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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Full translation of Hamas spokesman message:

Today coincides with the third anniversary of Trump's damned decision to move the American embassy to occupied Jerusalem to impose a new reality on the ground, through which it would erase our historical right to this land, and here we confirm that after these years, the battle of # Al-Quds sword extending over the historical geography of Palestine comes to confirm the nullity of these foolish decisions, and that Palestine One unit, with Jerusalem as its capital, an eternal capital that no force can change. We pay tribute to our people in the city of Jerusalem, and to the stationers in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, who rely in their bonds and their confrontations with the enemy on the heroic battle of the sword of Jerusalem. The decision to move the embassy will not, nor will it change, the status of Jerusalem as a religious, political and civilizational capital in the face of the steadfastness and resistance of our people. We salute our people and youth in the occupied West Bank who today ignited contact points under the feet of the enemy, and a group of heroes have risen from them, and we also invite them for more engagement and engagement with the enemy. They went out to confront Zionist racism and the settlers ’hard-chested bare chests based on their historical right to their land and rejection of the occupation. We affirm our continued protection and defense of our people until the aggression stops in Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank and our occupied lands in the year 48, and any part of historic Palestine.
PIJ is at 2100, when does Qassam usually launch?

Remember the 21:00 is just symbolic commemoration of PIJ commander that was killed. They do not limit themselves to that window and direct calculated strikes all throughout the day. Hamas armed wing official Telegram claims responsibility for its barrages. Besides Hamas and PIJ, there is dozen other groups participating too.

Like right now, Hamas armed wing says it directed the recent barrage on Beer Sheva:

21:05 كتائب القسام تقصف بئر السبع المحتلة برشقة صاروخية. القسام
But in each ceasefire, the strength of Hamas and Islamic Jihad was growing. In this conflict if it ends now, Palestinians in Gaza have scored a major victory: They've ended the Israeli violations of Masjid Al-Aqsa and also the land theft that was taking place in East Jerusalem. We definitely need the ceasefire if the Israelis can accept the demands of the Palestinian resistance.

Yes, if the Israelis did that, I would declare it a victory for Hamas on the basis of imposing their political and social demands onto Israel i.e. victory.
Rockets at Netivot:
The only owner of the property is Malikul Mulk. Masjid Aqsa is the common property for all of us, the Muslims. And this intellectual field of work and the publication of title deeds essentially aims to keep this idea alive. These are not new things. Please don't carry the videos of a few excited kids here and drag the subject to an unnecessary point. We have only one agenda item right now. Honored resistance of the Palestinian people.

True it belongs to everyone.. I think the video was posted for humorous reasons.. It was funny post it made me geninuely laugh. I also agree with it since the Ottomans were the custodians for 500 years and to be honest they were the last custodians. It also belongs to the turks like everyone else
Turks can be hilarious at times but true they owned that place for 500 years
Bro that videos are fake. That places are for all muslims . im not sure prepared by feto members because they are spreading such videos some times.they are muslim,some times natinanalist some times can be kemalist
Bro that videos are fake. That places are for all muslims . im not sure prepared by feto members because they are spreading such videos .

I know it was fake and trollish.. :turkey: There is nothing wrong in some misplaced good laughs sometimes
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