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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Why other Palestinian faction from west bank or Gaza not retaliating Israeli aggression . its not hamas war but war of all Palestinian . when your common enemy is devastating your people their is no justification to remain mum .

Another observation from my side hamas and other fighter can rain havoc if they can collect modern weapons rather then crude weapons they are using . Israeli superiority is not any Devine matter it can be overwhelm with salvo of attack.

All support to Palestinian, May Allah keep them strong and more determined in front of enemy. Ameen.
Be a little patient, things are developing rapidly each and every day.
Stop BSing, there doesn't seem to be a unified resistance. If there was Hezbollah,Syria and Iran would not have passed up this opportunity to open up multiple fronts on the zios, not to mention pay them back for all the times they have attacked Syria, Iran and Lebanon. You are doing nothing as Gaza is being bombed to ashes. As soon as they are done with Gaza they will start bombing you again just wait and see.
Why other Palestinian faction from west bank or Gaza not retaliating Israeli aggression . its not hamas war but war of all Palestinian . when your common enemy is devastating your people their is no justification to remain mum .

Another observation from my side hamas and other fighter can rain havoc if they can collect modern weapons rather then crude weapons they are using . Israeli superiority is not any Devine matter it can be overwhelm with salvo of attack.

All support to Palestinian, May Allah keep them strong and more determined in front of enemy. Ameen.

Palestinians in West Bank are disarmed and are demonstrating all day. All Palestinian factions in Gaza are participating in retaliation. Hamas is the biggest one and governs Gaza so they will naturally be in the headlines more.
perfect time to storm the golan heights .. The Israelis would be massively outnumbered against the hordes and they could give up Golan heights without a fight
Once again.. now is the perfect time to unleash everything at Israel. Palestinians from the Gaza strip, Hezbollah from Lebanon, resistance militias from Syria. Israel would be hit hard.. no way it can keep up 3 fronts at the same time. Even a 24-48 hour conflict will do wonders to degrade Israeli infrastructure and morale. It is the perfect time for the resistance to build a collective and powerful deterrence but there are some elements within the resistance front still hesitant. Alas.
Stop BSing, there doesn't seem to be a unified resistance. If there was Hezbollah,Syria and Iran would not have passed up this opportunity to open up multiple fronts on the zios, not to mention pay them back for all the times they have attacked Syria, Iran and Lebanon. You are doing nothing as Gaza is being bombed to ashes. As soon as they are done with Gaza they will start bombing you again just wait and see.
How am I BSing you Bloody fool. Things are rapidly occurring every day and I have no clue where it is heading so stop talking and see....what’s the bullshit in what I said?
Once again.. now is the perfect time to unleash everything at Israel. Palestinians from the Gaza strip, Hezbollah from Lebanon, resistance militias from Syria. Israel would be hit hard.. no way it can keep up 3 fronts at the same time. Even a 24-48 hour conflict will do wonders to degrade Israeli infrastructure and morale. It is the perfect time for the resistance to build a collective and powerful deterrence but there are some elements within the resistance front still hesitant. Alas.
It’s a good time but very low probability but things escalate fast and people make dumb mistakes so I guess we have to see how it goes
How am I BSing you Bloody fool. Things are rapidly occurring every day and I have no clue where it is heading so stop talking and see....what’s the bullshit in what I said?
What is he saying that is wrong? We have seen the exact same movie over and over again. Hamas is always on its own.. the bodies now laying in the freezers are those of the Palestinians. Who is rushing to help them? Training and weapon delivery is one thing but standing side by side and fighting and creating a unified deterrence is another.
What is he saying that is wrong? We have seen the exact same movie over and over again. Hamas is always on its own.. the bodies now laying in the freezers are those of the Palestinians. Who is rushing to help them? Training and weapon delivery is one thing but standing side by side and fighting and creating a unified deterrence is another.
Bro, what did I say that was wrong. I said to wait and see how things go because I have NO IDEA! What’s not hard to understand this. One day you can go to sleep and wake up in a totally different world. We simply don’t know what’s going on
Once again.. now is the perfect time to unleash everything at Israel. Palestinians from the Gaza strip, Hezbollah from Lebanon, resistance militias from Syria. Israel would be hit hard.. no way it can keep up 3 fronts at the same time. Even a 24-48 hour conflict will do wonders to degrade Israeli infrastructure and morale. It is the perfect time for the resistance to build a collective and powerful deterrence but there are some elements within the resistance front still hesitant. Alas.

Few issues
1 You need a unified front from these countries.
2 Need huge infrastructure support for supply chain.
3 Majority of these groups are doing own thing
Few issues
1 You need a unified front from these countries.
2 Need huge infrastructure support for supply chain.
3 Majority of these groups are doing own thing
1 There is no unified front for the battlefield.. i agree. 2 The infrastructure and supply chain are there in place already.. it can function without the head of the team (Iran) on its own.. that is what Iran has been focusing on.. to make these groups independent as much as possible. 3 IRGC is in contact with the Gaza strip.
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