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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Simple, Iran is not interested in fighting the USA which will 100% mobilize within hours against Iran and already have the plans to do so..

Yeah but you lobbed a bunch of missiles right at a US military installation in Iraq and didn't get any retaliation from them for something they would consider an automatic act of war. I was very surprised they didn't unleased hell on you for that, so what make you think Biden would even have the courage to act militarily when he's trying to get the JCPOA back in order? And that was when that lunatic Trump was in office.

You're basically saying exactly what most of us who understand war consequences very well. But if there was ever a time for Iranian retaliation, this is it and take out all their airports. Cripple their airforce capabilities and watch how vulnerable they become. We always hear about the great Iranian missiles use them now!
Yeah but you lobbed a bunch of missiles right at a US military installation in Iraq and didn't get any retaliation from them for something they would consider an automatic act of war. I was very surprised they didn't unleased hell on you for that, so what make you think Biden would even have the courage to act militarily when he's trying to get the JCPOA back in order? And that was when that lunatic Trump was in office.

You're basically saying exactly what most of us who understand war consequences very well. But if there was ever a time for Iranian retaliation, this is it and take out all their airports. Cripple their airforce capabilities and watch how vulnerable they become. We always hear about the great Iranian missiles use them now!
Or theoretically one could use them on the country that has imposed a draconian blockade on Gaza while shedding crocodile tears for the very same people that they have blockaded. That will help the Gazans more actually.

Hitting Israeli airbases won't put food on the table of the Gazans or give them hi-tech arms to defend themselves, ending the blockade will. Just saying...

An Israeli air strike in Gaza destroyed several homes on Sunday, killing 42 Palestinians, including 10 children, health officials said, as militants fired rockets at Israel with no end in sight to seven days of fighting.

The Israeli military said the civilian casualties were unintentional. It said its jets attacked a tunnel system used by militants, which collapsed, bringing the homes down.

Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, called it "pre-meditated killing".

As the U.N. Security Council convened to discuss the worst Israeli-Palestinian violence in years, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel's campaign in Gaza was continuing at "full force".

Netanyahu also defended an Israeli air strike on Saturday that destroyed a 12-storey building where the Associated Press and the Al Jazeera TV network had offices. He said the structure also housed a militant group's intelligence office and was thus a legitimate target.

"We are acting now, (and) for as long as necessary, to restore calm and quiet to you, Israel's citizens. It will take time," Netanyahu said in a televised address after meeting with his security cabinet.

The death toll in Gaza jumped to 192, including 58 children, its health ministry said, amid an intensive Israeli air and artillery barrage since the fighting erupted last Monday.

Ten people have been killed in Israel, including two children, Israeli authorities say.


At the homes destroyed during the Israeli attack in a Gaza neighbourhood early on Sunday, Palestinians worked to clear rubble from one of the wrecked buildings, recovering the bodies of a woman and man.

"These are moments of horror that no one can describe. Like an earthquake hit the area," said Mahmoud Hmaid, a father of seven who was helping with the rescue efforts.

The Israeli military said its aircraft had targeted at a Hamas tunnel system that ran beneath a road in Gaza City.

"The underground military facility collapsed, causing the foundation of the civilian houses above them to collapse as well, leading to unintended casualties," it said in a statement.

The military said it tried to avoid civilian casualties, but said Hamas bore responsibility "for intentionally locating its military infrastructure under civilian houses, thus exposing civilians to danger".

In Gaza, Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said: "As usual, Israel is trying to mislead the public opinion through these lies in an attempt to justify the crime and escape responsibility."

Another Hamas official, Sami Abu Zuhri, told Reuters: "What happened this morning was a pre-meditated killing."

Speaking by phone from Istanbul he said: "The images of what happened and from the scene prove that the buildings were targeted directly, which caused them to collapse."

Palestinian demonstrators look at burning tires during a protest over tension in Jerusalem and Israel-Gaza escalation, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, May 16, 2021. REUTERS/Ammar Awad

People walk past debris in a street at the site of Israeli air strikes, in Gaza City May 16, 2021. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

Mourners carry the bodies of Palestinians, including members of Abu Hatab family, who were killed amid a flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence, during their funeral at the Beach refugee camp, in Gaza City May 15, 2021. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

People walk past debris in a street at the site of Israeli air strikes, in Gaza City May 16, 2021. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem


In New York, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the Security Council that hostilities in Israel and Gaza were "utterly appalling" and called for an immediate end to fighting.

He said the United Nations was "actively engaging all sides toward an immediate ceasefire" and urged them "to allow mediation efforts to intensify and succeed."

