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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Yeah but you lobbed a bunch of missiles right at a US military installation in Iraq and didn't get any retaliation from them for something they would consider an automatic act of war. I was very surprised they didn't unleased hell on you for that, so what make you think Biden would even have the courage to act militarily when he's trying to get the JCPOA back in order? And that was when that lunatic Trump was in office.

You're basically saying exactly what most of us who understand war consequences very well. But if there was ever a time for Iranian retaliation, this is it and take out all their airports. Cripple their airforce capabilities and watch how vulnerable they become. We always hear about the great Iranian missiles use them now!

"You're basically saying exactly what most of us who understand war consequences very well. "

Consequences of direct action against a 700 billion dollar military can only be negated if their is sufficient legal justification particularly in the eyes of the world. This was a unique event, unlikely to ever happen again. What Israel is capable of doing to Gaza Strip, is not even a fraction of what the US could do if it was ever engage in unrestricted warfare with Iran (which they have to do, or else they will face serious casualties). Because they are not mentally and legal prepared to do that, Iran has establish sufficient deterrence.

It's frankly all about legal justification. The Americans used kinetic force in a neighboring country where the deceased was scheduled to meet with a Saudi Ambassador. With this in mind, their is legal justification for a kinetic response, and the right would've been on Iran's side.

With regards to Israel's covert efforts, it is simply not enough of a legal justification to start a direct kinetic war. For example, when an Iraqi militia group targets a US base in Iraq, this group is back by Iran, but the US doesn't engage Iran because of the attack, sometimes it doesn't even target the group. With regards to the many airstrikes in Syria, most if not all of those strikes were directed at storage facilities and bases that led to collateral damage primarily along Iran-backed groups in a country where the United Nations and many other nations said Iran does not belong. It would be considered a disproportionate use of force if their was a direct kinetic retaliation for that. Only retaliation Iran can do is covertly inside Israel which is frankly, mission impossible.

I would say personally, only a direct/kinetic attack inside Iran would ever justify a kinetic response directly from Iran. These are the issues that come with making enemies with a superpower and his best friend.
If we don't start bowing down and worshipping Iran in every thread they go derail it and harass people. It's so embarrassing for this forum staff and embarrassing for Pakistani people to allow these radicals to impose their will on them. They have bizarre attention seeking behavior.

I don't know how any moderator that identifies as a Muslim does not issue bans to these people that literally try to enforce worship of Iran here, away from Allah.

Thx for the backup, my good friend. These must be very difficult times for you and your family. All I suggested to the Iranian member whos has been cordial with me is a military operation because these could be the perfect moment they were looking for to assert revenge. Never said anything negative.

Let's hope this ends soon and pick up the pieces and heal InshaAllah.
This is so STUPID.

All of these dreams are unachievable. You want to know why? Because an Iranian will care more about himself and Iran, a Pakistani, Malaysian, Saudi, Turkish, etc etc.

These nations cannot lead, the people within don't care enough, they disregard one another, Iran's problem is Iran's problem, Pakistan's Kashmir problem is Pakistan's problem, we don't care, it has nothing to do with me. <<-- This F*cking mindset is the problem. The west sees it, exploits it, divides all of us, conquers all of us, and we're all still too stupid to see it.

Do you see it in Europe? NATO? UK? Americas? Australians, they're little disagreements here and there, but man oh man are they more united than anyone of us LOSERS can ever be.

Yeah.. keep fighting with your own brothers & sisters, keep having a "Who has a bigger d*ck" contest.

Due to that, nothing will happen, you'll cry today but tomorrow we'll all be back to our selfish illusions. That's what we deserve anyway, we are pathetic Muslims, great in number, just too stupid and selfish.
Once Arabs deal with Israel , Iran is next. Both Jewish and Iranian facist culture needs to be eradicated. It's not a coincidence that Dajjal comes from Iran nor that the Prophet proheciszed they will be dealt with once again.

I said go shoo to Iranian section.
Dajjal comes from Iraq-Syria dude ? How are the arabs going to deal with Israel when non of the governments support Palestinian resistance groups. Downright even sabotages them.
Israel media reports approval of ground options to be undertaken in the following week.

Meaning those rockets are keeping them restless or delivering blows and all of the massacres that the Israelis have been committing in Gaza aren't breaking the Palestinian resistance's resolve. The core of Zionism is to capture everything between Euphrates and the destruction of Masjid Al-Aqsa; but since the Palestinian resistance is insisting on any ceasefire must be based on Israel stopping the settlements and violation of the sanctity of Masjid Al-Aqsa, it seems the Israeli leaders can't get their head around accepting that demand, knowing full well that will negate everything they've been working since the formation of their criminal state: The land theft and the expulsion of the indigenous people.


