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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I did hurl it at him, he's an extremist piece of shit that keeps attacking me and quoting me in Iranian section. I don't have any problem with normal and good people.
You yourself are not normal and good. You started off by blackmailing Mods here, then crying like a pathetic child That u will leave. Well, I hope u do leave, this posts run way better without people like you who are totally SECTARIAN HATERS.

You come here and Directly call a member a SHIA PIG/EXTREMIST OR SUMTHING.... As soon as @PakSword leaves you do this. Man,I always knew u are just a NASTY SECTARIAN HATER. You pick fights with @SalarHaqq Cuz you know he has decency unlike peple with NASTY and horrible behaviour like you.

You are wearing a facade. You cant come here and call ppl SHIA TERRORIST or watever u called them. If anyone who terrorises posters with their nastiness and their EXTREMISM than its you.

And alot of the Moderators are to blame for allowing you to come to this EXTENT... You are an abhorrent person and you have been showed to much love and tolerance by mods and everyone else here. But no more.
@PakSword @LeGenD @waz @PDF He has probably deleted the nasty posts where he said appaling things, literally calling @SalarHaqq a filthy SHIA and how he doesnt talk to SHIAS and BLAH BLAH.

@Falcon29 Id rather you take ur RADICAL backside and just do wat you said you wud do Last night. Which is take a hike and leave us for good.
You guys are doing Shia vs. Sunni s*** on here when you will grow up no wonder our enemies knows it is so easier to divide us ... if these were your loved ones will you be fighting still or you will be United ....

Have some respect...
Falcon29 is either an Israeli counterintelligence or Gazan mole because:
1. He seem to know every details, decision making and actions both within Gaza and Israel IN REAL TIME. Not possible to a commoner, under bombardment.
2.He started of insinuating Iran is useless, then made that into Iranians are bad people and now moved on to say Shia are bad people. He is deliberately provoking members to create an uproar.. and manufature artificial Sunni vs Shia fight as members are bound to take sides.
3. His postings reveal an effort to lionize a sanitised version of Israeli prowess ( buildings blown up with accuracy) while putting up laboriously mapped out details of rocket landings and videos of destruction in Israel. This will be obviously forwarded by Muslim members to every forum. Not even sanitised pictures of kids death.

He is slowly but surely building a subliminal narrative that Palestinian are the agressor and Israeli are the victims. Most of you fell for his trick.
I'm sorry but this a lame deflection that I will not tolerate anymore. The whole issue was from 5 radical Shia members here. It's about time they take responsibility for their actions. And if Iranian regime believed in Shia-Sunni unity, they would not be doing sectarian rhetoric 24/7 and saying Jihad against Saudi Arabia is the real Jihad.
Listen I can not give you a lecture on the importance of tolerance and forgiveness in Islam... if you follows Seerat un Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam then you know how our beloved Prophet P.B.U.H shows mercy on people who wanted to harm him and argues with Him ... because He knews that Only Allah SWT know they might become pious Muslims in future ... so brother you become a big brother and let it go specially on this thread as what message you will give to non believers ...
You are wearing a facade. You cant come here and call ppl SHIA TERRORIST or watever u called them. If anyone who terrorises posters with their nastiness and their EXTREMISM than its you.

Allah(SWT) says :

[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."

Do not assume Allah(SWT) is let disbelievers and misdeors wreak havoc and corruption in this world. The victory is always for Allah(SWT) and his Prophets. You guys do not understand anything, too invested in this life.
Do not lie , you Shia extremist terrorist. And stop acting in notion that Shia people are innocent and free of extremism, they are not. This started due to member Arian, who got into something he wasn't involved in. Then your Shia terrorist friend @SalarHaqq began attacking me in Iranian chill thread, I did not talk to him at all. Moderators fixed it all and he restarted the attack again.

Banning me here will do nothing for you btw. Imagine if I became a politician in the Middle East, what would happen to you guys? I know how to narrative build against your kind very effectively. I will demoralize you badly. I know how to deal with your type and your Jewish forefathers you learned a lot from. Believe me, do not wish I get banned from posting updates on internet, because you might something much worse.

I'm sorry but this a lame deflection that I will not tolerate anymore. The whole issue was from 5 radical Shia members here. It's about time they take responsibility for their actions. And if Iranian regime believed in Shia-Sunni unity, they would not be doing sectarian rhetoric 24/7 and saying Jihad against Saudi Arabia is the real Jihad.
@PakSword @LeGenD @PDF @waz He is calling me SHIA EXTREMIST TERRORIST. Whilst not knowing anything About me, my IDEOLOGY or how I was brought up. Its a shame that this guy has become so careless about crossing the line.

I can Launch my own ICBM of insults towards him nd call him wat i can on the same secterian lines If i wanted to. But losers like @Falcon29 who are worth absolutely nothing in the end are not worth even insulting. But I partly blame some of the moderators for this guys audacity, that he will just openly call me SHIA EXTREMIST and using wordslike PIGS constantly.