The United States told the Security Council it has made clear to Israel, the Palestinians and others that it is ready to offer support “should the parties seek a ceasefire”.

In his address in Israel, Netanyahu said he wanted to "exact a price from the aggressor" and restore deterrence to prevent future conflict.

Hamas began its rocket assault on Monday after weeks of tensions over a court case to evict several Palestinian families in East Jerusalem, and in retaliation for Israeli police clashes with Palestinians near the city's Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam's third holiest site, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The Israeli military said that Hamas, an Islamist group regarded by Israel, the United States and the European Union as a terrorist movement, and other armed factions have fired more than 2,800 rockets from Gaza over the past week.

This was more than half the number fired during 51 days in a 2014 war between Hamas and Israel, the military said, and more intensive even than Hezbollah's bombardment from Lebanon during the 2006 war between Israel and the Iran-backed Shi'ite group.

Many of the rockets have been intercepted by an Israeli anti-missile system while some have fallen short of the border.


On U.S. network CBS's "Face the Nation" programme, Netanyahu said Israel had passed information to U.S. authorities about Saturday's attack on the al-Jala building. Israel had given advance warning to occupants of the building to leave.

The Associated Press has condemned the strike and asked Israel to put forward its evidence that Hamas was in the building.

There was "an intelligence office for the Palestinian terrorist organization housed in that building that plots and organizes terror attacks against Israeli civilians, so it's a perfectly legitimate target," Netanyahu said.

U.S. President Joe Biden's envoy, Hady Amr, arrived in Israel on Friday for talks.

An official with first-hand knowledge of Amr's meetings in Israel said: "He voiced what the administration has been saying openly about Israel having full U.S. support for defending itself.

"He made clear that no one expects Israel to do otherwise, and that this is clearly not something that can be wrapped up in 24 hours," said the official, who asked not to be identified.

Any mediation is complicated by the fact that the United States and most Western powers do not talk to Hamas as a matter of policy.

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Resistance power on full display: Israeli general admits to ‘highest ever rate’ of rocket attacks
Sunday, 16 May 2021 4:31 PM [ Last Update: Sunday, 16 May 2021 5:47 PM ]


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The Israeli Iron Dome missile system (L) intercepts rockets (R) fired by the Hamas resistance movement toward occupied territories from Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip as seen in the sky above the Gaza Strip overnight on May 14, 2021. (Photo by AFP)
A top Israeli general has admitted to the rising missile power of the Palestinian resistance groups, saying the Israeli regime is now faced with “the highest ever rate of rocket attacks” in the midst of its latest onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip.
In a press conference on Sunday, Major General Ori Gordin said Palestinian resistance groups based in Gaza had fired around 3,000 rockets toward the occupied territories over the past several days, surpassing the pace seen during an escalation in 2019 and the 2006 war with Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance group.
Retaliatory rocket attacks by Hamas and Islamic Jihad against Israeli targets come in response to Israel’s relentless airstrikes on the densely-populated enclave.
According to Palestine’s health ministry, 188 Palestinians, including 55 children and 33 women, have so far been killed and 1230 others injured in Gaza in the latest round of aggression by the Israeli regime that began on Monday.

