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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Your opinion, not something that I agree too.

Reminds me of the story of the 2 bulls who defeated the lion together, but then the cunning fox was able to create a rift between the 2, and alas the rest is history.

As I said before this issue is not an arab or a foreign issue, by your logic tomorrow (Allah na karay) if the Haram Makki gets attacked we shouldnt bother, as it is a foreign issue.
nationalist idiots in Muslim world think when non Muslims will attack them they will lick their balls and get protection rather than working on unity they have become tools and working on creating further divisions! we need to unite to fight the war and that war is not far!

what India france china or israel are doing to muslims is genocide they are killing Muslims and no one cares!

what USA has done is murder thousands of Muslims in afg,syria and Muslims helped them! they created this perception that Muslims are terrorist and Muslims life dont matter!

fk them nationalist idiots if we dont unite we will be butchered and destroyed!
Watch this. It is not just our sacred places, that are trampled, but our dignity, freedom of conscience and values that make us a humankind.

Absolutely disgraceful even our prayer places are trampled upon.

Bro's who are talking about Pakistan first are forgetting one thing that our own country is created on the name of Islam/Muslim homeland too which is the same. If i am not mistaken or my memory is not lapsing and i very much hope so that i am praying to the same Allah which they have got in their hearts too.
If you son or brother is misguided will you abandon him or help him to get out of what ever he is high on?
GCC states have acted and behaved been silly at times but one must never forget at difficult times they always have bailed us out. They could have said the same to us when we keep on showing at their door steps with our begging bowls. They can't just simply rebuilt our country when we are not even half interested in doing our self and every one is busy filling their own pockets. Our country still going from pillar to post without any planning and any road map of development then why blame others for that. I do remember vividly at one of the meetings of friends of Pakistan in Dubai our delegation during Zardari era showed up asking for over a billion dollars of aid but had no plans what the funds are intended for so lets say no more.
Bro's who have got misgivings about Arabs and Palestinians need to put aside the differences and work on the things we have got common and we share. Our frustrations have to take the back seat when our own religion is threatened and we all have axe to grind and we all get angry at times with shifty Arabs rulers behaviours. Today Israel have expanded to UAE and at this rate of expansion tomorrow we will be sharing our borders with them too and then we will be wondering how that happened and came about. Our nationalism and Arab nationalism is one thing but one must not forget this expansion affects our security too and i will take one legged Arab brother which i have to carry on my shoulder to two legged Israeli standing at my door step.
Arm the Palestinians to defend themselves would be a good start. The Palestinians are tough enough to fight for themselves but just need weapons.

Arm them with what, exactly? Be specific because this is not as simple as you young men think you have the solutions to such a complex situation that has FAR reaching consequences. Small arms? Kalashnikovs? RPG's? They have all that or you want us to give them Rafales and F-16s? You see how that hatred from the original post I quoted was the epitome of hypocrisy?

The real shame is the lack of world media and outrage that would force the powers that are capable of stopping this to do something about it.

Still waiting for the Israeli members to respond to my tagged question.
Arm them with what, exactly? Be specific because this is not as simple as you young men think you have the solutions to such a complex situation that has FAR reaching consequences. Small arms? Kalashnikovs? RPG's? They have all that or you want us to give them Rafales and F-16s? You see how that hatred from the original post I quoted was the epitome of hypocrisy?

The real shame is the lack of world media and outrage that would force the powers that are capable of stopping this to do something about it.

Still waiting for the Israeli members to respond to my tagged question.
What's the Egyptian general population feeling about the Aqsa issue. Because Orthodox Jews keep on hitting al Aqsa many times a year and East Jerusalem is a prison-type condition for Palestinians.
The real shame is the lack of world media and outrage that would force the powers that are capable of stopping this to do something about it.
Agreed and my simple mind is not able to understand what is stopping few Muslims countries who have “real dukh for ummah” in their hearts to start a counter-western media narrative - Muslim English language news and current affairs broad cast channel which will give an alternate view of the events happening in Muslim world as well as with independent investigative journalism uncover the plans to malign Islam and Muslims in general.
This will continue to happen for as long as the Palestinians continue to fight with rocks and bricks. They need firepower and the will to defend their land, their lives and their honor and nobody is coming to help, they will have to do it all themselves!!!
They have the will ,there is no doubt on their determination . They need the firepower and unfortunly their enemy will never let them have any kind of defensive or offensive capacity . only help could come from outside and there you have arab kings and dictators who have sold their iman/brotherhood for the safety of their regimes .
To those who are protecting Israel even at this moment:

You idiots it is AL AQSA mosque.
There's nothing wrong in condemning this attack.

The so-called "attack" is a response to rioting by 'palestinian' terror entity incited by Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

As for Al Aqsa, the 'palestinians' desecrate it all the time by turning it into a space for launching attacks and firing fireworks from inside as well as storing mountains of rocks inside the mosque.

