted in big humbling of the zios and a complete reorientation of their policies. They would have accepted Hamas ceasefire immediately and Iran, Syria and Lebanon could have got concessions (at least on paper) to stop cross border attacks and violation of airspace. Instead they did nothing. The zios reject Hamas ceasefire so they could inflict more damage on Gaza and still the so called resistance sits and watch doing nothing. Hamas has more deterrence than its sponsors
Palestinian faction in Syria claims responsibility for rockets. Israeli airstrikes continue, hitting Khan Yunis now.
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