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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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King Salman: Saudi Arabia condemns Israel’s actions, violence in Jerusalem

Yeah but he’ll still share his intel with Mossad against Iran
Yeah but he’ll still share his intel with Mossad against Iran

say what you will but let's admit it only saudi has the might to stop Israel they should ask for a ceasefire,this madness has to end from both sides

OIC to hold emergency meeting to discuss Jerusalem and Gaza, at request of Saudi Arabia

Saudi monarch expresses support for Palestinian people

Yes, I remember that.
The EU lady who announced the cease-fire said something like 'Not everyone is going to get everything they want'--a code-word for Israel to accept the unpalatable cease-fire. And later, the Hezbollah fighters emerged from their holes in the ground or from caves or whatever and said something like 'we took a hit but were are still here'.

BTW, Israel had shown no mercy. This Vietnam-War-Like idea that we 'lost because we fought with one hand tied behind our back' didn't apply in Vietnam and didn't apply in Lebanon.
yeah i agree sir . but that time we see nothing is safe merkava tanks frigates ground troops APCs cities oil storages everything was knocked . that was amazing to see how hizbullah fight bravely . israel have bombed cities to build pressure .
The news about new agtm strike turned out to be fake.

Fake news by people looking to get popular on Twitter, and greatly exaggerating Hamas's capabilities to make it seem less one-sided.
Where is this thread about videos of impacts. I can’t seem to find them on pdf
Recent air strike on home in Rafah:
The expulsion of Palestinians started at the start of Ramadan and no arab country spoke a word. It was going to get ugly because Israelis were constantly harassing palestinians. The statements from arabs that they stand with Palestinians is not only laughable it is salt on the wounds of Palestinians.
India is 1 billion nation. They dont need any Israeli pilots. Try to make up less idiotic conspiracy theory next time.
No Israeli advisors in JK, why do people come onto forums without a modicum of knowledge. Why is stupidity in abundance. Why do thick people have loud voices
Why Palestinians are only firing rockets from Gaza? Why not fire rockers from Syrian and Lebanon and make things more difficult for Israelis?

Why not launch attack on Israelis from Syria and Lebanese territory? Surely that would make things difficult for Israel?

Anyone to explain this?
Hamas has successfully hit an Iron Dome battery with a drone now in Ashkelon, and is firing lots of rockets. News is moving very fast I can't keep up.

This shows a level of technology never seen before. They effectively located the battery, then launched a missile with pin point accuracy.

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Al Jazeera says Israeli estimates that 120 rockets were fired at Beer Sheva in the last barrage. There is a video on twitter of smoke plumes in the area. Otherwise, no mention of anything else. Of interceptions or impacts.

Calls in Gaza for interior ministry to monitor the livestreamers in Gaza as they are zooming on and filming sensitive launch sites all over Gaza. They are feeding intelligence to Israel and likely intentionally.
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