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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Should our nuclear weapons protect the afghan Muslims who want to destroy Pakistan?

You don't think like a normal person, do you?
Free Palestine????????............I'm more worried about freeing Pakistan from the Zardari/bhutto/sharif nexus. They are 1000s× more deadly and fatal than the Israelis could ever be......

Worry about all injustices for all Muslims not just yourself. That is Islam.
You don't think like a normal person, do you?

Well, I have only put two people in my 'ignore' list on PDF since joining here many years ago. He was just put in today. I had enough of him! His idea of 'Pakistan First' was hyper-nationalism and completely illogical rantings. I think he needs to see a therapist.

Edit: The other was some Paksitani due living in Thailand or somewhere there who used 'babe' to talk to everyone. Another annoying person. My braincells are tired from an intense software engineering job and I can only take so much!!!
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Baghial said:
egypt, realy.. u mean sissi, wants hamas to stop rocket attacks?

guess why isreal is so safe , OF SISSI being in egypt as president.

remember . morsi,???[/quote]

I'm just replying to your tag out of respect to you and not the instigation in the quote you referred me to above even though it was a while back. A lot of Sisi bashing on here and it's understandable. Many of these members clearly are not aware of the history of Egypt & history and that we have a MAJOR peace treaty with them. They can bash the treaty all you want but it was the best thing at the time for Egypt so wars can end and Sinai becomes Egypt again forever like it should be and all these young fellas who keep thinking that Egypt can do more, they basically use that because we've piled up large batches of new and very powerful weapons that are mostly defensive oriented, The offensive equipment is beyond secret no one knows what there is really except for the SCALPs, Meteor A2A missiles and the devastating Russian long range munitions and the huge inventory of Exocet and Harpoon missiles AND some major ballistic missiles that we were forced to go underground with them because North Korea originally helped us start this project Condor with Argentina that not only have their motors tested, from their underground facilities with the rocket flames shot to the outside but you can only see the flames (hence why they were discovered.) Also a solid fuel propellent factory has been established.

But the treaty is serious business. It does not only involve Israel the right to retaliate full force to start a war should Egypt be the initial aggressor, but it also entitles the US to immediately assist Israel in war with no mercy. Now, I don't give a hoot what Morsi was thinking (he was an moron!), he had no idea how to respect these treaties but Sisi does and thank goodness for that. Why would we start a war that could possibly end Egypt as it stands by the US, not Israel? We have plenty of things to protect us incase Israel violates the agreement under some stupid pretext and we can prevent them from trying to conquer the Sinai and protect all our vital items. That is why we've been stocking up on this modernization and not to get militarlily involved in these clashes. We try to stop them before more deaths are caused and we've done that several time successfully on our own.

Most of the young members here are just angry at what they are seeing and the testosterone accompanied with military conflict interest and just want to witness seeing EAF Rafales and MiG-35s and maybe even Su-35s put on a show against Israel (with all due respect, are out of their minds.) We cannot break the treaty at any cost because the punishment is 1000xs worst than what we're witnessing here. An Arab coalition that threatens Israel in a massive diplomatic threat is the ONLY way to go the primary cause of this conflict which is the ethnic cleansing and stealing and demolishing homes in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood started this whole thing which led to the young Palestinians closing off Al Aqsa masjid from Israeli security forces and then the barrage by the security forces which led to Palestinians young men who started throwing rocks were thrown and the usual inappropriate use of force that they shamelessly call their right to defend themselves came out. Hamas took advantage of the situation and despite their amazing success against the Iron Dome, they've been performing unbelievably well but look at the devastation in Gazha, especially the innocent women and children being obliterated without any remorse. Now the testosterone is taking over the brains. Diplomatic solutions is all that can be done.

BUT the consequences. This is what Israel does and so one needs to weighs whether all that commendable bravery was worth it. That said, Egypt is forced to only negotiate cease fires and have done several attempts that have been rejected but BOTH sides not just Israel and they are still pushing and will get the ceasefire done with the UN. Let's remember that POS Trump is the cause of all of this. The Egyptian delegations almost forced themselves into Ghaza and Israel.

So bash Egypt and call Sissi whatever those hating members want but one thing I will say is that none of these testosterone tough guys have any clue about why Egypt's responsibilities are as a neighbor who fought 4 wars with that entity and suffered greatly. I have a few pictures from way back in 1948 of the many Egyptians who went into Jerusalem and Palestine to defend it from the zionisits trying to steal land and were slaughtered without any mercy and they're still doing it today. They are heartless and brutal criminals hiding under the disguise of self protection. It's not their lands and AND THAT will be the MOST difficult to stop thanks to that bastard trump.

