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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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It's time to arm Palestinians with high quality drones and missiles. They need guidance systems for their weapons.. i am sure we can provide them. IRGC needs to find new smuggle routes.. coward Egypt and Jordan blocked all ways.
One year of Morsi rule was equal to what you see now. Palestinians can make 160 KM rockets on their own, they can remotely control them without foreign assistance.
It's not time to arm them with this equipment. It was just never possible. Believe me, their are people that work on this day in day out all the time, and they've maximized all their options. Their are no new ways unless their are breakthroughs in technological progress and miniaturization of high-tech weaponry in the future that can also be of low cost.

What is never possible? Delivering high advanced weaponry to the Palestinians? That sounds like a lame excuse.. have we tried all smuggle routes? What seems to be hurting the Palestinians is the lack of any reliable guidance systems for their rockets. This can be easily solved by our engineers if coward Egypt and Jordan not blocked all pathways. It is time to establish new reliable smuggle routes.. land,air, sea etc.
It is time to establish new reliable smuggle routes.. land,air, sea etc.

You don't think anyone has thought of that? Theirs no excuses being made here, people have worked for decades on this, much more than what you know. They not only cant' afford these expensive guidance kits, but their would be so few, it's preferred to build quantity instead. You act like no one has ever tried this or thought about this. You act like you just figured this genius idea out.
Interesting, a large barrage of unguided rockets to overwhelm Iron Dome combined with a second launch of GPS/INS assisted rockets would allow for 100 fold increased accuracy.
It would be great but their are limitations logistically and financially and/including operational capacity issues in such a small open air prison.
What is never possible? Delivering high advanced weaponry to the Palestinians? That sounds like a lame excuse.. have we tried all smuggle routes? What seems to be hurting the Palestinians is the lack of any reliable guidance systems for their rockets. This can be easily solved by our engineers if coward Egypt and Jordan not blocked all pathways. It is time to establish new reliable smuggle routes.. land,air, sea etc.
The best Solution to this, is a coordinated attack on Israel from all directions.
The fact that it will trigger European part of NATO to mobilize their forces in order to save Israeli Cancer remains in place.
First problem, Islamic countries won't help us possibly some of them will help NATO, Remember Trump's Arabic NATO.
Second problem is the NATO/Turkey supported terrorists in Syria which keeps Syria in check.
The third problem is Rouhani government who will cry bitch for peace.
We need time, unfortunately time is on Israeli side. At least 1 year or so.
You don't think anyone has thought of that? Theirs no excuses being made here, people have worked for decades on this, much more than what you know. They not only cant' afford these expensive guidance kits, but their would be so few, it's preferred to build quantity instead. You act like no one has ever tried this or thought about this. You act like you just figured this genius idea out.
The problem is not the Palestinians here.. they urgently need any help but the problem here is with us. History has shown that whenever there is a reformist administration the sellout begins. Last Gaza war was in 2014 and that was also the start of the failed Rohani admin. No wonder.

Seems like help towards Palestinians slowed down after 2015. So no.. we did not try enough.
The best Solution to this, is a coordinated attack on Israel from all directions.
The fact that it will trigger European part of NATO to mobilize their forces in order to save Israeli Cancer remains in place.
First problem, Islamic countries won't help us possibly some of them will help NATO, Remember Trump's Arabic NATO.
Second problem is the NATO/Turkey supported terrorists in Syria which keeps Syria in check.
The third problem is Rouhani government who will cry bitch for peace.
We need time, unfortunately time is on Israeli side. At least 1 year or so.
Rohani admin was the worst thing that could happen to the resistance bloc. Seriously you can see the direct results of that in the performance of Hamas. They still lack any serious drones, guidance,heavier missiles etc

IRGC can do so much but if you have a traitor like Rohani in power you can expect him to ruin everything.
The problem is not the Palestinians here.. they urgently need any help but the problem here is with us. History has shown that whenever there is a reformist administration the sellout begins. Last Gaza war was in 2014 and that was also the start of the failed Rohani admin. No wonder.

Seems like help towards Palestinians slowed down after 2015. So no.. we did not try enough.