Just a piece of advice, I think we should only discuss the current happening in and around the war zone, or any news related to the ongoing Israeli massacre of Palestinians.

We can create separate threads on history.

Please consider it as a request. Thanks.

Point well-taken, bro. You have my apology for bringing the off-topic that is not related to the current topic.
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One Palestinian member, who is stressed over situation in his hometown , got harrassed and attacked by Iranians and Pakistani Shia over and over again because he told a Bosnian Shia member to not suggest Palestinians are firing on behalf of Iran.

Shame on this moderation and shame on Pakistani people if this @SalarHaqq radical is not banned.
Meaning those rockets are keeping them restless or delivering blows and all of the massacres that the Israelis have been committing in Gaza aren't breaking the Palestinian resistance's resolve. The core of Zionism is to capture everything between Euphrates and the destruction of Masjid Al-Aqsa; but since the Palestinian resistance is insisting on any ceasefire must be based on Israel stopping the settlements and violation of the sanctity of Masjid Al-Aqsa,

Point well-taken, bro. You have my apology for bringing the off-topic that is not related to the current topic.

Thanks brother Hassan, I will return tonight if there are new updates. If anyone want to follow a good source , follow Shehab news agency on Twitter. They have minute by minute updates and are based in Gaza. Very reliable news source but needs translating from Arabic go English.

Most please keep an eye on this thread.

Agents of chaos are hiding behind friendly flags to derail the thread and hiding Israeli atrocities and Palestinian genocide by Zionist settlers

The Israeli has shills everywhere to hide Jewish terrorism.
@LeGenD and other moderators dealing with this thread: one of you gentlemen requested me not to quote this user and not to respond to him, so I obliged. He however keeps targeting and offending Iran, Iranians, Shia Muslims as well as the Axis of Resistance in off-topic comments, accusing them of being "hell bent on murdering Muslims" - a statement which appears to suggest that Shias are not Muslims.

Quite funny that this subject accused me of having pronounced takfir on our Sunni brothers - which I never did, which is why he failed to substantiate his claim with evidence of me doing so. And now here he is, implying that Shia are not part of the Muslim Umma, at least that's what his formulation seems to indicate. Likewise, he is advocating that Muslims go out and "murder" Iranians and their allies.

I'd also be genuinely interested in a source for the quote he attributes to seyyed Nasrallah, that "jihad is not for Isra"el" but for Saudi Arabia". Sounds awfully unrealistic to me. Unless this can be backed up by evidence, it represents propaganda, which is against forum rules.

See post number 145988 please.

Also, he reiterates that we are "trying to be God" (astaghfirAllah). I wonder, where in the world did any of us make such a mad claim? This person seems to think that anyone who radically disagrees with his views, or who responds to his multiple past insults, is "trying to be God"! This is quite worrying, because no matter one's degree of religiosity, one should not extrapolate religious principles in order to confront opposing views and convictions. Not to mention that this might go against forum rules, insofar as it introduces religious arguments into the discussion.

Another thing he does, is to keep citing me in his comments.

I really do want to exercise more patience and restraint, but at some point it is really hard to watch this user go on unabated with his provocative posting, while having to stay silent due to having been requested by mods not to intervene. If he is allowed to attack me in a repeated manner, then I should be permitted to respond.
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Wow, Biden is showing support to Israel, I can't believe that this Piece of a shit President we have in US is actually supporting a country that is bombing Civilians indiscriminately.
Maybe he is enjoying cow dung bath right at this moment in time?
Iran and Iranians are begging for another a conquest. Their culture and books need to be burned down. They have too strong of a hate towards Islam and Muslims, especially Arabs.

If Hassan Nasrallah goes out and said the Jihad is not for Israel but for Saudi Arabia, then you know what is on mind of Iranian leadership. They need to be conquered again and I have read in ahadeeth that happens during the Mahdis time. Of course they will double down on their hate and join Dajjal as a result, but so he it. I don't have a problem with rotting in hell. They and the Jews are out of control facists hell bent on murdering Muslims and Muslims need to return favor.

I will be back tonight, and don't care if I'm banned. That's not going to change Allah's will towards these two groups of facists.

