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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Give us your proofs for your claims that GAZA was free land, if you will not give a backup for your claims than i considered this as nonsense of yours

Here's a piece I found

In 1967, when Israel conquered both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the two territories were reunited again under Israeli occupation, Blecher says. At that point, there was relatively free movement for Palestinians between Gaza and the West Bank.

"That state of play lasted until the early 90s, when, as a result of the first Intifada
, Israel started imposing restrictions on the movement of Palestinians between the West Bank and Gaza for security reasons," Blecher says. "In 2007, Hamas took over Gaza, sparking a formal split between Palestinian governance in Gaza and the West Bank."

I personally know an Israeli who used to go to Gaza restaurants every weekend in the early 90s
They have the will ,there is no doubt on their determination . They need the firepower and unfortunly their enemy will never let them have any kind of defensive or offensive capacity . only help could come from outside and there you have arab kings and dictators who have sold their iman/brotherhood for the safety of their regimes .

If the Jews could get their hands on weapons under a NAZI regime, the Palestinians too need to be creative and find ways to get weapons to defend themselves!
Tell me you troll who is living their before the creation of Israel, from centuries???

Jews owned land before the creation of Israel. Why are you having such a hard time understanding this?
Is it because you've been fed one narrative of Jews suddenly arriving out of nowhere in 1948 and stealing a country?

Sorry to break it to you. They've lived there for millennia.
Their is nothing stopping Israel and the West from doing this. The West did to to Japan and nuked their sacred religious and cultural city during WWII. There is not a thing 1.2B Muslims can do, neither have the fire power and/or reach to hit back. Day In and Day Out they'll drone you in the comfort of their home.

Al Aqsa was a dilapidated crap hole under Jordanian control. Only after Israel took over did it become a beautiful site.

Google pictures of Al Aqsa from the 40's/50s and then google them pictures from 70s/80s and see the difference.

Israel looked after the holy site better than Arabs did.
Jews owned land before the creation of Israel.

Arabs owned most of the land before the illegal state of israel was created.

narrative of Jews suddenly arriving out of nowhere in 1948 and stealing a country?

yes, these jewish dogs were making up slogans before then of "a land without a people, for a people without a land". these jews dont belong in Palestine. they should go back to europe and the other parts of the middle east that they came from, ya ibn sharmoota.
Arm the Palestinians to defend themselves would be a good start. The Palestinians are tough enough to fight for themselves but just need weapons.

Your asking to much from them, they themselves have blockaded Gaza and stuff, lol.
Arabs owned most of the land before the illegal state of israel was created.

yes, these jewish dogs were making up slogans before then of "a land without a people, for a people without a land". these jews dont belong in Palestine. they should go back to europe and the other parts of the middle east that they came from, ya ibn sharmoota.

The 'palestinians' are mainly immigrants to the region of 'palestine', hence many of their names are Saudi, Syrian, Iraqi or other origin. They didn't sprout from the ground.

Of course it's historical fact that Jews pre-date palestinians, Islam and even the Arabic language.

Also the land is not in Arabia, but Arabs claim it's theirs. Strange.
A global grassroots efforts to get governments to accept and designate Israel as an apartheid state is be the best first step. It’s the hardest thing to do, but once it’s there then a two state solution, to the satisfaction of the Palestinians, will have more chances of becoming a reality.

It also looks like they are using the sample tactics with social media as Modi regime. Hopefully alternatives to these social media companies will get people moving over to them, to get the message across.

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Jews owned land before the creation of Israel. Why are you having such a hard time understanding this?
Is it because you've been fed one narrative of Jews suddenly arriving out of nowhere in 1948 and stealing a country?

Sorry to break it to you. They've lived there for millennia.
But their is our holy place is in their also, and they were displaced by god not us according Islam, because they were traitor by themselve to not obeying right commands from god lol
The 'palestinians' are mainly immigrants to the region of 'palestine', hence many of their names are Saudi, Syrian, Iraqi or other origin. They didn't sprout from the ground.

Of course it's historical fact that Jews pre-date palestinians, Islam and even the Arabic language.

Also the land is not in Arabia, but Arabs claim it's theirs. Strange.

the Palestinians outnumbered the jews long before israel ever existed. the Palestinians have been living there for centuries. the jews that left long ago could have returned to Palestine but chose not to. it wasnt the Muslims that kicked them out. so the fault is not with the Muslims or Palestinians. the land belonged to the jews only for a period of time, and they themselves werent from that land.
But their is our holy place is in their also, and they were displaced by god not us according Islam, because they were traitor by themselve to not obeying right commands from god lol

And the holy site has been looked after better under Israel control than Jordan. There were weeds growing all over and the Mosque was in bad shape before Israel took over and cleaned it up.

Yes Jews were displaced, as were Arabs. If you accept it so readily that Jews were displaced and have no right, then you can't complain when someone tells you Arabs were displaced by god and have no rights.
And the holy site has been looked after better under Israel control than Jordan. There were weeds growing all over and the Mosque was in bad shape before Israel took over and cleaned it up.

Yes Jews were displaced, as were Arabs. If you accept it so readily that Jews were displaced and have no right, then you can't complain when someone tells you Arabs were displaced by god and have no rights.
Are you trolling yourself???, your this post doesn't make any sense to me lol
the Palestinians outnumbered the jews long before israel ever existed. the Palestinians have been living there for centuries. the jews that left long ago could have returned to Palestine but chose not to.

Your history is very shaky. I should warn you about playing the "outnumbered" population game, because Jews were a majority in Jerusalem according to a census from around the 1880s.

Going by your logic, Jews own Jerusalem because they outnumbered palestinians there.

Population size does not denote ownership. Title deeds do that, and in the case of Sheikh Jarrah which the palestinians are rioting over just now, Jews own that according to the law.
Are you trolling yourself???, your this post doesn't make any sense to me lol

I just checked with my dog and even he understood it.
And please define what is the Ancient state of Palestine,

I can't.

Because 'palestine' has never, in the history of this world, been a state.
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Your history is very shaky. I should warn you about playing the "outnumbered" population game, because Jews were a majority in Jerusalem according to a census from around the 1880s.

Going by your logic, Jews own Jerusalem because they outnumbered palestinians there.

Population size does not denote ownership. Title deeds do that, and in the case of Sheikh Jarrah which the palestinians are rioting over just now, Jews own that according to the law.

I just checked with my dog and even he understood it.

I can't.

Because 'palestine' has never, in the history of this world, been a state.

This is a Palestinian Passport issued before your Jewish country had a ****'in passport.
Now do us all a favor your Jewish Kin and Arabs jump in a damn acid bath and die of.


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