HE is acting like a sectarian madman like we all know he is. He is a very well know Shia hater on PDF. The fact of the matter is that he's been treated way more kindly than he deserves.

@Falcon29 You are the most extremist person on PDF. There used to be another extremist here just like you, i dont see that dude anymore. If you want to show how much of a SHIA hater you are then we can also show how to deal with utter scumbags like you. You are an insecured lil brat and your petulance has been tolerated for far too long here by everybody. The Mods must take actions against you. You need to be disciplined, you need a spanking. The best medicine for Petulance is Mommy's and Daddy's spanking. Ask any 5 yr old around you about it, they will tell you.

And Most people here can see who seems more similar to a TERRORIST between Me and You.
Listen I can not give you a lecture on the importance of tolerance and forgiveness in Islam... if you follows Seerat un Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam then you know how our beloved Prophet P.B.U.H shows mercy on people who wanted to harm him and argues with Him ... because He knews that Only Allah SWT know they might become pious Muslims in future ... so brother you become a big brother and let it go specially on this thread as what message you will give to non believers ...

May Allah have mercy on our Prophet(SAW) .... I am not a merciful person, I don't forget or forgive. Also, our Lord Allah(SWT) does not forget what people suffered through and will he will make it for them and exact a price for them.

I have no issues with anyone besides specific group of 5 people that derailed the thread after repeated warnings not to. And began insulting me/attacking me/tagging me in their own threads. Now we should get back on topic, once these radicals stop derailing more.
@WebMaster @waz @krash[/USE
@LeGenD @PakSword

Who is this stupid mod that hides behind @?
No one can contact him. He never tells us which post he has delete and then asks the dumbest questions. Here is an example of his foolish behaviour.

How the hell am I supposed to tell this stupid mod.
How many times in public forum have I asked who is he/she/it? Why are you hiding. Are you afraid...if you ask dumbest questions do you expect an answer. This is like the 15th time I am addressing you. Stop being a twat. Otherwise I will start to attack you in every one of my post as the dumbest mod ever. You seem to be sniffing every one of my posts. I guess you have nothing better to do. Stupid person.
@PakSword @LeGenD @PDF @waz He is calling me SHIA EXTREMIST TERRORIST. Whilst not knowing anything About me, my IDEOLOGY or how I was brought up. Its a shame that this guy has become so careless about crossing the line.

I can Launch my own ICBM of insults towards him nd call him wat i can on the same secterian lines If i wanted to. But losers like @Falcon29 who are worth absolutely nothing in the end are not worth even insulting. But I partly blame some of the moderators for this guys audacity, that he will just openly call me SHIA EXTREMIST and using wordslike PIGS constantly.

HE is acting like a sectarian madman like we all know he is. He is a very well know Shia hater on PDF. The fact of the matter is that he's been treated way more kindly than he deserves.

@Falcon29 You are the most extremist person on PDF. There used to be another extremist here just like you, i dont see that dude anymore. If you want to show how much of a SHIA hater you are then we can also show how to deal with utter scumbags like you. You are an insecured lil brat and your petulance has been tolerated for far too long here by everybody. The Mods must take actions against you. You need to be disciplined, you need a spanking. The best medicine for Petulance is Mommy's and Daddy's spanking. Ask any 5 yr old around you about it, they will tell you.

And Most people here can see who seems more similar to a TERRORIST between Me and You.

May God guide you to the right path, kiddo. Now let's get back on topic please.
You crazy radical terrorist, you posted screenshots of posts from months ago, which I got banned for. You and the specific group of 4-5 radicals began insulting me and attacking me. No one cares about your narrative building for Iran, don't force it down people's throats. You have mental condition that makes you worship Iran even though you are Pakistani. Don't assume everyone else is like you.

It doesn't matter how old those posts are, you never retracted them and refused to provide any explanation today, suggesting you still endorse their content. Content which you now partly reiterated in this very thread, which made for some nice additional screen captures to expose you with, by the way.

Also, you forgot to show evidence of the "terrorist" activity I am supposed to have taken part in. I'm aware that calling anyone who points at one's misbehavior a "terrorist", is among the many consequences of extensive exposure to zio-American "culture" and videogames, but you're sounding like a broken record by now. Really, try something new, be creative. I thought Americans excel in creativity, but I must've been wrong.

I did not "begin insulting you" at all, I began exposing your past behavior to Iranian users. Thanks to me, no Iranian on PDF is ever going to be misled by you again. I did not and do not invite them to attack or insult you, but merely enjoin them to realize what kind of ideas the person they are dealing with has been showcasing here, so they think twice before holding you in a particularly high form of esteem. Other than that, I'd counsel them to avoid interacting with you. I never encouraged them to insult or attack you. That's all.

Your posts are so dumb and boring and full of lies, as usual not including what your radical brothers wrote towards me or the insults they hurled towards me. But, as usual, when you guys try this impose this Pharaoh-like status quo on me, I have to put you guys under mercy once again. I will continue doing so if you can't behave. I am not afraid of Shia radical terrorists. And you 4-5 radical terrorists should have been banned long ago.