Gordin, who is commander of the Israeli regime's home front, displayed a graphic that showed some 570 rockets had been fired from Gaza toward Israeli targets over three days of conflict between Israeli forces and Islamic Jihad in November 2019.
The high-ranking commander also said that in the 2006 war with Hezbollah, a total of 4,500 rockets had been launched against Israeli targets over the course of 19 days.
When asked whether the latest conflict has seen the highest rate of rockets being launched against Israeli-occupied territories, he said, “Not only do I agree, this is what I present.”
Israeli airstrike kills 8 children, 2 women from same family in Gaza
Israeli airstrike kills 8 children, 2 women from same family in Gaza
An Israeli airstrike has killed 10 members of a Palestinian family, including eight children, in a refugee came in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Palestinian FM slams moves to 'normalize' Israel ties
Separately on Sunday, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malik lambasted countries that moved to normalize their relations with Israel last year, as the regime’s war machine constantly breathes fire on Gaza.
“Normalization and running toward this colonial Israeli system without achieving peace and ending the Israeli occupation of Arab and Palestinian lands represents support for the apartheid regime and participation in its crimes,” he told an emergency meeting of foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
The Israeli regime has significantly stepped up its much-criticized land grab projects since its normalization deals with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain - followed by Sudan and Morocco.
Palestinians across the occupied territories and all Palestinian factions have strongly condemned the so-called normalization deals.
“This colonial occupation must be confronted, dismantled, ended, and banned. The recently accelerated normalization will not have an impact on the sentiments of the Arab world or change their assessment,” Malik stressed.
Lieberman voices concern over Israel’s weakness against Hamas
In an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 on Saturday evening, Avigdor Liberman, the regime’s former minister of military affairs, harshly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the way the current conflict with Palestinian resistance groups, particularly Hamas, has been playing out.
Liberman, who was Netanyahu’s former ally, called on Israelis to ask themselves the question, “If this is our situation against Hamas, what will our position against Hezbollah and Iran look like?”
“Netanyahu endangers our existence and leads us to destruction,” the leader of the Yisrael Beytenu party stressed.
Pointing to Israel’s weakness in the face of the Palestinian resistance groups, Liberman said “the Arab world is watching us and will say what will Israel’s position be like against Hezbollah and Iran if its position against Hamas is like the way we see now.”
“The strategic goal of this round of conflict is to improve Netanyahu’s status among the Israeli public, in order to drag us to fifth elections… So long as the mandate to form a government is with Yair Lapid, Netanyahu will try to drag out the conflict,” Liberman added.
“Hamas for the first time created an internal front against us inside Israel. Hamas has taken control of the Palestinian streets. The winner of this operation is Hamas,” he further noted.
Liberman noted that the current operation against Gaza would be vain if it ended without the disarmament of Hamas and the return of the bodies of two Israeli soldiers.
Iran rights body: Equivocal statements legitimize Israel's crimes, encourage their repetition
Iran rights body: Equivocal statements legitimize Israel's crimes, encourage their repetition
A senior Iranian human rights council says the UN ambiguous position on the massacre of Palestinians is tantamount to complicity in Israel

Egypt ‘opens’ Rafah crossing early for Palestinian travelers
Separately on Sunday, Egypt opened the Rafah border crossing a day earlier than scheduled to allow the passage from the Gaza Strip of students, people who are in need of medical treatment, and other humanitarian cases, Reuters reported, citing two unnamed sources.
Three buses carrying 263 people crossed the border by 1 p.m. local time (1100 GMT), one of the sources said. The crossing had been closed for the Eid al-Fitr holiday and was due to reopen on Monday.
Even before Sunday's reopening, Egypt had been picking up people wounded in Israeli bombardments at the crossing. Egypt has so far sent 16 ambulances to pick up casualties, most of whom had suffered serious injuries that required immediate surgical procedures, medical sources said.
Pope warns of ‘spiral of death’ in Israeli atrocities
Additionally, on Sunday, Pope Francis condemned the Israeli regime’s killing of innocent people as “terrible and unacceptable,” warning that the latest conflict could get even worse.
“In these days, violent armed clashes between the Gaza Strip and Israel have taken over, and risk degenerating into a spiral of death and destruction,” the pope said following his Sunday Regina Caeli prayer.
“Numerous people have been injured, and many innocents have died. Among them, there are also children, and this is terrible and unacceptable,” the 84-year-old pontiff added.
Pope appealed for calm and urged involved parties to put an end to the hostilities and called on the international community to intervene.
Saudi Arabia condemns Israel’s 'flagrant violations'
During the OIC’s emergency meeting on Sunday, Saudi Arabia, as the host, denounced Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza and urged the international community to swiftly intervene to end the aggression.
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan called on the international community to take “urgent action” to stop the Israeli military attacks and the regime’s “flagrant violations” of Palestinian rights. He also called for the revival of “peace talks” aimed at securing the so-called two-state solution.
He also condemned the violation of the sanctity of Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem al-Quds.
“Preserving Jerusalem [al-Quds] is the responsibility of all of us,” stressed bin Farhan, whose country has not formally normalized ties with Tel Aviv but is known to maintain clandestine relations.
Wow, Biden is showing support to Israel, I can't believe that this Piece of a shit President we have in US is actually supporting a country that is bombing Civilians indiscriminately.

Yeah I hope he wakes up quick
Amazing. All i said was take advantage of the d=current satiation where Israel is disheveled and hit them wher it hurts with all the great ballistic missile arsenal that Iran has been building and touting about and instead he suggest lobbying them at Egypt to open the crossing loool. The level of discussion is so low.

If we don't start bowing down and worshipping Iran in every thread they go derail it and harass people. It's so embarrassing for this forum staff and embarrassing for Pakistani people to allow these radicals to impose their will on them. They have bizarre attention seeking behavior.

I don't know how any moderator that identifies as a Muslim does not issue bans to these people that literally try to enforce worship of Iran here, away from Allah.
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