Go shoo to your Iranian section. Go promote shirk there. We aren't going to worship you or the Jews.
Can you change the Palestinian flag to a hindjew flag plz? You are certainly not a Palestinian.
@LeGenD and other moderators dealing with this thread: one of you gentlemen requested me not to quote this user and not to respond to him, so I obliged. He however keeps targeting and offending Iran, Iranians, Shia Muslims as well as the Axis of Resistance in off-topic comments, accusing them of being "hell bent on murdering Muslims" - a statement which appears to suggest that Shias are not Muslims.

Quite funny that this subject accused me of having pronounced takfir on our Sunni brothers - which I never did, and he failed to substantiate his claim with evidence of me doing so (because I never did). And now here he is, implying that Shia are not part of the Umma, at least that is what his formulation seems to entail. Likewise, he is advocating that Muslims go out and "murder" Iranians and their friends.

Also, I'd be genuinely interested in a source for the quote he attributes to seyyed Nasrallah, that "jihad is not for Isra"el" but for Saudi Arabia". Sounds awfully unrealistic to me. Unless this can be backed up by evidence, it represents propaganda.

See post number 145988 please.

Also, he keeps citing me in his comments.

I really do want to exercise more patience, but at some point it is really hard to watch this user go on with his provocative posting in an unabated manner, while staying silent due to having been requested by mods not to intervene.

Yes, he should be banned.

‘The world today needs a Hitler,’ CNN contributor says in now-deleted tweet – but, turns out he had more than one
16 May, 2021 21:31
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‘The world today needs a Hitler,’ CNN contributor says in now-deleted tweet – but, turns out he had more than one

A screenshot shows Adeel Raja's since-deleted tweet about Adolf Hitler, May 16, 2021 © Twitter / @SirajAHashmi
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CNN’s hosts regularly opine on the supposed dangers of “white supremacy” in the US, but one of the network’s own contributors is under fire for his open admiration of Adolf Hitler.
Amid ongoing violence between Hamas militants and the Israeli military, CNN contributor Adeel Raja waded into the debate on Sunday by tweeting - then promptly deleting - “The world today needs a Hitler.”

Raja, whose LinkedIn profile states that he is a “freelance contributor at CNN” is based in Pakistan, and has written articles for the network on Pakistani affairs. His name appears on more than 50 CNN articles, but as of Sunday evening, CNN does not link his name to a profile.
While Raja swiftly deleted his tweet, older posts expressing admiration for the infamous Nazi leader remained online as of Sunday evening. Raja rooted for Germany during the 2014 World Cup because “Hitler was a German and he did good with those jews!” In other 2014 posts he declared that Germans must awaken their “inner Hitler,” and concisely posted “Hail Hitler.”

A screenshot from Adeel Raja's Twitter account, taken May 16, 2021

A screenshot from Adeel Raja's Twitter account, taken May 16, 2021

A screenshot from Adeel Raja's Twitter account, taken May 16, 2021
Confusingly, Raja compared Indian Prime Minister Nerandera Modi to Hitler on numerous occasions, with these comparisons intended negatively. However, he reserved the worst of his scorn for the state of Israel, tweeting in 2014 “ISIS, TTP, TALIBAN - please go to Israel ASAP!”


A screenshot from Adeel Raja's Twitter account, taken May 16, 2021
Even after he deleted his Sunday tweet, commenters online hammered Raja for his apparent Hitler-worship, and attacked CNN for continuing to employ him even after multiple Fuhrer-posting sprees.

Hey @cnn this seems to be one of yours, but I imagine that surprises no one anymore. https://t.co/b90yrLXNpspic.twitter.com/JMq89aURur
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 16, 2021

Twitter was also lambasted for suspending former President Donald Trump for calling on his supporters to peacefully protest, but allowing Raja to keep his verified account.

Praising Hitler is not something one would expect from any media outlet, save for absolute fringe websites like the ‘Daily Stormer.’ CNN’s hosts and journalists too have been extremely vocal about the supposed threat of “white supremacists” and “domestic terrorists” in the US, terms generally ascribed to the subset of Trump supporters who rioted at the US Capitol in January.
However, at the time of this article’s publication the network has not commented on the Hitler-supporting tweets of its contributor.

Please check @Falcon29 as he is creating enmity between Iran and arabs. He doesnt look Palestinian to me.

The Zionists are well versed in exploiting the muslim weaknesses, they know each and every minor detail about Muslims. They know about Quran and Hadith more than an average muslim

Many books are written by spies who helped ending Ottoman Empire, it is no secret.

It is our duty to spot these agents of chaos and show their right place.

Iran is as muslim as other Muslim countries right now.
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