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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Iran needs to respond, in some form, it doesn't have to be directly. These airstrikes are relentless and must be deterred. Do we not have suicide drones to launch from Iraq and fly over Jordan.

Yes. Iran needs to settle the score with Israel! Show that any more assassination of Iranians or sabotage of Iran's facilities would bring some kind of a response. When there is a 'fog of war' then nothing like today! The element of 'plausible deniability' is very credible in the fog of war.
Hello everyone, please end discussion about end times and nukes. We have more updates coming up:

-Israeli media reporting Hamas tried targeting a sensitive site in the Ashdod barrages, could be chemical production factories

-Israeli airstrikes continue in Gaza and haven't ended

-Israeli Arab murdered by Jewish mob in Aka city

-Israeli Jew killed by Israeli Arab mob in Aka in response

-Israeli emergency services searching for bodies it in the house struck in Tel Aviv, there could be casualties

-Israel striking central Gaza now
These Tel Aviv strikes can only last so long as inventory runs out. That being said, based on this documentary, It does not seem so difficult for Hamas/PIJ to produce much larger quantities than a few hundred. Israelis may have greatly underestimated the quantity even though this is open source information. This can have broader consequences for security of Tel Aviv. Look how they make production so easy to do as if anyone in their grandmas home can do it in their bedroom or kitchen.
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Israeli army is firing flares near the Gaza border, they seem to be paranoid of potential Palestinian cross border ops.
These Tel Aviv strikes can only last so long as inventory runs out. That being said, based on this documentary, It does not seem so difficult for Hamas/PIJ to produce much larger quantities than a few hundred. Israelis may have greatly underestimated the quantity even though this is open source information. This can have broader consequences for security of Tel Aviv.

Hope he is right. For certain, the Tel Aviv strikes won't continue forever, but there are lots more cards they can play and some high quality targets not too far from Gaza they can go for. Think troops, off shore gas installations, industrial zones in Ashkelon, Israeli navy, cross border ops and more.
Oh I know. I've studied this deeply. It's also probably the most shameful history that's left a mark on Muslims that can't be erased.
You haven't read about Hazrat Hassan,Hussain (R.A) times than and the situation of Mula Ali (R.A)(Mula means jigri yaar in Arabic). This is the most shameful history of Muslims.
The intense airstrikes on northern Gaza an hour ago was an attempt by Israel to kill a high ranking Hamas military commander. He had survived the attack and afterwards the response came. Israeli's are striking still.

Israeli Jewish mobs continue to attack Israeli Arabs in various cities in Israel. Supposedly two Israeli soldiers were hit by gunfire in Um Al-Fahm. This has potential to escalate all over Palestine due to radical right wing Jews actions over the past months and now.

Are Israeli Arabs armed with fire arms? Some videos I'm not seeing they have much.
One can only hope that this may be a long drawn out strategy to tire out the Israeli Iron dome system and personnel and then for Hezbollah, forces in Lebanon and Syria and maybe Iran themselves to launch something on their own mid-way which would be devastating for Israelis. But honestly if they don't end up doing that then they would have squandered probably the best opportunity to hand Israel a big defeat. How much longer are they gonna go on without retaliating for the last 1-2 yrs of incessant Israeli airstrikes and sabotage in Syria and Iran?

Unless Israel is told to respect its neighbors--both near and far--and respect those who Israel occupies and is responsible under international laws, Israel will never behave. It will continue to bomb inside Syria, fly into Lebanon, ethnically-cleanse Palestinians (an article by a Jewish American from NY Times I posted above about that), attack Iran not-so-secretly.
I'd say paralyze Israel. Hezbollah from the north, Syria from the east, Gaza from the west. The Israelis are a First World country. They can't take the losses for long. They did the same to another First World country, the Brits, after WW 2 and made them leave. It is time they are given a taste of their medicine.

If this Apartheid, racist, spoiled terrorist state is allowed to do what it has been doing for decades then there will never be peace in that region. The saner elements in Israel were under Rabin. They are marginalized now but they would step up given a chance and make a durable peace.
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