They don't care one bit for the Mosque they just use it so gullible people like you becoming angry and frothing at the mouth.
What's the Egyptian general population feeling about the Aqsa issue. Because Orthodox Jews keep on hitting al Aqsa many times a year and East Jerusalem is a prison-type condition for Palestinians.

Everyone is appalled, sir. And yes, many have called on Sisi and the Egyptian government to step in and do something about this. I know you and you're knowledge is pretty good about the situation so you remember how many time Egypt stepped into the middle of major fighting between Hamas and the Israeli and issued cease fires that probably saved thousands of Palestinian lives. Egypt has only one route to take and that is the diplomatic one which we will probably see after the heavy condemnation that Sisi and the Egyptian government came out with today. I think he will call for immediate cessation of all this violence through the Israeli embassy in Egypt or directly through to Netanyahu who will probably lose his 12th year tenure as the dictator of Israel only to be replaced by someone who might even be worst. Hard to believe.

Agreed and my simple mind is not able to understand what is stopping few Muslims countries who have “real dukh for ummah” in their hearts to start a counter-western media narrative - Muslim English language news and current affairs broad cast channel which will give an alternate view of the events happening in Muslim world as well as with independent investigative journalism uncover the plans to malign Islam and Muslims in general.

While that's a great idea for a long term solution IMO, we need something that stops them now before Ramadan is over and Eid is held peacefully at masjid Al Aqsa and all Muslim masjids and areas in East and west Jerusalem. That means an emergency meeting of all the regional powers and a call to Joe Biden and force him to make Israel stop the rubbish immediately. I think that is the only thing that would work. You get all the heads of state from Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Saudiya, UAE, Sudan and more in an emergency meeting and put Joe Biden on speaker phone and tell him that all these countries are willing to suspend any businesses or activities with the US until he tells Israel to end this. Otherwise, the other channels take too long and Israel ignores them anyway. Biden suddenly hearing King Salman, Erdogan, Sisi Imran Khan especially because Pakistan has a lot the US will want from it after the complete withdrawal in September and so forth give him an ultimatum that doesn't cross the line would be the best peaceful solution.
The so-called "attack" is a response to rioting by 'palestinian' terror entity incited by Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

As for Al Aqsa, the 'palestinians' desecrate it all the time by turning it into a space for launching attacks and firing fireworks from inside as well as storing mountains of rocks inside the mosque.

They don't care one bit for the Mosque they just use it so gullible people like you becoming angry and frothing at the mouth.

only a dayyouth like you accepts Aqsa under the Zionists control and blames the Palestinians.
Let's also not forget who is really responsible for this and that is the previous baboon in the White House who blindly gave Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Let's not lose track of that so this is another one of many dumb and uneducated Trump decision that Biden needs to repair.
This so-called “attack” is a response to rioting by Palestinian terror entity incited by Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.
Why they riot? Hmmm now relax take a deep breath so that you can clear your mind and think why people who:

1. Are Bombed by F-16s at nights
2. Have their source of fresh water cut off
3. Have their house demolished to paved the way of illegal settlements
4. Have their sons and daughters as young as 3 years shot dead in front of their family members
5. Have to defend against army armed to teeth and in most cases get shot during simple body searches
6, Having Known the impotence of the world for last two decades on their plight...hmmm

Why they RIOT?
I hope you got the answer.
only a dayyouth like you accepts Aqsa under the Zionists control and blames the Palestinians.
Only a knuckle dragging savage believe it's justified to turn a Mosque into a terror centre.
Why they riot? Hmmm now relax take a deep breath so that you can clear your mind and think why people who are:

1. Bombed by F-16s at nights
2. Have their source of fresh water cut off
3. Have their house demolished to paved the way of illegal settlements
4. Have their sons and daughters as young as 3 years shot dead in front of their family members
5. And to defend against army armed to teeth why they


Knowing the impotence of the world for last two decades on their plight...hmmm

Why they RIOT?

This is a post of hyperbole nonsense. Just propaganda slogans.

I can point out the murder of Israeli civilians by palestinians who then celebrate it like it's some kind of achievement to stab an old lady to death or shoot a kid at a bus stop.

I will never be on the side of such savages, I'll leave that to you.
Everyone is appalled, sir. And yes, many have called on Sisi and the Egyptian government to step in and do something about this. I know you and you're knowledge is pretty good about the situation so you remember how many time Egypt stepped into the middle of major fighting between Hamas and the Israeli and issued cease fires that probably saved thousands of Palestinian lives. Egypt has only one route to take and that is the diplomatic one which we will probably see after the heavy condemnation that Sisi and the Egyptian government came out with today. I think he will call for immediate cessation of all this violence through the Israeli embassy in Egypt or directly through to Netanyahu who will probably lose his 12th year tenure as the dictator of Israel only to be replaced by someone who might even be worst. Hard to believe.

