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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Stop it man! you are now provoking.

I don't understand. @BATMAN says Hamas is terrorists. Ok fine.

But then he post pictures of Palestinians praying with Hamas leaders posters. So what does he actually think of Hamas? And of the Palestinians who are praying next to their posters? I don't think this is provoking at all, and if it is I apologize. I'm just trying to understand why he thinks Hamas is terrorist and then posts pictures of them?
can the mods remove this troll????? @PakSword this dude is trolling and provoking people, can u pls take care of him as u said u would for people distracting from the topic? pls!
I have warned him just now. Anymore provocation, and he will have to spectate from outside of this thread.
These Muslims scared out of their mind that Palestinians are fighting back, and at same time begging Allah to send the Mahdi, LOL....

What you think the Mahdi can do?? You are aware of the major sacrifices and fighting that will need to happen when he come?? What's the point of God sending him if there is no men??
Mahdi might unite the Muslims atleast.
I don't understand. @BATMAN says Hamas is terrorists. Ok fine.

But then he post pictures of Palestinians praying with Hamas leaders posters. So what does he actually think of Hamas? And of the Palestinians who are praying next to their posters? I don't think this is provoking at all, and if it is I apologize. I'm just trying to understand why he thinks Hamas is terrorist and then posts pictures of them?
Just leave that subject and continue with the topic being discussed. Share the news if you have any from credible sources with your views if any.
Mahdi might unite the Muslims atleast.

Doubtful, good Muslims will follow him, bad ones will not. Muslims need some courage and have to believe in sacrifice.
Who is he?

Do not know, that's not the point, point is Muslims need retrospection and renew their faith in God. They don't have the courage for anything at the moment.
Reminder :

Hamas is ready for ceasefire at any time, provided Israel ends evictions of Palestinians from Shiekh Jarrah and ends incursions of Al-Aqsa mosque. Israel is rejecting ceasefire and insisting on expulsion on Palestinian residents from East Jerusalem.
Israeli PM is now safe as his opposition on same front and has decided to join coalition government. TRT World is reporting live

Yes, that was the aim of that shit what began with the attacks on the mosche: Giving Netanletetle another years of regency. It worked well. Isrealis are just sheeps as the sheeps in every other country are.
Per NY Times, ground invasion has begun into Gaza:

Live Updates: Israeli Ground Forces Attack in Gaza

Israel said its military ground forces had attacked Gaza early Friday, a major escalation of violence between Palestinians firing rockets into Israel and Israeli forces carrying out air strikes in Gaza.

It was not immediately clear if the Israeli assault was a limited bid to destroy rocket bases or kill leaders of Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, or if it was a full-fledged invasion akin to the one in 2014 that killed more than 2,000 Palestinians.
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