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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Nice to meet you Mr. Clown.

Mr. Clown, your information is wrong.

1) Israel signed agreement with Lebanese president to pullout from Lebanon in 1983.
2) This agreement was foiled by Iranian and Assad stooges, as result Israel stayed in Lebanon for another 17 years.
3) The average number of Israeli casualties in Lebanon was around 20 a year. 1999 and 200 were no exception.
4) Hezbalshaitan never could cature a tiny outpost from IDF.

Israel calmly pulled out from Lebanon simply because there was no any sense to stay there.

Again you are wrong Mr. Clown.

In 2006 Hezbalshaitan started a war to liberate Shabaa Farms. They failed to take an inch. On contrary IDF took the Ghajar village and stays there till this day.
Nice to meet you too, Ms. Baby Killer Clown.

Let me correct you. You didn't leave Lebanese territory peacefully because you're an occupying regime and there isn't enough space in your teeny tiny occupied territory for new Israeli settlers. Then you were defeated in the most humiliating way. Both in 2000 and 2006. The scale of your humiliation in 2006 was so much that the Israeli Defense Minister, the IDF Chief of Staff and several high ranking generals were forced to resign after the war.

But why are we even discussing this? Who needs rhetoric when there's an ongoing war? You have an opportunity for launching a ground invasion now. Try to occupy the Gaza Strip. You have already bluffed about doing it. Go ahead. Do it and we will see. And we will all be here to discuss the results then. And if you dare, try to throw a rock at Hezbollah with a slingshot to see how they'll mop the floor with you when both Hamas and Hezbollah attack you simultaneously.
Hamas hit an IDF vehicle, 4 Israeli soldiers killed.

Hamas commandos also doing cross border op.
Yeah, this is going to get much worse before it gets better. Ground op will happen soon.
Time to open a second and third front in the North
How long before you stop butchering Palestinians?

bLoStEr cOmBaT cApAbiLiTy.
Against whom? Fellow Muslims?
Egyptians turned their back of Palestine years ago
Israeli's hitting homes all over Gaza, probably hundreds of aerial/artillery/drone strikes over past half hour.

Palestinians firing back heavily now. At southern and central Israel. Direct impacts reported.

Hamas has successfully hit an Iron Dome battery with a drone now in Ashkelon, and is firing lots of rockets. News is moving very fast I can't keep up.
They will never stop until they remove them all and create their dream state
Let them take. Let's see how long they can sustain it before next round of divine justice kicks in. Remember they have watches but we have time. Soon boomers in America are going to die and new generation doesn't care much about God or god chosens. They can't hide behind America's skirt forever.
Neither Pakistan nor Turkey will do nothing.

Assad barrel bombed and kicked out of houses 13 million Muslims no one rised a bow.
It must be very hard for you, a zionist troll, to spend several years whitewashing Israeli crimes against the Palestinians by spreading propaganda and creating deception and fight among Muslims. All your efforts went to waste in just 2,3 days. But that is because you are rabid dogs and killing is in your nature. No matter what you try.. whole world is witnessing your bloodthirsty campaign.
Hamas armed wing says it fired Q20 rockets at Israeli howitzer artillery near the border.

Quds brigades firing dozens of rockets at Sderot/Ashkelon.


The two are very closely cooperating.
Israeli's hitting homes all over Gaza, probably hundreds of aerial/artillery/drone strikes over past half hour.

Palestinians firing back heavily now. At southern and central Israel. Direct impacts reported.

Hamas has successfully hit an Iron Dome battery with a drone now in Ashkelon, and is firing lots of rockets. News is moving very fast I can't keep up.
nothing on main stream .....
Neither Pakistan nor Turkey will do nothing.

Assad barrel bombed and kicked out of houses 13 million Muslims no one rised a bow.

I agree... But I wouldn't push my luck either
Hamas armed wing says it fired Q20 rockets at Israeli howitzer artillery near the border.

Quds brigades firing dozens of rockets at Sderot/Ashkelon.


The two are very closely cooperating.
IDF has just moved them to the locations...this is indication that hamas would need to fight out side of GAZA
nothing on main stream .....

Live streams are in Gaza city, the rockets being fired are from northern and southern Gaza near the border areas.

Let them take. Let's see how long they can sustain it before next round of divine justice kicks in. Remember they have watches but we have time. Soon boomers in America are going to die and new generation doesn't care much about God or god chosens. They can't hide behind America's skirt forever.
New generation in America overwhelming dislike the colonialist state of Israel and also America itself
King Salman: Saudi Arabia condemns Israel’s actions, violence in Jerusalem

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