While that's a great idea for a long term solution IMO, we need something that stops them now before Ramadan is over and Eid is held peacefully at masjid Al Aqsa and all Muslim masjids and areas in East and west Jerusalem. That means an emergency meeting of all the regional powers and a call to Joe Biden and force him to make Israel stop the rubbish immediately. I think that is the only thing that would work. You get all the heads of state from Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Saudiya, UAE, Sudan and more in an emergency meeting and put Joe Biden on speaker phone and tell him that all these countries are willing to suspend any businesses or activities with the US until he tells Israel to end this. Otherwise, the other channels take too long and Israel ignores them anyway. Biden suddenly hearing King Salman, Erdogan, Sisi Imran Khan especially because Pakistan has a lot the US will want from it after the complete withdrawal in September and so forth give him an ultimatum that doesn't cross the line would be the best peaceful solution.
The best thing Jordon, Egypt or Lebanon should do, not to accept any Palestinian refugees. Because the Palestinian population will explode due to an extreme shortage of land. Its 2016 news.

PCBS Reports: Gaza Strip Is the Most Densely Populated Place on Earth
July 12, 2016 MEO Staff Palestine Latest News

On the occasion of the International Population Day on Monday, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) revealed new data about the population in the occupied Palestinian territory, which it said now totaled 4.81 million people in mid-2016.
According to the PCBS, the total population of Palestine in mid-2016 was about 4.81 million; 2.45 million males and 2.36 million females. The estimated population of West Bank was 2.93 million, of which 1.49 million males and 1.44 million females. The estimated population of Gaza Strip totaled 1.88 million, of which 956 thousand males and 925 thousand females. The percentage of the urban population at mid-2016 was 73.9%, while the percentages of population in rural areas and camps were 16.6% and 9.5% respectively. PCBS also kept a record of the population density of Palestine, which is generally high.
PCBS did not give data regarding Palestinians living in Israel and abroad. However, the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS) estimated earlier this year that 20 percent of the population in Israel — or 1.77 million people — were Palestinian.
Based off of this data, the total population of Palestinians in historical Palestine, which includes present-day Israel — some 6.58 million — outnumbers the ICBS’ estimation of the Jewish Israeli population, which it said totaled 6.38 million, confirming 2014 projections by PCBS.
As of 2010, PCBS estimated that 4.88 million Palestinians lived in the Arab world, while another 626,824 lived in other countries.
Based off of these statistics, the global Palestinian population can be estimated to count more than 12 million people.
In the Gaza Strip, the rate is estimated at 5,154 persons/km2, compared to a lower population density in the West Bank, with 519 persons/km2 at mid-2016. Population projections also revealed that crude birth rate in Palestine is expected to drop from 30.9 births per 1000 of the population in 2016 to 29.0 births per 1000 in 2020. On the other hand, the crude death rate is expected to decline from 3.5 deaths per 1000 of the population in 2016 to 3.4 deaths per 1000 in 2020 in Palestine. Data revealed a decline in the average of the size of households in the West Bank from 6.1 persons in 1997 to 4.9 in 2015, while it declined in Gaza Strip from 6.9 persons to 5.7 for the same period. The size of female-headed households was relatively small, with an average size of 2.9 persons compared to 5.7 persons in male-headed households. The results of labor force survey revealed that the labor force participation rate in the first quarter of 2016 is 45.8% of the total labor force (Persons aged 15 years and above) of which 45.5% in the West Bank and 46.4% in Gaza Strip. The results showed that more than one-fourth of participants in the labor force were unemployed in the first quarter of 2016. The unemployment rate reached 42.8% among females compared to 22.3% among males.
The Gaza Strip, already believed to be the most densely populated place on earth, has a population density of 5,154 persons per square kilometer, PCBS reported — 10 times more than the West Bank density of 519 people per square kilometer.
Palestinians are overwhelmingly urbanized, with PCBS estimating that 73.9 percent of the population lives in urban areas, as opposed to 16.6 percent of in rural areas and 9.5 percent in camps.
PCBS added that the Palestinian population was fairly young, with 39.2 percent of Palestinians aged 14 and younger — 36.9 percent of the population in the West Bank and 42.8 percent in the Gaza Strip — while Palestinians more than 65 years old only constituted 2.9 percent of the population — 3.2 percent in the West Bank, and 2.4 percent in Gaza.
Meanwhile, the profile of Palestinian families has been slowly changing, according to PCBS data. Women’s fertility rate has declined from six births per women in 1997 to 4.1 births in 2013 — 3.7 births per woman in the West Bank compared to 4.5 births in Gaza. As a result, the average household size has gone down from 6.4 persons in 1997 to 5.2 in 2015.
Additionally, 2015 data revealed that 10.9 percent of Palestinian households were headed by women, although these households tended to be much smaller, constituted of an average of 2.9 persons.
Meanwhile, the total labor force participation rate for Palestinians ages 15 and up stood at 45.8 percent, with an average unemployment rate of 26.6 percent, with 18 percent unemployment in the West Bank and a staggering 41.2 percent in the Gaza Strip.
Women’s participation in the labor force remains very low, with 19.4 percent of women participating in the workforce during the first quarter of 2016, compared to 71.6 percent of men. Women were also twice more likely to be unemployed than men, with a 42.8 percent of them unemployed compared to 22.3 percent of men
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