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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Israeli airstrikes resuming strikes on homes now(some people given warnings, some aren't). Smaller Palestinian factions firing shorter range mortars/rockets near Gaza vicinity areas. Too early to tell if ceasefire will be reached on Eid. Israel appears to want to do more damage to Hamas and Islamic Jihad before it agrees to one.
I’m so disappointed , going to be a difficult sleep. No one is coming to the aid of our Palestinian friends.

Sorry Mod, but people need to know the reality.

The youngest victim of Zionist atrocities .

And we celebrating Eid.

Erdogan said Isreal needs to be taught a lesson . How is he able to say harsher words than Iran.

Are we really selling them out in exchange for a nuclear deal with these Euro zio lovers?
lot of impact
total Failures in some areas bye Iron dome

now about 250 rockets which I landed
Yavar...what’s the sentiment like in Iran about any sort of options to do.....anything in the media?

News / Foreign Policy
UK maintains deafening silence on Israeli onslaught on Gaza
Wednesday, 12 May 2021 5:22 PM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 12 May 2021 6:01 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Dominic Raab (L) has confirmed he has had a phone call with Israeli foreign minister Gabi Ashkenazi (R)
More than three days into Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip and the UK government has to yet to comment, let alone condemn, Israel’s relentless bombardment of the besieged enclave.
Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, has limited himself to a bland tweet in which he confirms his discussion with Israeli foreign minister, Gabi Ashkenazi, before condemning “Hamas rocket attacks” against alleged civilian targets in Israel.
Spoke with @Gabi_Ashkenazi to condemn Hamas rocket attacks against civilians, and urge de-escalation of violence in Israel and the OPTs.

It is particularly important to end the violence as we approach Eid
— Dominic Raab (@DominicRaab) May 12, 2021
Raab makes no mention of the civilian casualties in Gaza nor does he discuss the lead-up to the latest round of violence, notably the unlawful eviction of Palestinian residents from the Sheikh Jarrah district in East Jerusalem (Al-Quds) and the brutal Israeli assault on worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
By contrast, former Labor Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has been unequivocal in placing the blame for the latest round of conflict, as well as the lead-up to it, squarely on Israel.
Corbyn tweeted that Israel could end the “bloodshed” by ending the siege of Gaza and the “occupation of Palestine”.
The escalation of hostilities overnight in Jerusalem & now Tel Aviv is a direct result of the home invasions #SheikJarrah by government-backed settlers. If it wanted, Israel could halt the bloodshed by ending the siege of Gaza and the occupation of Palestine. Ceasefire needed now
— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) May 12, 2021
The vacuity at the heart of the government’s position was brought into sharper relief by a series of tweets on the conflict by the former chairwoman of the Conservative Party, Sayeeda Warsi.
In one tweet Warsi cautioned against creating a “culture of fear” and suffocating “free speech” on the issue of criticizing Israeli actions in the occupied territories.
Receiving dozens of calls from people unsure of how to discuss the violence & injustice in Israel/ Palestine - they are scared that what they say could impact their careers and future prospects.
We must not create a culture of fear and suffocate free speech on this issue.
🇮🇱 🇵🇸
— Sayeeda Warsi (@SayeedaWarsi) May 12, 2021
Once a stalwart of the Tory party, more recently Baroness Warsi has become a critic of government attitudes towards British Muslims, in addition to opposing the UK’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

News / Foreign Policy
UK maintains deafening silence on Israeli onslaught on Gaza
Wednesday, 12 May 2021 5:22 PM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 12 May 2021 6:01 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Dominic Raab (L) has confirmed he has had a phone call with Israeli foreign minister Gabi Ashkenazi (R)
More than three days into Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip and the UK government has to yet to comment, let alone condemn, Israel’s relentless bombardment of the besieged enclave.
Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, has limited himself to a bland tweet in which he confirms his discussion with Israeli foreign minister, Gabi Ashkenazi, before condemning “Hamas rocket attacks” against alleged civilian targets in Israel.

Raab makes no mention of the civilian casualties in Gaza nor does he discuss the lead-up to the latest round of violence, notably the unlawful eviction of Palestinian residents from the Sheikh Jarrah district in East Jerusalem (Al-Quds) and the brutal Israeli assault on worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
By contrast, former Labor Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has been unequivocal in placing the blame for the latest round of conflict, as well as the lead-up to it, squarely on Israel.
Corbyn tweeted that Israel could end the “bloodshed” by ending the siege of Gaza and the “occupation of Palestine”.

The vacuity at the heart of the government’s position was brought into sharper relief by a series of tweets on the conflict by the former chairwoman of the Conservative Party, Sayeeda Warsi.
In one tweet Warsi cautioned against creating a “culture of fear” and suffocating “free speech” on the issue of criticizing Israeli actions in the occupied territories.

Once a stalwart of the Tory party, more recently Baroness Warsi has become a critic of government attitudes towards British Muslims, in addition to opposing the UK’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Did you expect something else?
נהריה, עכו, חֵיפָה (Naharia, Akko and Haifa)
Missiles are hitting these cities according to Israeli mouth piece Maariv.

These cities have a distance of almost 160 KM from Gaza. Well done Hamas and PIJ. They are unveiling their long range rockets.
נהריה, עכו, חֵיפָה (Naharia, Akko and Haifa)
Missiles are hitting these cities according to Israeli mouth piece Maariv.

These cities have a distance of almost 160 KM from Gaza. Well done Hamas and PIJ. They are unveiling their long range rockets.
It's time to arm Palestinians with high quality drones and missiles. They need guidance systems for their weapons.. i am sure we can provide them. IRGC needs to find new smuggle routes.. coward Egypt and Jordan blocked all ways.
It's time to arm Palestinians with high quality drones and missiles. They need guidance systems for their weapons.. i am sure we can provide them. IRGC needs to find new smuggle routes.. coward Egypt and Jordan blocked all ways.

It's not time to arm them with this equipment. It was just never possible. Believe me, their are people that work on this day in day out all the time, and they've maximized all their options. Their are no new ways unless their are breakthroughs in technological progress and miniaturization of high-tech weaponry in the future that can also be of low cost.
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