Support for Gaza is not up to the Rouhani admin. It's up to nirooe Qods. Qasem Soleimani, and Qanni. The Rouhani admin have no control over their activities and who they are supporting. The fact they've attacked Tel Aviv 3 or 4 times now, is a remarkable feat never done before. That is due to the Iranian support from 2012 - 2021 in producing long range rockets at low cost.

What brothers in Iran can do, is find ways to maintain the same size of the rockets, but look for technological breakthroughs that allow for a greater increase in speed without significant cost.

They can afford to have less quantity of rockets if they have greater acceleration to force high g maneuvers from Tamir interceptors as soon as they launch. Burn their kinetic energy right when they launch/accelerate by forcing them to steer harder.
Support for Gaza is not up to the Rouhani admin. It's up to nirooe Qods. Qasem Soleimani, and Qanni. The Rouhani admin have no control over their activities and who they are supporting. The fact they've attacked Tel Aviv 3 or 4 times now, is a remarkable feat never done before. That is due to the Iranian support from 2012 - 2021 in producing long range rockets at low cost.

Mate, i guess you are not familiar with the power structure in Iran. Qods force is dependant on the foreign ministry.. Zarif even complained about this in the leaked tape. Zarif struggled so much against Soleimani that he was FORCED TO ACT upon some issues. The idea that some people have that Qods force/IRGC do everything is just not true. In many areas they need approval and assistance from the president and the ministers. Iran is not North korea.

Perhaps @SalarHaqq can shed more light into this.
Rohani admin was the worst thing that could happen to the resistance bloc
Yes sir, its like a poison to Revolutionary forces.
IRGC can do so much but if you have a traitor like Rohani in power you can expect him to ruin everything.
As you said, the only thing that IRGC can do, is to smuggle equipment to Palestinians. They cannot attack Israel at the moment. Rouhani will cut Off their budget besides his admin will gather forces to stab them in Tehran. So dangerous
It’s hard to get stuff into Gaza but not impossible. One innovative way that has been utilized is sea to land to sea route where materials are disposed of in the local sea and subsequently mined/ retrieved by Gazan swimmers.
Mate, i guess you are not familiar with the power structure in Iran. Qods force is dependant on the foreign ministry.. Zarif even complained about this in the leaked tape. Zarif struggled so much against Soleimani that he was FORCED TO ACT upon some issues. The idea that some people have that Qods force/IRGC do everything is just not true. In many areas they need approval and assistance from the president and the ministers. Iran is not North korea.

Perhaps @SalarHaqq can shed more light into this.
His tape was literally him complaining about NOT being able to control Soleimani! And Soleimani ruining his diplomatic plans

Although I should note we are getting off the thread topic here.
It’s hard to get stuff into Gaza but not impossible. One innovative way that has been utilized is sea to land to sea route where materials are disposed of in the local sea and subsequently mined/ retrieved by Gazan swimmers.
Their has been a noted method of dumping barrels and waiting for them to wash up ashore. Again though, the fact that we already know these methods means the israelis are watching them already.
His tape was literally him complaining about NOT being able to control Soleimani!

Although I should note we are getting off the thread topic here.

Their has been a noted method of dumping barrels and waiting for them to wash up ashore. Again though, the fact that we already know these methods means the israelis are watching them already.
The fact that there is even such a struggle between Qods force and the reformist admin shows that IRGC does not have the upper hand. It is not the first time Zarif,Rohani disobeyed Soleimani and others. All right.
Yes sir, its like a poison to Revolutionary forces.

As you said, the only thing that IRGC can do, is to smuggle equipment to Palestinians. They cannot attack Israel at the moment. Rouhani will cut Off their budget besides his admin will gather forces to stab them in Tehran. So dangerous
I guess we have to wait out the reformist sellouts. A few more months.
The fact that there is even such a struggle between Qods force and the reformist admin shows that IRGC does not have the upper hand. It is not the first time Zarif,Rohani disobeyed Soleimani and others. All right.
I agree with you that the reformist admin has been a major blow for the resistance axis. That's why of course, the Euros are trying to do a deal, to help them get votes in the upcoming election. But we should end it here as we are way off topic.
This would continue unless muslim world enforces for two state solution. I really hope that muslim leaders and the world leaders who claim to stand for human rights make it possible.
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