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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Good, let them get all the firepower they need to defeat their enemies. What has this got to do with us Pakistanis?

Palestine has something to do with Pakistan, because they both have something to do with Islam.

what do you have to do with Islam? just go worship the devil already.
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Please tell me, when was the last time the Palestinians or the Arabs cared for or did anything for Pakistanis or Kashmiris?

People like you and me won't be asked about why we didn't stop this on the day of judgement - we don't have the power or the responsibility to stop Israeli terrorism.

The leader of every single Muslim country will be asked on the day of judgement why they failed to stop this zulm.

When I face my Lord I want to be able to say that my power extended to verbally condemning it and verbally asking the leaders of the Muslim world to stop this.

I'm not sure he'll take too kindly to whataboutery.
Please tell me, when was the last time the Palestinians or the Arabs cared for or did anything for Pakistanis or Kashmiris?

Libyan and Jordanian fighters in the PAF during the war.

I believe Canadian F-86 'sold to jordan' when the end destination was Pakistan.

And how many billions of dollars of support over the years.

Not to mention the $ to pakistan from the arabs, including Libya, for the Nuclear programme.

It's a long list.

The attack happened in light of the illegal removal of Palestinians from their homes in Al JArah, where the zionist filth is forcefully moving in and changing the demographics of the area, to make it more jewish, a ploy being copied by one friend of theirs.

Last night the jews attacked the Al Aqsa compund during Isha and taveeh prayers, and countless videos are there showing them attacking the worshipers during prayers, shooting at them stun grenades, tear gas, and rubber bullets.

But hay, its an Arab problem, the Palestinians dont support us on Kashmir, yada yada yada, who cares about the Qibla awal.

May Allah bring his punishment down on the oppressors, and we and our own are weak, and useless.
Death to Israel apartheid.
This is why those worthless ayrabs from UAE, Saudi and Egypt deserve very little respect

You forgot Turkey OH sorry, I just remembered the hypocrisy. What do you expect these three countries you hate so much to do besides condemn the action and impose some type of economic and diplomatic stoppage? You want us to go to war with them for the 4th time 3 of those were just defending our own territory from their invasion and occupation. What is your solution to what those 3 countries should do (excluding Turkey, of course?)

@500 , @DavidSling , any opinions from either of you Israeli members on what your government is doing with these horrible ethnic cleansing acts and barbarism?
You forgot Turkey OH sorry, I just remembered the hypocrisy. What do you expect these three countries you hate so much to do besides condemn the action and impose some type of economic and diplomatic stoppage? You want us to go to war with them for the 4th time 3 of those were just defending our own territory from their invasion and occupation. What is your solution to what those 3 countries should do (excluding Turkey, of course?)

@500 , @DavidSling , any opinions from either of you Israeli members on what your government is doing with these horrible ethnic cleansing acts and barbarism?
Arm the Palestinians to defend themselves would be a good start. The Palestinians are tough enough to fight for themselves but just need weapons.
Let Pakistan and Pakistanis concentrate on looking after Pakistan and themselves FIRST before we start concerning ourselves with foreigners.
Sir respectfully have you notice how western non Muslim countries come together to malign Islam and Muslims whenever they get a chance, to this day I haven’t seen the same logic by them to not get United against Muslims.

Masjid e Aqsa is qibla e awwal and have a very important position in minds and hearts of all Muslims in the world...I think standing together against agents who is causing harm to it is the least we can do on PDF.
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