Mahmoud Gamal on Twitter: "#Egypt will send urgent humanitarian aid to #Gaza strip through #Rafah Border crossing. (@AlArabiya_Brk) https://t.co/K2rmqabgvY" / Twitter

#Egypt will send urgent humanitarian aid to #Gaza strip through #Rafah Border crossing. (


@Gomig-21 Now UN want Egypt to play the role of de-escalation .....

Yep, I'm imagining that Egypt has put constant pressure on Hammas and Israel to stop and mediate the issue of the settlements. They might've rejected it the first time but persistence will pay off InshaAllah.[/QUOTE]
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There are three back to back excerpts from articles from the esteemed NY Times I am going to post here. They should form the bedrock upon which you, whether Muslim or Jewish or Hindu or Christian or Atheist, form your opinion on. Consider where these excerpts are coming from: The NY Times from the United States of America. The NY Times is perhaps THE most influential modern publication and I have been a paid subscriber for years. But I also know that it is soft on Israel because of the composition of its staff, if you get my drift.
Anyway, these three excerpts, given their origin, should make you feel good that YOU are not supporting some 'terrorist' organization! If anything, given the sources of the excerpts, you SHOULD feel proud to have been standing by the side of justice.


How much have Netanyahu’s policies increased the trend?

He’s gotten his support from settler groups; that’s probably his primary base of support. He’s appealed to them by saying he will defend their claims to the land, which are based on the fact that Jewish people have had a presence in the area for 2,000 years. He believes that the ancient claims to the land are binding.


" The recent fighting was prompted in part by Israel’s latest land grab in East Jerusalem, part of a pattern of unequal treatment of Palestinians. Two prominent human rights organizations this year issued reports likening Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to apartheid. One group, B’Tselem, described a “regime of Jewish supremacy” and concluded, “This is apartheid.” Human Rights Watch published a 224-page report declaring that Israeli conduct in some areas amounts to “crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”

" Palestinians argue that it is unfair that Jews can reclaim land or homes they owned in East Jerusalem before 1948 but Palestinians have no legal means to reclaim land they owned in West Jerusalem or anywhere else in Israel before 1948. "
Well, I have only put two people in my 'ignore' list on PDF since joining here many years ago. He was just put in today. I had enough of him! His idea of 'Pakistan First' was hyper-nationalism and completely illogical rantings. I think he needs to see a therapist.

Edit: The other was some Paksitani due living in Thailand or somewhere there who used 'babe' to talk to everyone. Another annoying person. My braincells are tired from an intense software engineering job and I can only take so much!!!

What is the view in America about what is happening?
Can you please stop spamming this thread with the nonsense your imaginary friends keep telling you? When we click on this thread our intention is to read about things that are actually happening at the ground not what some beardos in Pakistan jerk off to. Take these conspiracy theories to some other thread if you have nothing intelligent to say here.
Bro that is hadis you are talkig about. Have some respect.
What is the view in America about what is happening?

I honestly don't know. Covid has destroyed the social life. My best friend is a white guy--my neighbor--and he is a staunch pro Palestinian but he would never ever criticize any policy of the Democrats. He is too much into party politics.

The rest of the Americans, unless they are beholden to the Lobbies ($$$) or are Christian Fundamentalists, don't care. Actually after a few 'rounds', their anti-semitism has been shown to me.

Israel is only as good in America as it can buy politicians or influence through the nutjobs of the Rapture-Seeking Christians.
China may intervene in the Palestine-Israel conflict. In the short term, it will counterattack the Jewish media to discredit China and Jewish capital attacking China. In the long term, achieving peace in the Middle East is the only way to integrate Asia and Europe.

The Israel Lobby has been a termite destroying America from within. The disastrous Iraq war of 2003 could not have happened without the Israel Lobby pushing for it. In the end, Americans died, America lost its sons, and China ascended. These are, what I may call, 'facts'. And the Chinese are given another opportunity by the parasitic lobby, working to undermine America from within. China should step up and be the global player.
PS. I'd urge people to read the seminal work by Mearsheimer and Walt--two American professors-- from 2006 ("The Israel Lobby") to see how a foreign power has cannibalized America's interests. It would be an eye-opener to those who have not read it.
I honestly don't know. Covid has destroyed the social life. My best friend is a white guy--my neighbor--and he is a staunch pro Palestinian but he would never ever criticize any policy of the Democrats. He is too much into party politics.

The rest of the Americans, unless they are beholden to the Lobbies ($$$) or are Christian Fundamentalists, don't care. Actually after a few 'rounds', their anti-semitism has been shown to me.

Israel is only as good in America as it can buy politicians or influence through the nutjobs of the Rapture-Seeking Christians.

Ordinary Americans will sooner or later understand that the Jewish capital parasitic in the United States is ruining the United States.
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