Blablabla, you literally keep repeating the same handful of ludicrous, infantile catchwords. They hurled insults towards you? Poor you. Yet, you've only the monstrosities you churned out to blame for that.

Once tables turn you we will see your so called 'patience' , lol. Get out of here with your nonsense you terrorist clown.

You wish, don't you? Now that I'm done exposing you, it is time to entertain your obsessions. Although, after second thought I must admit your repetitive, dull and thoroughly unimaginative gibberish is getting boring to me and to everyone else endowed with basic decency.

You are getting desperate , aren't you , terrorist. It seems like the only thing on your mind is Iran and Iranian's.

It's simple: you kept talking trash, I kept dismantling it. And virtually rubbing the sordid garbage you posted in your face.

As if they are god-like species. If you love so much you need to go move there. But, I am sure they refuse to give you citizenship and that is why you are sitting in Belgium , and yet still kissing their ***. You are a mentally clown that needs to shut up about Iran all the time. This thread is about Palestinians.

Can't leave zionist-controlled America for Gaza, can we?

This thread is about the ongoing Gaza conflict, hence any and all expressions of solidarity (including from Iran and pro-Iranians) as well as any newly released analysis from legitimate sources on Iranian support for Palestine are going to be shared here. InshAllah, many more such items are to come..! Brace yourself, and do not forget to insult some more. You're merely exhibiting your pitiful customs to an ever increasing circle of readers, and enabling mass reporting of your forum rule violations. Now that's something you're proficient at, for a change.

Behold this specimen, everyone: in this thread, he agitated dozens of times against Islamic Iran, the only state actor on earth to provide the Palestinian Resistance with military aid, and considerable aid at that. By contrast, not once did he denounce the US regime's unconditional backing of the zionist apartheid entity. Truly an upside-down world this subject appears to dwell in.

Trying to patronize everyone under the flimsy pretext that he is of Palestinian origin, whereas Palestinian Resistance officials hold a discourse diametrically opposed to his lunatic rants. Attempting to dictate rules and continuously insulting good contributors of this thread for not sticking to his outlandish subjective guidelines, this type is clearly out of his not so brilliant mind.

Then your Shia terrorist friend @SalarHaqq began attacking me in Iranian chill thread, I did not talk to him at all.

Reminding two Iranian users of some of the monstrosities you spewed against their country, people and mazhab. And only after two other Iranian users initiated the discussion about you. I merely joined in at a later point, I didn't "start" anything. Are you that slow to grasp this simple, verifiable fact, or do you just enjoy lying? If this is getting you mad, go reflect upon the nonsense you uttered here, which led to users calling you out.

And began insulting me/attacking me/tagging me in their own threads

This is a pure lie, and you know it. Nobody "tagged" you there.

Dear readers, I invite all of you to visit the "Iranian Chill Thread" in the Iranian section of the forum, and discover by yourselves whether anyone tagged this subject recently. You'll realize that nobody did, and that he is not speaking the truth here. And doing so right after issuing statements about God and His Justice... We should all pray to God and implore Him to have mercy on this disoriented soul and guide him back onto the path of righteousness.
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@WebMaster @waz [USER=17941]@krash[/USE
@LeGenD @PakSword

Who is this
No one can contact him. He never tells us which post he has delete and then asks the dumbest questions. Here is an example of his foolish behaviour.
View attachment 744503

How the hell am I supposed to tell this
How many times in public forum have I asked who is he/she/it? Why are you hiding. Are you afraid...if you ask dumbest questions do you expect an answer. This is like the 15th time I am addressing you. You seem to be sniffing everyone of my posts. I guess you have nothing better to do. Stupid person

That's not the mod's fault. The system does not show which mod deletes your post or which post is deleted, unlike warnings. All the notifications for deleted posts look like that, from every mod. Doubt he/she is hiding deliberately. In fact, pretty sure its different mods who've deleted your different posts.
Artillery shelling reported in Khan Yunis.
Listen I can not give you a lecture on the importance of tolerance and forgiveness in Islam... if you follows Seerat un Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam then you know how our beloved Prophet P.B.U.H shows mercy on people who wanted to harm him and argues with Him ... because He knews that Only Allah SWT know they might become pious Muslims in future ... so brother you become a big brother and let it go specially on this thread as what message you will give to non believers ...
Why is anyone shia? Or sunni. Both are wrong.

Be only Muslims. Thats what your prophet pbuh was. The imams the sheikh the pirs all jahils have split us

Today you fight on the net for nothing. If anything abuse the bastards that split us
That's not the mod's fault. The system does not show which mod deletes your post or which post is deleted, unlike warnings. All the notifications for deleted posts look like that, from every mod. Doubt he/she is hiding deliberately. In fact, pretty sure its different mods who've deleted your different posts.
Thanks for the answer but seriously ..
When you have a question mark as a symbol and no one can contact you and you don't tell the person which post is offensive or the reason then that mod is being an *** I am afraid.

Why ask stupid questions when you know no one will be able to answer you? The person doing this knows they are doing it
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