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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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You see, this is what I've been saying. They know they've been expending thousands of these missiles and these politicians were likely contacted by Israel to lobby aid to them.
fully agree

EGypt "asking" Palestinians who they've betrayed in Gaza to "cool it down" means Israel is getting fukd good.
I'm assuming the isrealis are ignorning those rockets from lebanon.
IAF doesnt want to go for any more "bombing runs " in Syria even, cuz Gaza is now a "full meal" they cant handle....IRGC Must be flying in more equipment to LEbanon and Syria right now...smh..lmaoooo
Man they really turned out all the lights in Gaza

Can't see s**t the AJ/RT LS its so dark
Indeed. So, we're back to what I said earlier. It is Egypt's agreements with the US and Israel that prevent her from doing the simpler thing of allowing weapons to be sent to Gaza, not because Egypt can't help the situation. Egypt simply doesn't want to.

That's right. It has legitimate reasons to not want to that you conveniently ignore. Powers much smarter than all of us have been trying to figure out the solution to this problem and haven't been able to come up with anything. What makes you think that allowing weapons to the border will help the situation or create a regional war that no one wants? You have a decent proposition that most of you give, but what eludes you is the terrible consequences that follow that need to be avoided at 100%.

Don't just think of what needs to be done immediately by Egypt or the Arabs that involves weapons introduced to Hamas just to watch more fireworks and a few Isrealis killed compared to the 40+ Palestinians, but also the full picture of the cause and effect and the aftermath that would bring total destruction to the entire area. Most of you are just happy to bash the Arabs (especially Egypt and you're entitled to) but you certainly are missing the the full picture of what happens once full bore war breaks out in the region. This isn't GTA or of what that other video game is called. This is the lives of millions of people at stake.

How do you want to ask the US to pressure Israel then? You have no leverage against the US, nor Israel, but the US has plenty of leverages on you. And the US completely and blindly supports Israel as history has shown. So, your initial suggestion is even less likely than mine.

There are plenty of ways. The only problem is it takes time to coordinate these efforts. Expel US ambassadors from all the Arab states until they put enough pressure on Israel to stop not only the firing, but also the home invasions. Cut all relations with the US in any form and suffer some consequences but tell them we will not deal with you in any efforts to help you get to Iraq, to use Egypt as a platform to deal with any spying entity etc. Get rid of the $1.3 billion in military aid and tell them we will happily rejoin you if you make Israel stop all the crimes it's commiting.

Saudi Arabia, (I dislike speaking for other nations) but they have a huge investments in the US and actually hold much more clout than Egypt. If they can afford to cut ties with the US and still be able to keep their F-15s flying without US support, they could do that immediately. The UAE is a harder bugger to convince since they just bought $23 billion worth of equipment from the US and opened relations with Israel and for them to give all that up (even temporarily,) that might be one of the most effective yet difficult pressures put on the US. Biden will come right out and put Israel in its place if he fails to do something about that and lose his credibility and probably the next election to Trump. Jordan has already warned Israel not to involve itself. All this takes weeks to put together but it can be done and is the diplomatic way to do it. Whether Israel succumbs to Biden or not is another story since he's already said today "Israel has the right to defend itself. Those are the things that need to be done.
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Israeli battleships fire their machine guns towards the shores of "Bahr Al-Sudania" in northern Gaza

Iranianias should stop their propaganda and stop claiming this Palestinian victory is theirs. Because no weapon we've seen thrown on the zionists was made in or by Iran.
Its All made by Palestinian hands inside and below Gaza.
The enemy of Allah Sisi made sure nothing goes in. Nothing !!!
So tone it down !
This is a PURE Palestinian victory !
Iranianias should stop their propaganda and stop claiming this Palestinian victory is theirs. Because no weapon we've seen thrown on the zionists was made in or by Iran.
Its All made by Palestinian hands inside and below Gaza.
The enemy of Allah Sisi made sure nothing goes in. Nothing !!!
So tone it down !
This is a PURE Palestinian victory !
Victory is very very far, infact so far one can't even see it.
The US taxpayer better get ready.

Interestingly the previous US Obama Administration in which J. Biden was a Vice President had a 10 year agreement to fund Israel in the amount of $ 38 Billion dollars. This conversation starts at 26: 14 mins in the video. Now how many muslims have voted for Joe last year, the number is staggering so here it shows how naïve or willful ignorant the muslim populace are in US...OH OH I remember the issue is choosing lesser of the two evils for them (i.e. Democrats or Republicans).
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